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Role-playing Fri, 25 April 2003 16:53 Go to next message
OOMatter is currently offline OOMatter

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I'm new to the whole multi-player Stars! thing, but I've noticed that many people like to have some degree of role-playing in their games. I was wondering if most players who role-play just use it to make their messages more interesting or if they try and maintain a consistent character. It seems to me that maintaining a character is very difficult if some of the players aren't role-playing. It also occurs to me that your character might not be inclined to follow the best strategies (ie. your character keeps attacking one race no matter the cost because they called him short and he's got a thing about his height). So do people have full role-playing games and try to win within the restrictions of their character or does the character go out the window when the game is on the line?

I thought it might be interesting to try a game where everyone role-plays and a character is defined ahead of time (by the host and/or player) and the player tries to play the game as the character. I figure you could have certain traits (aggressive, cowardly, indecisive, etc.) and maybe even some kind of history (ie. a character had a traumatic childhood experience with a frog and another race looks like frogs). Of course there would be no way to enforce that, but would there be interest in that sort of game? Or do those games already exist and I just haven't noticed yet?


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Re: Role-playing Fri, 25 April 2003 17:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
vonKreedon is currently offline vonKreedon


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I love the role playing component of Stars! I generally try to not let it get in the way of my diplomacy by role playing an cosmopolitan Machievellian race. It actually can help with diplomacy. I have found that if I hook the other player's role playing style I am more likely to get them to do what I want. Wink At the moment I'm playing against type, role playing a highly rational, but fundamentally xenophobic race. I am trying to keep my interactions with other races to a minimum, telling them politely that the fact of their existence repulses me, and lashing out when my "space" is impinged. We will see how long I keep this up, or if my race has an epiphany and comes to terms with the existence of other sentient races. Laughing

Regarding an overtly role playing game of Stars!, that sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe someone could come up with a racial character sheet a la GURPS.

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 25 April 2003 18:11 Go to previous messageGo to next message
freakyboy is currently offline freakyboy


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For me it depends...

In some games I don't role play at all. Sometimes it'd hard enough pulling together your race and doing something with it!!

In games where MM isn't a nightmare I will, because it's fun.

As a side point... How many people would be interested in a goal specific game (much like the rightful heir games) where by all the races have a pre-defined role each with varying levels of racial left over points required... for example...

50+ left over points - war like race who make no peace with anyone.
100+ Left over points - dirty backstabbers, make peace but it never lasts
100+ left over points - Traders (anything for a price)
75+ Left over points - Mercenaries: no alligance to anyone bar the highest bidder...

and so on and so forth. Could also knock this idea with StarsEd and take it a few steps further: Merc races start with lots of ships that are top notch, but they are super expensive, hence the high buying price for their services - Traders have access to more interesting tech items. Merc races would be WM with their weapons and ship hulls - traders could be IS (or SS) for the variety of items etc...

Just some ideas off the top of my head.

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Re: Role-playing Sat, 26 April 2003 02:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
zoid is currently offline zoid


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I used to role-play a lot, and the amount of role-playing I did seemed to correlate directly with how quickly I got killed. It didn't seem to matter whether I role-played my race as xenophobes, outgoing charismatic diplomats, or anywhere in between. The more I role-played, the quicker people decided to start killing me. Serious play seems to get you more respect in Stars for some reason.

Whether I role-played or not, I didn't see much role-playing from others. There were times when I was quite persistent in role-playing (but it never forced me to do anything silly). Then there were other times when I quickly tired of writing everything in character, and abandoned it early (in those games I lasted longer).

From now on I'll save my role-playing for Everquest. Smile That's a good game, set in a world so real and complete that it deserves role-playing, and it's CERTAINLY one game that is far better when role-played. There's nothing that fails to suspend disbelief in the pseudo-medieval world of knights and wizards than some punk playing a wizard who greets a lady in the lingo of typical American ghetto-subculture.... "WHAAAASSSSSSUUUUP, DUDE!" Rolling Eyes

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Re: Role-playing Sat, 26 April 2003 04:24 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Peptis is currently offline Peptis

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zoid wrote on Sat, 26 April 2003 16:05

The more I role-played, the quicker people decided to start killing me.

My experience has been the opposite. I find that I don't attack races who roleplay if they are amusing. They make the game a lot more fun Very Happy

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Re: Role-playing Tue, 29 April 2003 08:03 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Nexus One is currently offline Nexus One

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OOMatter wrote on Fri, 25 April 2003 22:53

I've noticed that many people like to have some degree of role-playing in their games. I was wondering if most players who role-play just use it to make their messages more interesting or if they try and maintain a consistent character.

