Stars! AutoHost
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Jul. 27, 2 games, 21 active players (6 unique).
0 new games started in last week.
space mine Enter the minefield of current games to play your turn.

teraform module How you can start a game on Stars! AutoHost.

mystery trader ship What is Stars! AutoHost ?

stars What is "Stars!" ? Also, see the Strategy Guide

starbase Jump to the AutoHost Starbase Epsilon-42 for links to other Stars! related sites.

Home World Stop in at AutoHost Home World Forum general discussion area. Share your questions, tactics, answers, and more. The forum is what you make it.

planetary scanner Access the AutoHost KN-2050 central computer for downloads including playable demos of Stars! Player Utilities.

Postcards Browse our Players Postcards from around the world or even send us one from where you are.

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This site is hosted by Ron Miller.
Adaptation and improvements of PERL cgi by Ron Miller
Graphic design and HTML by Andre Noel
Original graphics from the game Stars!
Original Stars! XChange web server code created by Thomas Tong
Original colored buttons on game pages and original HTML Copyright © 1996-1997 Thomas Tong All Rights Reserved.
The rest of Stars! AutoHost, layout, design, and code, is Copyright © 1997-2023 by Ron Miller and Andre Noel, All Rights Reserved.
If you have any Copyright concerns please contact Ron Miller immediately.