Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Fri, 14 January 2011 15:36 |
Fledgling Admirals VII
A pretty straight short game which is intended for beginners upto lower intermediates and oldtimers (considering themselves beginner to lower intermediate). If a friend told you about the game and you are keen on playing but lack a serial code, there are unique serial numbers available from Ron who is also running autohost, look in the following thread: Getting serial numbers.
To make the battleground even, players experienced in the mean combat vs other humans will have to leave some leftover points in the race wizard (see restrictions).
Host is not playing and feel free to ask when you feel unsure about the conditions, Stars-version, abbreviations etc.
Game Info
Players: 6 - 9
Skill level: beginner - lower intermediate
Ranked: No
Version: 2.6 J rc4, 2.7 J rc3 (German) (direct downloads from autohost)
Autohost: Yes
Turn generation: 5 turns a week (Tuesday-Saturday) up to year 2430, then 3 turns/week (Tue-Thur-Sat) as soon as requested by at least one player. Weekends and holidays off (do notify me about holidays).
Host is playing: No
Universe size: small packed (240 stars in a 800x800-ly-universe), distant starting positions
Starting conditions: ACC BBS
Victory conditions: Last Man/Last Team standing or consensus. Winning team mustn't exceed 2 players.
Game Rules
1) No pregame alliances: Players aren't allowed to get in contact with each other before to optimize their race designs for a later alliance.
2) Using chaff, split-fleet dodge and the repair after gating loophole is ok, all other "cheats" are forbidden and most likely lead to your disqualification, for more info see the thread: Known Bugs (JRC3) - Player Exploitable Bugs / "Features" (or ask the host when in doubt)
3) Only one other player may be set to friend and traded tech with at any one time, all others must be set to enemy. You can change an ally after the alliance lasted for 10 years or more.
Restrictions for your race-design depending on experience
Players which have already played Stars games vs humans will have disadvantages by leaving leftover points in the race wizard and some PRTs (primary race traits) might be forbidden. I'll check the races and especially to the beginners I'll be offering some advice how to improve your design.
a) for beginners (no Stars-experience vs humans or 1 game and soundly beaten):
* banned: AR (Alternate Reality) and PP (Packet Physics)
b) for advanced beginners (up to 3 games vs humans and not part of the winning alliance):
* banned: AR, PP
* all other PRTs: 60 leftover points
Leftover points can be spent as you like.
c) for rusty oldtimers and lower intermediates:
* AR: 0 leftover points
* JoaT, SD: 200 leftover points
* IT, CA: 125 leftover points
* all other PRTs: 100 leftover points
Leftover points can be spent as you like except on mineral concentration.
If in doubt where to sort yourself in, send me an email and ask.
About race design here some very helpful links:
* Stars! Official Strategy Guide: Basic Race Design (especially the info about breakpoints at the end)
* Basic Race Design by Art Lathrop
* "Race Design, Step by Step" by Mahrin Skel 1997 v2.6/7
* Lots of more articles: Race Design/Strategy
Take it as hints and inspiration, never follow it to the point or believe everything what you read in the articles. But some stuff is really good and helpful. Remember that you need to adapt what you read to our specific game settings.
If you want to get a feeling how your race fares, test it in small packed vs 8 random expert AIs. Your race should manage to conquere the first HW between 2430-40. If you need anylonger, rework your race design or your tactics and strategy.
* Inactivity: Players which have missed 3 turns will be set to inactive. I'll look for replacements if appropriate or may put in some last orders myself to upgrade the defenses but the game won't stop.
* No rule but especially new players I want to urge not to play in more than 2 games (better even only 1 game) of Stars. You will encounter various difficult tactical challenges and there are lots of good articles available, waiting for you to get inspired by them and to apply their ideas somehow onto your specific situation. After turn 30 orders and thinking will consume time and a good game will be in the back of your mind all the time. It's more fun to play only 1 game but to do this one right.
A note about game length and what you might have to expect
With the above turn generation and assuming the game will last for about 60-70 turns, the game will be played over a period of around 16-19 weeks (about 4-5 month). While this is rather short for a Stars-game, I want to remind everybody, it is not wise to sign up for the game when you already know that eg in 2 month you will be away/without internet connection for several weeks.
Small packed games with 6-9 players tend to be very fast paced. Thus you better don't expect a long peaceful development but skirmishes along your frontiers and somebody trying to invade your colonies perhaps as early as in the 10th and first fleets capable to threaten even your fortified planets in the 20ies/early 30ies. Early scouting is important not only to know your possible enemies but also to find a suitable ally. It's not at all like playing against the AIs, humans are tricky, nasty and look out for your weak spots.
Don't despair when you get wiped out. Usually you learn more from loosing a game than from winning... and the advantage of a short game: you can apply your newly gained knowledge soon in the next game and kick some admiral's ass.
Since this game is also for new players, the host will describe in detail how to use the autohost interface to upload/download turns.
There were already several other Fledgling Admiral games. The rules were slightly different but to get you an impression, here what the players wrote about it: FA I - FA II - FA IV - FA VI
And here some Hints & Tips which evolved during the previous FA-games.
