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Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 17:16 Go to next message
dejan is currently offline dejan

Crewman 1st Class

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HAB: 0.59 - 5.84
-68 - 172
26 - 86
18% (1/4)

ECO: pop 1200

Tech: cons -50, weap normal, rest 75%, no check 3

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 17:37 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Ptolemy is currently offline Ptolemy


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First off, the LRT's are going to be seriously hurting this race. LSP will cause too slow of a startup and only NRSE isn't going to provide for any early mobility to colonize planets. If you're taking NRSE you should be taking IFE.
Additionally, the expensive propulsion is going to mean you aren't going to get decent engines in any reasonable time.

The hab of 1 in 4 is OK but I would shift it to 6 clicks from the edge to get more points to work with. I'd also squeeze a few more points from it while keeping it just in the 1 in 4 range.

For the econ, I'd be going with 14 14 for the factories rather than 13 16. You'd only generate 120 less resources per million colonists but you'd have less factories to build - I'd also unclick the G box. Cutting your mines down to 12 mines and you have now a total of over 100 more resource points to spend.

Never take weaps normal in a standard game - weaps are cheap. make the con normal.

With those extra 100+ points, I'd take the IFE and dropt the LSP.

I could now very easily monster this race by 2450.


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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 18:50 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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making factories 13/9/16 while raising your popeff to 1200 seems a bit strange to me.
The maximum resources you get are marginally lower than with 12/9/16, 1000 popeff and you gain just 10 points in the wizard.
Instinctively, it also /seems/ a little slower, but if a testbed proofs otherwise, I would be interested in the results Wink !
The minesettings are pretty expensive and not at all my taste. I usually stay with 10/3/x, where x is number of factories operated minus 2(3) for HG's I sometimes play (and that's what you are aiming at it seems).

But it all depends on the gamesettings ofcourse. Are there a lot of planets (planets/player ratio)?
This race will need some time I think, so I guess a large or huge universe? You have got pretty good habs for an IT and I would definately considder putting them a few more clicks to the left so the terra packs more punch (16 clicks from an edge would mean you get the full benefits of the terraforming abilities).
And I would try to get rid of LSP (the 1200 popeff makes that one even worse...). I would even get rid of NRS and take prop normal (taking RS now even gains 10 points and this LRT is a musthave in the endgame). Points for this would have to come from your econ/minesettings and maybe slightly your hab, but I have a feeling they will make your economy stronger/faster. Prop9 is not too far away for an IT Wink

Just my my 2 cents anyhoot

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 19:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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I suddenly remember I'm describing one of my 'old' IT-designs Smile
0.22 4.88
-116 140
16 54
12/9/16 checked
cons/prop normal, weap cheap, rest expensive.
Having energy (and elec) expensive sucks heavily btw.
You better find some good partners in your universe Wink

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 19:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dejan is currently offline dejan

Crewman 1st Class

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Location: Belgrade, Serbia, Europe,...

Whell the idea with mines 13/4/13 is to gain more minerals, it it make 30% more minerals than average race. Also 13/4/x cost 4/1.3=3.07 resurces as 10/x/x mines.

The race should be some of anti-monster race, to counter them in early stages ~20K by 2450 and beat them in later stages since you have more minerals.

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 19:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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Location: the Netherlands
With prop expensive and no FM you will lose speed and planets (other races will be there sooner).
20k @2450?! I assume then no accBBS and not a lot of planets/player?
13/4/13 doesn't mean you get much more minerals, but you get your minerals quicker. Not true for the HW's ofcourse Wink
It's something to do with the depletion of minerals on a planet, but the effect of more effective mines is marginal at best for total minerals. But I agree, 13/4/13 is about 20% more quicker than 10/4/14 (and will cost you roughly, what, 150 points more in the racewizard?).

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 20:32 Go to previous messageGo to next message
dejan is currently offline dejan

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 25
Registered: August 2004
Location: Belgrade, Serbia, Europe,...

Sinla wrote on Sun, 29 August 2004 19:39

13/4/13 doesn't mean you get much more minerals, but you get your minerals quicker.

May I say that you are wrong, well number of digged ore is
(mineff/10)*(num_of_mines)*(min_concetration/100), which means the reslt is the same if (mineff 25 and nummines 5 ) and (nummines 25 and mineff 5) but mineral concetrations are droping faster if you have more mines operating on planet.

Also you can read more about it in help file, also take a look to my testbed http://alas.matf.bg.ac.yu/~mr97209/mineff.zip race with high min eff did not reduced min concetration to 1 and have more minerals.

