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Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Wed, 05 March 2014 00:19 Go to next message
ManicLurch is currently offline ManicLurch

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The 5th game in this series is over and the winner is the team of Rolf and myself. Too bad it took 5 of these for me to win one Confused

An interesting game, we spent a lot of the end game battling an AR / SD team, a team that hat lots of IR and the ED. We were able to outproduce them simply by having more planets to mine our minerals from. Our team was joat / IS. The other team that made it to the end was a joat/IS team as well if I remember correctly, and the other two teams were AR / Joat and SD / Joat.

Thanks again to Neilhoward who set up the universe.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Wed, 05 March 2014 05:09 Go to previous messageGo to next message
XAPBob is currently offline XAPBob

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And? I presume those with JoAT allies took NAS, but how else did you find and squash your enemies?

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Thu, 06 March 2014 15:16 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LittleEddie is currently offline LittleEddie

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XAPBob wrote on Wed, 05 March 2014 05:09
And? I presume those with JoAT allies took NAS, but how else did you find and squash your enemies?

Because the JOAT could not take NAS so they still had the pen scanners to put on ships and transfer them to there allies even if they themselves didn't need them.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Fri, 07 March 2014 03:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mac1 is currently offline Mac1

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Thanks for the game and congratulations to the winner.

I was playing in mentioned AR/SD team with LittleEddie, i was AR. I knew that playing as AR team won't be easy, but might be fun. So fun i had, but win i didnt, all as expected Smile
Anyway i'm quite glad of our play with Ed. We won most (if not all) major battles, we have killed probably close to 1000 Nubians of one team and hundreds of BSs of both teams, losing only some older ships which were about to be replaced anyway.
We were playing nice and sticked to the plan, just enemy was too good, or I would say too fast. They killed team by team from the start, without any ressistance. And this didnt give us enough time to prepare.

At the end I still wonder how the f... did you put another 2000 Nubians when you supposed to be out of minerals long time ago ? Please tell me Smile

And to summarize the game, I am dissapointed at Kroot/Myths, the 3rd team that made to the end, that they never ever tried to fight the winner team. Instead they were attacking us as well. And after losing major fleet to us, they stopped playing - that is my impression, sorry if i offend anyone.

Such game needs a little of map awarness and reaction, which is allying vs bigger thread on time, which usually doesnt happen on time.
Kroot/Myth were somehwere in top of score from the beginning, probably for a long time close to our winners. And If they would react and fight Fellowship (winners) in time when they were already killing one team and starting to kill another, the game could go different way. Soon we would join vs Fellowship and 3v1 this gam could go either way.

Instead Both neighbours of Fellowship were attacking us, not them and the game ended with an easy win.

I am dissapionted about that, however for some time it was a fun trying to win vs 4 time stronger enemy Smile
Congratulations to the winners !
And see you in next galaxy


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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Fri, 07 March 2014 13:13 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ManicLurch is currently offline ManicLurch

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You are correct, playing AR is not easy and it can be a lot of fun. AR has done well in these DD games. An AR team won DD5 and in most of the games an AR team has lasted until the end and done quite well. This is a game setup where an AR isn't as easy of a target, with a teammate from day one perfectly tailed to help with the AR shortcomings.

just enemy was too good, or I would say too fast. They killed team by team from the start, without any ressistance.

Not sure if too good is accurate, or without any resistance. But we were faster than our neighbors. With our first war we had quite superior tech and ships. Our neighbor had mostly W10/12 CCs and we were attacking with W16 BBs. Not much you can do at that point but get BB tech yourself and then start building a counter. That didn't happen in time. But they were SD and put up plenty of minefields to stop us. It took us many turns to take their planets.

Our 2nd war was against the AR team to our north. Again a tech advantage, W20 verses w16. And we far outproduced them in numbers, so we must have had a resource advatnage at that point. They fell faster, because they didn't have an SD and with one player being AR and the other we LBU/Cherry bombed for one turn kills.

We weren't the first to nubs though, we were the third team to reach nubs. The AR team we battled to the north of us were the first to reach nubs. But they got them too late, we had already taken almost half of their planets. They beat us by many turns to nubs, I don't recall exactly how many but we were concerned about it. If we hadn't attacked them when we did, the game likely would have ended differently. The Myth/Kroot team also beat us to nub tech, but not by many turns. One consequence of us being 3rd to nubs is our first nub was a W26 nub, while the Myth/Kroot first nub was W23 and the AR team to the north first nub was w16.

that they never ever tried to fight the winner team.