I think there is one more aspect. Role-playing gives less personal attitude to the game. It's like an actor who plays a character. If some one attacks me in the game if fact he/she attacks the race/leader I play, not me personally. At least that how it should be.
When I try to play multi-player game for the first time some 5 years ago, I made this mistake and took it too personally I did not role-played and I got attacked very quickly. And I remember very well my disappointment and anger. But it is only a game after all and it is played for fun. It took me sometime to understand it.
Nevertheless, even if you realize that someone attacks the race you play (not you personally), it could be somewhat depressive (especially for newbies I guess). . And role-playing could help to live with that, I think.
As I am a newbie (I was divorced with Stars! after this first fatal attempt until recently) I am curious about more experienced players' opinion on that.

Indeed, I agree with OOMatter that role-playing makes the game and diplomacy more interesting, too. The above is just one of the aspect why I like the role-playing.


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Re: Role-playing Tue, 29 April 2003 11:49 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FurFuznel is currently offline FurFuznel

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I really enjoy the role playing aspect of the Stars! games, although I have found that you have to pick and choose which games you will maintain the roles in all the way through. It is much easier to continue roleplaying if at least half the players are role playing.

I would be interested in participating in a roleplaying type game. I find that in games where people roleplay there tends to be quite a bit more communication between the races and many more posts to the game forum which helps to keep the game interesting even into the later years when my race is always getting its butt kicked.


Shadallark <==> FurFuznel
Mental anguish is for those who choose to think - FurFuznel
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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 10:27 Go to previous messageGo to next message
djhakase is currently offline djhakase

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I've started role-playing 'nonsensically' in We're All The Same. Link: http://library.southern.edu/sahforum/index.php?t=msg&th= 613&start=0&rid=199

Only Ron seems to have worked it out (well I dropped a big hint - it's interesting that URL recognition happens from colon-slash-slash, ie. this://is-not-an-url)

Roleplaying is a great diplomacy tool I think. It makes people listen to you and put an effort in their decisions (in my ever so brief experience)

I think rp gets in the way of everyday talks though, like for tech trading and so on. Then I just get it over with and just talk business. And there is no place for it over Instant Messaging... right?

they made me do it

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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 11:05 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

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I love role-playing whenever I can (I plan to do it in the next 2 games Im in) but im intrested in knowing if anyine has done RP in team games or such as Partners In Time. In my first MP game of stars! I was role-playing even in my e-mails to allies (cant say cause game is still going on), I kinda wish I hadnt screwed that game up so much.

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 11:23 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FurFuznel is currently offline FurFuznel

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The Taubat wrote on Wed, 21 May 2003 11:05

I love role-playing whenever I can (I plan to do it in the next 2 games Im in) but im intrested in knowing if anyine has done RP in team games or such as Partners In Time. In my...

I quite often get right into role playing in the games that I am in. In fact in The Battle for the Magellan Cloud I actually had people comment on my sanity Crazy because I kept role playing in-game and in e-mails. I found it quite enjoyable and look forward to doing it again in future games. Who knows, maybe in Partners Back in Time I will try to role play throughout the whole game! Nana nana bubu


Shadallark <==> FurFuznel
Mental anguish is for those who choose to think - FurFuznel
running Mac OS X 10.6.7

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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 11:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
mazda is currently offline mazda


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djhakase wrote on Wed, 21 May 2003 15:27

I've started role-playing 'nonsensically' in We're All The Same.

Only Ron seems to have worked it out (well I dropped a big hint - it's interesting that URL recognition happens from colon-slash-slash, ie. this://is-not-an-url)

I worked out your second message, the clue was "http" in your link. I worked it all out, then went to the site. Would have been easier the other way round ! Grin

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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 11:45 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

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LOL Laughing well I intend to try to RP right through the game, including tech trading stuff

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 12:30 Go to previous messageGo to next message
OOMatter is currently offline OOMatter

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If you are going to try and role-play in all your dealings you might find it helpful to have more then one character for your race. Unless your race consists of some kind of hive mind or even just one super intelligent individual, you have to figure that governing a multiplanet empire would take a good number of people (creatures or whatever), so you can speak through any of them.

Decide what characteristics are basic to all members of your race and then create a few characters within those limitations to handle different situations. You can have a diplomat character who talks in circles and never really promises anything for more generic talks with other players, but then have a no-nonsense administrator or scientist working out your trade deals. That way you can maintain your role-playing and still get things done without too much confusion.


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Re: Role-playing Wed, 21 May 2003 13:42 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

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hmmmmm intrseting idea, Ill try it, here are the char youll be facing in PBIT, you also might want to brush up on Klingon culture, seein as how my race is supposed to be a honorable race

the top official: Tal-Yon Githe
Overseer of the Imperial Fleet: Pal-Yon I'rit
First Speaker of the Hubrin Fleet: Kal-Yon T'hat
Overseer of Trade: Jal-Yon Fithe
Overseer of Science and Research: Dal-Yon K'ron

each one of the al-Yon's are ranks, going from highest to lower. im not sure how ill do RP'ing IFT8D but oh well

[Updated on: Thu, 22 May 2003 17:09]

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 02:43 Go to previous messageGo to next message
freakyboy is currently offline freakyboy


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Would anyone be interested in a role-play ONLY game?