Stars! Help File

Calculating the Rate of Reduction

The number of mine years it will take to reduce the concentration by 1 can be approximated by dividing 12,5
00 by the current mineral concentration. Mine years is one mine per year: if you are operating 50 mines per
year on a planet, that equates to 50 mine years.

The decrease in concentration is solely related to the number of mines you have and the number of years the
y've been in operation. For two players with the same number of mines operating over the same number of yea
rs, the decrease in concentration will be the same for each.

Mineral Concentration and Player Efficiency

The rate of concentration reduction is not related to mining efficiency--the player who is more efficient a
t extraction will mine more minerals. When the concentration reaches 1 on your planet and an opponent's pla
net, the player who has the more mines but is not as efficient can do as well as a very efficient player wh
o is operating fewer mines.

To learn how many colonists you need to operate a mine and how efficient the mine is at extraction, choose
the View (Race) menu item, and turn to page 5 of the View Race dialog.

Copyright 1998 Mare Crisium, LLC

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 20:40 Go to previous messageGo to next message


Messages: 1227
Registered: May 2003
LRT-s are weak but more or less okay. One thing i dont personally like there is NAS. That makes it quite blind like all of them IT-s seem to be these days. I would take CE before NAS with IT.

Hab... good hab. Ok growth too. Maybe I would make temp band wide centered and gravity and radiation narrow. Thats since it will probably get gravity and radiation terra 7 quite early and terraforming narrow habs gives more bang from buck.

Econ... seems screwed up a bit but nothing serious there.
80 points got from 1200 pop eff and put into one more factory efficency is giving disadvantage in race speed and no advantage in econ. Easy to prove in test.
13 mines cost 4 are built slower than 17 mines that cost 3. I have found that mines like 11/3/17 will not run out of metal within sane timeframe.

Tech... somewhat weak but ok tech.

Overall feeling is that it is quite standard HG IT with good hab whose econ page is somewhat modified to worse and more expensive paying with quite bad LRT-s. Wink

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 29 August 2004 21:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message


Messages: 1227
Registered: May 2003
IT is not best suited for mineral monster. IT has gates for heavy ships. Heavy ships are midgame thing. So IT must aim its clory to midgame and there 10/3/18 mines are usually quite plenty. Confused If you want late game mineral monsters that are not AR then take reduced factory JOAT HP. 5% 3-immune HE is also nice but HE is as odd to play as AR. Nod

JOAT example:
17% 1 in 4
15/7/18 (v)
3 normal, 3 expensive, not checked.

Max planetary production is over 4k so it is HP like HP. It is JOAT so it is not blind. The 15/3/16 mines are certainly better than some 13/4/13 mines. It lacks any shortage of minerals. Even that germ shortage so common to all the other HP-s is missing since it builds less factories per pop. Should still aim for better germ conc early but actually anything goes.
Can get 25K by 2450 if not crippled early. Econ curve is btw quite similar to your proposed IT early but later it turns more vertical. Cool

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Re: Comment this race Mon, 30 August 2004 02:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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Location: the Netherlands

May I say that you are wrong

Sure you may! But only if you read my posts more carefully in the future Wink
Then you will see I am indeed talking about the depletion, but that I think the difference is pretty marginal while costing a lot of points.


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Re: Comment this race Mon, 30 August 2004 02:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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Location: the Netherlands
Kotk wrote on Mon, 30 August 2004 03:39

JOAT example

Wowsers, looking at the JOAT it almost seems to good to be true. What are the habs exactly (instead of 1/4), because I seem to get a couple points in the red Sad
Especially when I get the habs a bit off from the sides (=more total planets).


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Re: Comment this race Mon, 30 August 2004 08:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message


Messages: 1227
Registered: May 2003
Sinla wrote on Mon, 30 August 2004 08:17

Wowsers, looking at the JOAT it almost seems to good to be true. What are the habs exactly (instead of 1/4), because I seem to get a couple points in the red Sad

Oh that... true ... as i look now its not that "20 clicks from all edges and centered 1 in 4, that misses just two clicks from 1 in 3". Rolling Eyes Somewhat edged hab is not so bad for HP, since it does not want to fight with everyone for the center planets early on. Nod

If we assume it is using fuel mizer and dad leg for a while holding defensive stance and worrying more about construction, energy and weapons it can be useful with wide gravity:
Grav: 0.17g to 5.60g
Temp: -56°C to 152°C
Rad: 13mR to 59mR