We did fight the Myth/Kroot team over some planets a few times during this game. They took one or two of our planets near the end, at that point we didn't miss one or two planets. But we never had a real "war" with them. They did appear to want to avoid a full on war.

the game could go different way. Soon we would join vs Fellowship and 3v1 this gam could go either way
Sure they game easily could have ended up different in that situation. Hard to make this happen in a no communication game.

how the f... did you put another 2000 Nubians when you supposed to be out of minerals long time ago ?
Who said we were out of minerals Very Happy I am sure we didn't have nearly your supply of minerals, but we did have at least 100,000 kt of each on the ground. Plus, even though most planets had low mineral concentrations, most planets still produced 100kt-200kt of each mineral per turn since we made sure to build all the mines we could. And we had over 200 planets at the end each full of mines. Our missile nub design was based on the minerals we had. We used regular comps to save on germ, conceeding first shot. The mineral we were in need of was Bor, being IS I used a lot of Bor on beamer designs. I also tailored a beamer nub design based on our minerals. I didn't produce them in huge numbers, I think I had 500 at the end, it was a nub tailed to deal with the Myth/Kroot nub designs and it served its purpose.

I wish I could remember more details, at the moment this will have to do.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sat, 08 March 2014 12:14 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Anonymous Coward
As a replacement Kroot player who has an accusation of cowardice thrown his way, I feel obliged to throw in my my 2 cents worth:
I took over the Kroots somewhere around late 2440s, close to 2450s. At that time, I was informed by my ally that our primary enemy was the Undead/Forsaken alliance in the north. To our west, the team of Beekepers/Leonids was struggling under the attacks of the Fellowship, so we weren't even neighbours at that time. The other team - the Turtle/Calypso, of which the Turtles were AR, as ManicLurch was correct to point out - was even more distant, and thus also outside our scope of interest.
Around 2460, we planned a joint attack in the north, but it was badly planned, and besides knocking out a few planets temporarily, it ultimately failed. The Undead/Forsaken counterattack slowly pushed us back, so we assumed defensive posture, and concentrated on patching up our economies (the Kroot economy was underinvested in some places, some planets were virtually indefensible, and the race itself was actually suboptimally designed - in fact, I couldn't even monster it under testbed conditions, though I gave it a few tries). Using the wormhole that opened up in the area, I attempted another attack, but got shanghaied by rear-area Undead fleets, and lost almost all my combat ships at that time. It was around that year that the Fellowship started pushing forward into our area - we were competing over planets previously held by the Turtle/Calypso alliance. We took some, we lost some, but eventually the frontline solidified for a while. Knowing full well that we are weaker than the Fellowship, we tried to form a few planet-killing fleets. In fact, my ally, the Mythical (IS) was developed enough to actually be able to form these fleets and win some planets over from the Fellowship. My fleet was too small to attept such an action without risking complete annihilation, so I concentrated on defending my turf, and only engaging where I saw any chance of success. When the 2500-year-vote decided to keep the game going, I reluctantly played on, though I was growing increasingly disheartened. Just as I was going to evacuate all planets and withdraw from the game on my terms, the game-ending vote came.
The fact is, the moment Turtle/Calypso and the Beekeepers/Leonids teams both fell to the Fellowship, the game was pretty much decided. In a game like this, expecting that other, enemy teams would team up versus the strongest one, even if they know which one it is, is living a fantasy. The Fellowship won because they grew the fastest and the strongest. We couldn't keep up with them, so we lost.
That said, I don't regret having taken over the game. I picked up some valuable lessons from it, and just until the last turns (where I was completely powerless) I had fun playing it. The one thing I can consider my victory (be it just for my own self-esteem) is making it to the 2500 intact, despite an ongoing war with the Forsaken/Undead, and the pressure put on us by the Fellowship towards the end of the game. I shall use this experience to do better in DD6 (already booked myself in there).
Last but not least, I'd like to thank all the players of this game for their play, and the skills they put to use in this game. In the end, it made the game challenging, entertaining and educating. Thank you, one and all.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sat, 08 March 2014 15:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Mac1 is currently offline Mac1

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To be honest, after beating your big fleets (twice i think), we were thinking about bigger assault to the south, to Kroot/Myth teritory.
Eventually we decided that we will just fortify our border and leave you alone, trying to prepare for upcoming war vs Fellowship, hoping that you will also finally leave us alone and go to fight Fellowship.
We were wrong and seems that you are right, hoping to team up in such game is a fantasy unfortunately Sad

It might have been our biggest mistake, if we would somehow be able to take more planets to the south maybe, just maybe .... we would be able to have enough production to hold Fellowship massive attack for long enough for our fountain to start matter.