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 09:54 Go to previous messageGo to next message
djhakase is currently offline djhakase

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I personally don't have time for it, I'm already in 4 games, but I'm sure some other members would be.

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 10:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

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I seem to have ample time Razz I wouldnt mind giving it a go, cept this time I could RP as Species 8472 Very Happy

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 10:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FurFuznel is currently offline FurFuznel

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The Taubat wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 10:06

I seem to have ample time Razz I wouldnt mind giving it a go, cept this time I could RP as Species 8472 Very Happy

You keep talking about all this free time that you have but you are still too scared to submit your duelling turn files to me! Nana nana bubu

I would be interested in playing in this one. Role-playing only... you should meet some of the Crazy... interesting people in my races. Very Happy


Shadallark <==> FurFuznel
Mental anguish is for those who choose to think - FurFuznel
running Mac OS X 10.6.7

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 11:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

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well I would send em if I could buuuut, I cant send em, your adress keeps getting rejected by the server.

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 11:52 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Lt. Commander

BlueTurbit died Oct. 20, 2011

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The Taubat wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 10:25

well I would send em if I could buuuut, I cant send em, your adress keeps getting rejected by the server.

Uh uh uh. Thought of that one too! Very Happy
You can also attach files to PM messages in this Forum. Rolling Eyes

see: General Chat » Forum News & Announcements » PM file attachments

BlueTurbit Country/Rock

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 12:04 Go to previous messageGo to next message
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

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not .x files, .r files yeah, but not .x files, belive me I tried it Razz
the only files you can attach are gif h jpeg jpg png r txt zip

[Updated on: Fri, 23 May 2003 12:12]

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 12:17 Go to previous messageGo to next message
FurFuznel is currently offline FurFuznel

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The Taubat wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 10:04

not .x files, .r files yeah, but not .x files, belive me I tried it Razz
the only files you can attach are gif h jpeg jpg png r txt zip

So zip up the .x files before you are sending them and everything works out okay! Nana nana bubu I got it through e-mail though, so no problems this turn.


Shadallark <==> FurFuznel
Mental anguish is for those who choose to think - FurFuznel
running Mac OS X 10.6.7

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 13:15 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Lt. Commander

BlueTurbit died Oct. 20, 2011

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FurFuznel wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 11:17

The Taubat wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 10:04

not .x files, .r files yeah, but not .x files, belive me I tried it Razz
the only files you can attach are gif h jpeg jpg png r txt zip

So zip up the .x files before you are sending them and everything works out okay! Nana nana bubu Shadallark

Very Happy Yeah, yeah. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make him drink. UFO abduction

"As long as there are tests there will always be prayer in public schools."

BlueTurbit Country/Rock

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Re: Role-playing Fri, 23 May 2003 21:10 Go to previous messageGo to next message

Lt. Commander

BlueTurbit died Oct. 20, 2011

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The Taubat wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 11:04

not .x files, .r files yeah, but not .x files, belive me I tried it Razz
the only files you can attach are gif h jpeg jpg png r txt zip

Don't know why Ron doesn't list x files, maybe he forgot, maybe there is limit to number of items that can be listed. But if you ever need to do this again there is the creative method around this if you don't wish to zip the file. Simply rename the file extension to .r# and tell the recipient to rename back to .x# and the PM transfer will work just fine. I've been fighting computers many years and sometimes you just have to outsmart them. Very Happy Now if I could just get my login to automate again... Crying or Very Sad

BlueTurbit Country/Rock

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Re: Role-playing Sat, 24 May 2003 21:05 Go to previous messageGo to previous message
Ron is currently offline Ron

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BlueTurbit wrote on Fri, 23 May 2003 21:10

Now if I could just get my login to automate again... Crying or Very Sad

Try booting up in pure DOS, or Shutdown, Restart in DOS mode.
C:\WINDOWS>deltree tempor~1<enter>

That should totally wipe out all your cookies. Then you can try logging into the forum again and see if it works. Also, the automatic login has a timeout, so don't expect to come back many hours later and still be logged in (I think).

By the way, when you tell IE to Clear History, it only pretends to. They are still there, and can be retrieved by a number of utilities, including some free ones. Hence the method I detailed above would include "deltree history" if you really wanted to wipe out the history of all the sites you have visited in IE. In IE, when you tell it to keep only X number of days of History, it only pretends to. It actually keeps EVERY URL you have ever visited.

Ron Miller
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