It can be turned into somewhat more centered variant with more planets at max terra and more early "who gets what" dispute with neighbours:
Grav: 0.54g to 4.88g
Temp: -96°C to 136°C
Rad: 15mR to 71mR

Matter of taste. Wink

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Re: Comment this race Mon, 30 August 2004 17:39 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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Registered: February 2003
Location: the Netherlands
I think something is wrong with the fac or minesettings...
But when I take your race (second hab) and lower the mines to 12/3/15 I've got zero leftover points Wink

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Re: Comment this race Mon, 30 August 2004 20:36 Go to previous messageGo to next message


Messages: 1227
Registered: May 2003
Judging by the ~180 points that are missing there the difference must be significant one.

Maybe additional TT taken, 20% growth instead of 17% or PP PRT instead of JOAT? Confused

Most likely you took 3 50% cheaper tech and 3 75% expensive tech, instead of 3 standard tech and 3 expensive like i wrote. Nod Dejan wanted mineral monster, not tech leader. Wink

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Re: Comment this race Tue, 31 August 2004 01:53 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Sinla is currently offline Sinla

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Location: the Netherlands
I read something like normal tech and in my head that went to 3 cheap Cool (Pretty normal quite often anyways Wink )

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Re: Comment this race Sun, 10 October 2004 10:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SinicalIdealist is currently offline SinicalIdealist

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Messages: 184
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Since I'm at work on a very slow morning, I'm going to spam this thread w/ an useful "mineral-monster" IT.

My plan of choice for IT--Forget the high efficiency mines, kill the OBRM.

Quite affordable w/ IT, as you can get away w/ NRSE and no IFE a lot better than any other PRT. This gives lots of points to throw into your econ.

I used this race to stomp a lot of players in a medium dense universe.

Hegemony of Man
NRSE,NAS,LSP (to pay for 19% growth--in retrospect, I think this is a bad idea), RS (OPTIONAL for IT)
1/9-10 1 immune (temp)
(Alternatively, you can go 1/5 non immune w/ narrow extreme rad)
12.9.15 g4
W,C cheap.
rest expensive, not checked.

It worked out pretty well in a medium dense game. I hit something like 3k by 20, 6k by 30. iirc. Over 30k by 50 vs 14 players.

2nd place to a 1 immune 1-cheap joat, but I had the largest and most advanced fleet at all times. Smile

Early on, I got around no IFE by reusing as many ships as I could as possible. No IFE, probably cost me a bit of growth though as you lose about 2 years range at warp 9. I made a lot of use of booster scouts and privs early on. In retrospect, I'd have been better off shooting for C8 earlier than I did for Large freighters and SFXs. Also, getting gates up very quickly is essential (within first 2-3 turns of landing). Plan: Send ships outward, colonize, build gate, gate back privs and any boosters that went all the way to target world to refuel at HW and grab mroe pop. Gate back out w/ some escorts, move outward from the new gate-fort.

First tech goals are W8,P7 (DLL8), C9, N6 in the 20s to make your first assaults.

The mines look low until you take into account that there's no OBRM. Remote mining adjacent reds with high concentration boosts mineral production vastly. I was rarely short on minerals. There were a few years where I let my MM slip where I had some trouble.

The 4 cost on mines is somethign I'd change in the future. 10/3/13 gives better starting speed.

Early germ crunch wasn't a big deal due to the high growth rate and mineral gating. Gating minerals and pop really takes away the bite of the crappy mines. Arguably w/ IT, you can really get away w/ about 2 fewer mines operated than any other PRT due to the ability to mineral balance more effectively than anyone else.



"When the newspapers have been read, the TV sets shut off, the cars parked
in their various garages. Then, faintly, I hear voices from another star.
(I clocked it once, and the reception is best between 3:00 A.M. and 4:45
A.M.). Of course, I don't usually tell people this when they ask, "Say,
where do you get your ideas?" I just say I don't know. It's safer."
-P. K. Dick

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 12:51 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Deuce is currently offline Deuce

Senior Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 94
Registered: June 2003
I played a very similar race once and ran into some troubles. The drawback as an IT of having NRSE without IFE is that your engines are *expensive,* namely in ironium. And privateers already cost enough!
This will be even more apparent later in the game with NAS when you're forced to build hundreds of kamikaze "ping" scouts.
Maybe your extra minerals will overcome that. I dunno.