Well, lesson learned Smile

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sun, 09 March 2014 13:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bystander is currently offline Bystander

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When I saw how DD4 had ended with an AR/IS team victory, I thought it might be challenging to use an AR race in DD5 because the rules in DD5 would not favor AR. DD4 banned starbase attack orders, mandated weapons as hard and outlawed mine damage dodge. So SBs in DD4 were better protected by minefields, would usually be the last target instead of 1st, and would have higher armor or shields tech vs. weapons.

The fact that I had an AR that did 52K in a small, packed 2450 testbed helped make the decision even easier. Name: Turtles.

I asked Ashlyn to join me and showed her my race. She countered with a partner race of 20% JOAT -f, named Calypso. I was initially skeptical that this would be a good match for this type of game and my race's shortcomings, but we played 20 turns practicing trading tech from the start and it seemed to work well. Plus it would be nice to have the pen scanning.

When two opposing traits were available for race design, each of us would take one. I would have ram-scoop engines, she would have none but get the FM engine and extra fuel efficiency. She was forced by game rules to take pen scans for her JOAT, I would take NAS. She did not take TT, but I did (and occasionally used it to terra her planets - especially because I had a great colonists/resource ratio on red planets).

I took easy Energy, Constructions, and Bio, hard elsewhere. She took easy Weapons, Prop, and Electronics, hard elsewhere.

We split the temp hab range, I went somewhat low, she went somewhat high. This would allow us to intersettle without conflict. Seems like all but one team chose the same route, making the game more dangerous - once terra was done, almost all planets on opposing teams were near 100% for some player on the other teams. The 1st team to overthrow another would have a huge advantage.

In the early game, the Calypso helped the Turtles where they were weak. Donation of colony ships, FM-equipped cargo ships, minerals, etc. We probe our southern border with the eventually winners, the JOAT/IS Fellowship. They held firm. We probe the SD/AR Forsaken/Undead border to our east. They also held firm.

We quickly inhabit every planet in our zone, Ashlyn's Calypso race having wide habs, my AR having an immunity and good resources on yellow/reds anyway. This worked out well with wormholes. We could establish the occasional beachhead in enemy territory, while opposing players looked at our defenses and inhabited worlds and often went right back through the WH.

As my AR starting coming into its own, I was building mining ships, large bases, and grabbing the lead over everyone on Energy and Construction. I got TT20 to make up for a bad hab draw. Took over prop research, even though I had chosen it hard.

Ashlyn concentrated on Weapons, Electronics, terra on her small greens and most of the armed ship building.

When it was clear the Beekeepers/Leonids were in trouble from the Fellowship, I was worried that the Fellowship could almost double their territory, but still hoped my AR would have time to really gear up.

But the Fellowship was too good at hiding their BB numbers. A stack five times larger than ever before seen showed up at our doorstep. The design had never been pinged by us. We knew from past experience that they had built large numbers of ships with weapons four to six levels above our current research, so I feared they had range 3 beam W22. That and max super battle computers would have made them invincible, as we weren't even close to Nexi. But when we pinged, they were only W20. So we had some of Ashlyn's W16 cruisers to throw at them. I had run testbeds to show that the heavier range 2 BBs would chase multiple stacks of the lighter range 3 cruisers for 4 or even 5 turns, making it a net loss for the Fellowship in terms of minerals and resources. But the actual main battle's two CC stacks only got 2 and 3 shots off, so it was barely a wash and the Fellowship had much more on the way.

By the time I got to Nubians, half the Calypso/Turtles southern territory was occupied. And because of the big gap between Con16 and Con24 armor components, it was a while before I could scrap Ashlyn to Nubians.