If you are interested, please send to altruist (at) arglos (dot) net (dead line for race files: 26th Jan 2011):
* the race file
* the password (none is needed but if you want to set one)
* your email address used for the game
* your nick at autohost
* a short note about your Stars-experience
We aim to start the game at the beginning of February. I'll keep this post updated to display the players taking part.
Players so far (green with race file, orange without race file, (B):beginner, (BA):beginner advanced, (IL):intermediate lower)):
- Eagle of Fire (IL)
- maxfra (BA)
- nmid (B)
- Fortythree (B)
- Vostromo (BA)
- Void (BA)
- copojax (IL)
- BeeKeeper (B)
- Greenstink (B)
waiting list:
* Stakmandoo (B)
* Gibs (B)
Dead line for race files: 26th Jan 2011
26th Jan:
Dead line is today. I haven't heard anything from Stakmandoo and Gibs, so I put them onto the waiting list and replaced them with BeeKeeper and Greenstink who, while on the waiting list, have already sent in race files.
More info directly via email.
[Updated on: Wed, 26 January 2011 09:22] Report message to a moderator
Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Sat, 15 January 2011 06:26 |
Stakmandoo wrote on Fri, 14 January 2011 23:12 | I am interested in getting involved after rediscovering this game. I have not played multiplayer before and am an absolute beginner [...]
Welcome Stakmandoo, a spot in the game is reserved for you.
Quote: | When do you expect the game to start?
Usually it takes about 2-3 weeks until all players have gathered, all race files made, sent in and evaluated and then there some days until Ron, admin of starsautohost finds the time to set us up a spot therefore we can comfortably play and using the starsautohost webinterface for up- and downloading turns.
So, as I said above, roughly start of February the game will start.
Eagle of Fire wrote on Sat, 15 January 2011 09:57 | It however seems like my rank as either advanced beginner or lowly intermediate is still to be debated...
A spot is reserved. Please, send me an email how many Stars games vs humans you have played and how you fared.
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Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Sun, 16 January 2011 13:18 |
Please add me to the list as well.
I have only played 4 games against the AI so far and am still getting my feet wet.
2 weeks should hopefully be ample time to understand what is required for a multiplayer game.
N mid.
I know my minefields.. but I'm a chaff sweeper.
I used to curse when I got stuck in traffic... till I realised I AM traffic.Report message to a moderator
Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Sun, 16 January 2011 17:25 |
Celebrinbor1 | | Crewman 2nd Class | Messages: 11
Registered: January 2011 | |
I might join... I have finals for school until the 26th and I won't know what the next semester (and therefore my future schedule) will look like until then. If the game hasn't started by then, and my schedule permits me to, then I would like to join.
PS: complete begginer (got the game last night, got beaten by a computer on easy)
[Updated on: Sun, 16 January 2011 20:39] Report message to a moderator
Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Mon, 17 January 2011 18:12 |
Greets everybody,
I've updated the playerlist.
Welcome to FA VII.
Time to set a dead line for the rae files: 26th Jan 2011. But the earlier the better... as I said, I'll comment your race design and might want to discuss it a bit with you and you might want to change and test a bit here and there.
@Celebrinbor1, for now I've put you on the waiting list until you can tell for sure wether you want to play or not.
Vostromo wrote on Mon, 17 January 2011 15:58 | i would put myself down in the intermediate bracket as i'm still learning alot in my current game.
@Vostromo, do you insist on gettig ranked as lower intermediate? If I understood correctly you haven't finished a single game yet. So far I've set you as advanced beginner.
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Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Tue, 18 January 2011 10:09 |
Game is full but 1 or 2 might still find place via the waiting list.
Quite a surprise how many beginners there are. It needed only 4 days to get the game full (including already a waiting list).
The first race file is in. Please, all others, get ready with your (first) race file. At the very latest until 26th Jan (then probably without comments and the chance to finetune).
copojax wrote on Tue, 18 January 2011 12:58 | From the definition you posted I'd say I'm a BA, I've played a few games with my friends and I'm currently playing another game on Ron's Autohost....am I too late?
Welcome to FA VII.
How many are "a few games"?
BeeKeeper wrote on Tue, 18 January 2011 13:40 | If there is still a space I would like to join this game please. I'm a beginner at playing against humans.
I've put you onto the waiting list. Make sure to send in a race file. The waiting list won't be served by order but from whom I have race file.
This would be your very first game vs humans?
[Updated on: Wed, 19 January 2011 10:04] Report message to a moderator
Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Tue, 18 January 2011 16:01 |
nmid wrote on Tue, 18 January 2011 21:28 | I've just replaced someone in a running game.
Give me time till this weekend to confirm if I will be able to play 2 games or not.
In general I would strongly recommend to play only 1 game as a beginner (as a matter of fact I myself always get into heavy time problems when playing 2 games and try to avoid it). While turns are fast in the beginning, they become complex and time consuming rather fast. Especially since diplomacy and alliances are also part of it.
Nevertheless it's your decision, of course.
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Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 19 January 2011 03:00 |
Hi ,
Host is not playing in this game. Altruist is only hosting this game.
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Re: Fledgling Admirals VII: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 19 January 2011 15:45 |
To get not confused with the emails...
please, start all your emails to me with FAVII in the subjekt line.
I've gotten already 5 race files, very fine.
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