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 13:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Staz is currently offline Staz


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Deuce wrote on Wed, 13 October 2004 17:51

I played a very similar race once and ran into some troubles. The drawback as an IT of having NRSE without IFE is that your engines are *expensive,* namely in ironium. And privateers already cost enough!
This will be even more apparent later in the game with NAS when you're forced to build hundreds of kamikaze "ping" scouts.
Maybe your extra minerals will overcome that. I dunno.

Using a FF or scout with QJ5 and X laser (standard chaff) for pinging you can go w9 for 1 year for 48 fuel. The scout can just manage this, and the FF can do it easily.

There isn't a cheap w10 engine, and you can't ping effectively with a 2 year trip, so you can't do much better with the fuel mizer or scoops.

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 13:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Deuce is currently offline Deuce

Senior Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 94
Registered: June 2003
That's a solution. I usually prefer a longer range ping ship. I like to ping the inner portions of my opponent's empire as well as planets I'm about to attack. I just can't stand the feeling that an extra 100 battleships might be lurking, just waiting for me to make my move Smile

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 14:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
SinicalIdealist is currently offline SinicalIdealist

Chief Warrant Officer 3

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Staz' solution is exactly right. QJ5 ships are what I used for 'pinging' worlds. If I'm attacking, I usually have a group of chaff not far off. Also, if you're opponent is good, you're usually going to have a significantly hard time getting a good scan on inner worlds. And you do those w/ expensive cloaked pen-scanning galleons that you, bought from a friendly neighbor. Sending uncloaked ships into the center of hostile space for intel is a pretty difficult thing unless you've been doing so steadily. Also, by the time you're really flooding all space w/ scouts, the DLL7s are cheap enough. For what it's worth, I didn't have any mineral problems in this game. I had some GERM problems in the early-midgame due to not having the g-box checked, however.

This faded rapidly once the first strip mining fleets were built and gated to red-worlds adjacent to major clusters. At any given time I was usually strip mining 3-5 high-concentration red worlds. That and spoils from assaults came in very handy. Minerals come from the periphery of one's empire and are very rapidly gated back into core worlds for warship-building.



"When the newspapers have been read, the TV sets shut off, the cars parked
in their various garages. Then, faintly, I hear voices from another star.
(I clocked it once, and the reception is best between 3:00 A.M. and 4:45
A.M.). Of course, I don't usually tell people this when they ask, "Say,
where do you get your ideas?" I just say I don't know. It's safer."
-P. K. Dick

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 15:48 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Staz is currently offline Staz


Messages: 514
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Location: UK
Deuce wrote on Wed, 13 October 2004 18:30

That's a solution. I usually prefer a longer range ping ship. I like to ping the inner portions of my opponent's empire as well as planets I'm about to attack. I just can't stand the feeling that an extra 100 battleships might be lurking, just waiting for me to make my move Smile

This is IT we're talking about, so DD hull, QJ5, one anti-matter generator and one x-ray laser can go over 300ly at w9. Add another AMG and you can go about 500ly. Replace the x-ray with a gattling if you want it to serve as a minesweeper as well.

The main problem with taking NRSE (whether you take IFE or not) is the increased cost of your nubs. The IS-10 costs 17 iro and 58 resources, compared to the Trans Galactic Mizer Scoop at 5 and 20. With 3 engines per ship, that means 36 extra iro and 114 extra resources, and you're building a lot of those things. And there's no relief until I get to prop 23 which is probably at least a million resources away if I have expensive prop. The period between prop-11 and prop-16 (where I can go w10 and you can only go w9) doesn't generally last very long either.

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 16:20 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Deuce is currently offline Deuce

Senior Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 94
Registered: June 2003
Staz wrote on Wed, 13 October 2004 15:48

This is IT we're talking about, so DD hull, QJ5, one anti-matter generator and one x-ray laser can go over 300ly at w9. Add another AMG and you can go about 500ly. Replace the x-ray with a gattling if you want it to serve as a minesweeper as well.

But destroyers cost three times as much iron as a frigate hull! This doesn't seem to solve anything!

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Re: Comment this race Wed, 13 October 2004 19:22 Go to previous message
Staz is currently offline Staz


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Deuce wrote on Wed, 13 October 2004 21:20

But destroyers cost three times as much iron as a frigate hull! This doesn't seem to solve anything!

True enough, and the AMG is not cheap either. That's why I'd use the basic chaff design most of the time. The FF version can go 210ly at w9, and that is more than you can reasonably expect to get away with.

If you try for more than a 2 year journey you get spotted after 81 ly and killed after 162 ly. And then there's minefields to worry about.

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