Since we were not disrupting their chaff and other supply chains, many of our ships and bases were going down without inflicting significant revenge. I asked Ashlyn if we should continue to put 100% of our efforts on defense or send ships to try and shore up our wormhole beachheads and probe east against Undead/Forsaken. She said "whatever". So I submitted the last few turns alone, trying out stuff I had never done before like chaff sweeping. The beachheads collapsed and once we were down to two planets between us, I put us auto.

Great game by all players. Ashlyn was warning me from the start to watch out for the Fellowship.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sun, 09 March 2014 14:44 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ManicLurch is currently offline ManicLurch

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The fact that I had an AR that did 52K in a small, packed 2450 testbed helped make the decision even easier

Sounds like you have a monsterish AR race cooked up.

She countered with a partner race of 20% JOAT -f, named Calypso. I was initially skeptical that this would be a good match for this type of game and my race's shortcomings, but we played 20 turns practicing trading tech from the start and it seemed to work well. Plus it would be nice to have the pen scanning.

Sounds like a good match to me. When picking an AR partner for the DD series, you want a race that is very strong at the AR's weak points in time.

I would have ram-scoop engines, she would have none but get the FM engine and extra fuel efficiency.

This is interesting to me. Usually teams pick the same engine options, so they can build the same ship design and stack them. Though you can still do this with the regular engines.

Also very interesting that you took Bio cheap and had TT with an immunity. TT is very nice for an AR, you must have had to sacrifice growth rate and/or hab range to afford all of these for your AR. It did work, you had a nice testbed and your AR was the first to Nubs. I am guessing you also held the #1 spot in part of the mid game.

You might post your AR race/ideas in the AR forum.

This is must my opinion, but I think a mistake your team made was having a -F race with no immunity. Not having the immunity allowed you to get 20%, which helps a lot in the early game. I think that by mid game you have too much terraforming to do compared to a 19% 1 immune race. I learned this the hard way, I played a 20% -F in a game, after that game I decided no -F without an immunity. Just my 2 cents. Someone might prove this wrong and make a no immune -F race work good.

Though you might have made it work with the AR having TT and having the AR TT some of the Joats planets. Only certain planets would work for this.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sun, 09 March 2014 19:02 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bystander is currently offline Bystander

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This is interesting to me. Usually teams pick the same engine options, so they can build the same ship design and stack them. Though you can still do this with the regular engines.

Not sure what you mean by multiple players building the same design and "stack them". Identical designs transferred between players create new design slots and the two designs don't stack on the battle board. I guess my point on engines was that I paid in the race wizard for only Rams, while Ashlyn paid only for IFE. But during the game, I got the benefit of some transferred IFE-equipped ships, while I gave her late-game ram-scooped cargo and minelayers.

You might post your AR race/ideas in the AR forum.

Thanks, maybe the one that testbedded at 52K vs. the modified one for partnership play.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sun, 09 March 2014 19:34 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bystander is currently offline Bystander

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Although since it seems DD6 is starting soon, perhaps I should wait so as not to influence anyone's design.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Tue, 11 March 2014 10:21 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LittleEddie is currently offline LittleEddie

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[quote title=Bystander wrote on Sun, 09 March 2014 19:02]Quote:

Not sure what you mean by multiple players building the same design and "stack them". Identical designs transferred between players create new design slots and the two designs don't stack on the battle board.

If you transfer them back again, both slots, they come out in one slot. If I remember correctly there is a "transferred" flag in the ship design model, it has to be set the same for all ships to be in the same slot and the only way to change it is to transfer the ships.

So we both build 100 ships, the same design, you transfer your 100 ships to me, I have two slots of the same ship, 100 in each . I then transfer the two fleets back to you and you get 200 ships in one slot (still in two fleets of course).

Now you can combine the two fleets into one of 200 ships.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Tue, 11 March 2014 22:28 Go to previous messageGo to next message


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well that cat is out of the bag

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Wed, 12 March 2014 12:38 Go to previous messageGo to next message
LittleEddie is currently offline LittleEddie

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neilhoward wrote on Tue, 11 March 2014 22:28
well that cat is out of the bag

since it's been in the forum since at least 2003, I think it's closing the door after the cat is out.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Wed, 12 March 2014 18:56 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bystander is currently offline Bystander

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Got it to work for me in test. I wrote off the stacking into one race's design of ships built by two or more races years ago. But perhaps I only tested single transfer. Or did the double transfer without deleting the design when one is empty of ships.

I don't think it would have mattered much to my team in DD5 if we had been aware of the technique before or during the game. I did notice that it seemed one race on the Fellowship side had BIG numbers of certain warship designs. Thought that might have been due to one race specializing in easy tech research, while the other used the race wizards savings of choosing mostly hard techs to be a better builder.

[Updated on: Wed, 12 March 2014 18:57]

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Fri, 14 March 2014 15:00 Go to previous messageGo to next message
skoormit is currently offline skoormit


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[quote title=LittleEddie wrote on Tue, 11 March 2014 09:21]Bystander wrote on Sun, 09 March 2014 19:02

Not sure what you mean by multiple players building the same design and "stack them". Identical designs transferred between players create new design slots and the two designs don't stack on the battle board.

If you transfer them back again, both slots, they come out in one slot. If I remember correctly there is a "transferred" flag in the ship design model, it has to be set the same for all ships to be in the same slot and the only way to change it is to transfer the ships.

So we both build 100 ships, the same design, you transfer your 100 ships to me, I have two slots of the same ship, 100 in each . I then transfer the two fleets back to you and you get 200 ships in one slot (still in two fleets of course).

Now you can combine the two fleets into one of 200 ships.


Perhaps this should be added to the list of player exploitable features.

What we need's a few good taters.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Fri, 14 March 2014 16:01 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Anonymous Coward
Even so, I'd loathe to ban this in games. If both races have the technology to build the ships, what keeps them from combining them into one fleet if they end up under the same player's sign?
Fleets belonging to different players (even allied) do not combine into one stack, so where's the foul in that?

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Fri, 14 March 2014 16:18 Go to previous messageGo to next message
XAPBob is currently offline XAPBob

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I'd not consider it a "bug" or an "exploit" - you need to not use the fleet(s) for two years to make it a "transferred" slot.

Why wouldn't your identical fleets be able to stack?

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sat, 15 March 2014 12:41 Go to previous messageGo to next message
ManicLurch is currently offline ManicLurch

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I did notice that it seemed one race on the Fellowship side had BIG numbers of certain warship designs. Thought that might have been due to one race specializing in easy tech research, while the other used the race wizards savings of choosing mostly hard techs to be a better builder.

Our largest stack of nubs was built by just one of us. We did use this technique on our 2nd largest fleet, but not at first. We had to free up ship slots to make the transfers and we didn't do this until we were done building this particular nub design. We likely would have transferred them sooner into one fleet, if we had the free slots earlier.

So this ability to stack 2 or more players designs does come with a price, it takes extra ship slots which can be hard to come by towards the end of games.

Even so, I'd loathe to ban this in games.

I have never heard of this being banned in a game. It is common practice in games that have allies. Though you really have to trust your ally, which isn't a problem in the team games.

Perhaps this should be added to the list of player exploitable features.

Yes, this probably should be added, since it seems there are some who are not aware of this.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sat, 15 March 2014 16:25 Go to previous messageGo to next message
Bystander is currently offline Bystander

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I agree. Perhaps the "Tricks of the Trade" sticky in the Academy. Someone who has used it a lot could give the cost/benefit analysis.

Some disadvantages - temp use of two slots for one design, fewer options for battle board position advantage, may force a race to use a sub-optimal design because their partner does not share a trait like IFE or HE's capacitor.

Some advantages - much better shield stacking, getting extra kills per volley

I believe if you transfer the ships to JOAT or SS, they get the inherent advantages of pen scans or cloaking respectively.

In DD5, I noted that you do not have to double-transfer MT ships to get them to appear in one design. I got MT ships, my partner got same MT ships, she gave to me and they were all in one design on my side.

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Re: Dynamic Duos 5 has ended Sat, 15 March 2014 18:11 Go to previous message
Anonymous Coward
In DD5, I noted that you do not have to double-transfer MT ships to get them to appear in one design. I got MT ships, my partner got same MT ships, she gave to me and they were all in one design on my side.

Most probably because they already do come with "transferred" flag on them, as they are indeed transferred to the buyer by the MT fleet. Thus when transferred to just one player, they add to the same design slot.

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