Home » Stars! 2.6/7 » New Game Announcements » Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers
Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 17 September 2008 13:53 |
This game is full and will start soon.
Fledging Admirals IV
Due to the popular demand for FA3 about 6 players haven't gotten a place and thus I am announcing the 4th game of the Fledging Admirals serial.
It's a pretty straight short game which is intended to lure back oldtimers (considering themselves beginner to lower intermediate) and to bring in new players. If a friend told you about the game and you are keen on playing but lack a serial code, there are unique serial numbers available from Ron who is also running autohost, look in the following thread: Getting serial numbers.
To make the battleground even, players experienced in the mean combat vs other humans will have to leave some leftover points in the race wizard (see restrictions).
Host is not playing and feel free to ask when you feel unsure about the conditions, Stars-version, abbreviations etc.
Game Info
Players: 6 - 9
Skill level: beginner - lower intermediate
Ranked: No
Version: 2.6 J rc4, 2.7 J rc3 (German)
Autohost: Yes
Turn generation: 5 turns a week (Tuesday-Saturday) up to year 2430, then 3 turns/week (Tue-Thur-Sat) as soon as requested by at least one player. Weekends and holidays off, if wished for we can make a break from 22nd Dec to 2nd Jan.
Host is playing: No
Universe size: Small Packed (240 stars in a 800x800-ly-universe), Distant Starting Positions
Starting conditions: ACC BBS
Victory conditions: Last Man/Last Team standing or consensus. Winning team mustn't exceed 2 players.
Game Rules
1) No pregame alliances which means that players should not get in contact before the game starts to optimize their race designs for a later alliance.
2) No cheats (except chaff and split-fleet dodge), for more info see the thread: Known Bugs (JRC3) - Player Exploitable Bugs / "Features" (or ask the host when in doubt)
3) Only one other player may be set to friend, and traded with at any one time, all others must be set to enemy. Only with your ally you may exchange tech and ships. You can change your ally after 10 years.
4) Restrictions depending on experience
Players which have already played Stars pbem games vs humans will have disadvantages by leaving leftover points in the race wizard and some PRTs (primary race traits) might be forbidden.
a) for beginners: (no Stars-experience vs humans or 1 game and soundly beaten)
* AR banned
* PP banned
* JOAT: 150 leftover points
Leftover points can be spent as you like.
b) advanced beginners (up to 3 games vs humans and always soundly beaten)
* AR: banned
* JoaT: 250 leftover points
* SD: 200 leftover points
* IT: 100 leftover points
* all other PRTs: 60 leftover points
Leftover points can be spent as you like except on mineral concentration.
c) for rusty oldtimers and lower intermediate:
* SD, JoaT: 300 leftover points
* IT: 150 leftover points
* AR: 0 leftover points
* all other PRTs: 100 leftover points
Leftover points can be spent as you like except on mineral concentration.
If in doubt where to sort yourself in, send me an email and ask.
* Germ starting concentration will be between 30 and 60.
* Inactivity: Players which have missed 3 turns will be set to inactive. I'll look for replacements if appropriate or may put in some last orders myself to upgrade the defenses but the game won't stop.
* No rule but especially new players I want to urge not to play in more than 2 games (better even only 1 game) of Stars. After turn 30 orders and thinking will consume time and a good game will be in the back of your mind all the time. It's more fun to play only 1 game but to do this one right. There are lots of great articles about Stars waiting for you to read and to inspirate you how to apply the newly gained knowledge or inspiration to this game and your specific situation.
If you are interested, please send to altruist (at) arglos (dot) net :
* the race file
* the password (none is needed but if you want to set one)
* your desired email address
* your nick at autohost
* a short note about your Stars-experience
We aim to start the game in about 2-3 weeks. I'll keep this post updated to display the players taking part.
Players so far (green with race file, red without race file, problems with race file):
1. Combat (beginner)
2. voodoo8476 (advanced beginner)
3. Dude (rusty oldtimer)
4. Redski (advanced beginner)
5. kaloth (beginner)
6. TheShadow7478 (rusty oldtimer)
7. Deuce (lower intermediate)
8. russl5445 (lower intermediate)
9. Coyote (rusty oldtimer)
waiting list:
smartaleq (beginner)
skoormit (lower intermediate)
Some players need more time to finetune their sent in race designs, so I am extending the deadline to Saturday, 27th Sept.
Since the host is not playing, I am offering the same service as in FA III: to give comments and suggestion on your race design.
[Updated on: Sat, 27 September 2008 16:46] Report message to a moderator
additional infos |
Wed, 17 September 2008 13:54 |
A note about game length and what you might have to expect
With the above turn generation and assuming the game will last for about 60 turns, the game will be played over a period of around 16 weeks (about 4 month). While this is rather short for a Stars-game, I want to remind everybody, it is not wise to sign up for the game when you already know that eg in 2 month you will be away/without internet connection for several weeks.
Small packed games with 6-9 players tend to be very fast paced. Thus you better don't expect a long peaceful development but skirmishes along your frontiers and somebody trying to invade your colonies perhaps as early as in the 10th and first fleets with destroyers in the 20ies. Early scouting is important not only to know your possible enemies but also to find a suitable ally. It's not at all like playing against the AIs, humans are tricky, nasty and look out for your weak spots.
Don't despair when you get wiped out. Usually you learn more from loosing a game than from winning... and the advantage of a short game: you can apply your newly gained knowledge soon in the next game and kick some admiral's ass.
Since this game is also for new players, the host will describe in detail how to use the autohost interface to upload/download turns. Perhaps I'll also write some short articles and send them around from time to time. Nevertheless don't miss the following wells of Stars! wisdom:
* Updated List of Links at autohost
* The Stars! FAQ Website (with a wide variety of superb articles)
* Stars!wiki
There are 2 other Fledging Admiral games finished which were with nearly similar settings. There was more cooperation allowed between the players, though. To get you an impression, here what the players wrote about it:
* Game stories � Fledging Admirals I
* Game stories � Fledging Admirals II
About race design here some very helpful links:
* Stars! Official Strategy Guide: Basic Race Design (especially the info about breakpoints at the end)
* Basic Race Design by Art Lathrop
* "Race Design, Step by Step" by Mahrin Skel 1997 v2.6/7
* Lots of more articles: Race Design/Strategy
Take it as hints and inspiration, never follow it to the point or believe everything what you read in the articles. But some stuff is really good and helpful. Remember that you need to adapt what you read to our specific game settings.
If you want to get a feeling how your race fares, test it in small packed vs 8 random expert AIs. Your race should manage to conquere the first HW between 2430-40. If you need anylonger, rework your race design.
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 17 September 2008 17:01 |
Combat wrote on Wed, 17 September 2008 21:01 | Ummm unless there is another Wesley in the autohost I belive Wesley and Combat are one and the same though I guess I could play 2 races.
I take this as a confirmation.
Combat changes to red.
Wesley deleted.
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 17 September 2008 23:09 |
Thanks so much, I am in I will adjust my race file to meet requirements
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Thu, 18 September 2008 10:27 |
Dude wrote on Thu, 18 September 2008 02:18 | yes yes count me in.
I have 2.70i is this the correct version?
If it's the German version, you need "j" instead of "i". For the English version I am not 100% sure. Check the AutoHost KN-2050 central computer.
kaloth wrote on Thu, 18 September 2008 14:40 | Awesome, looking forward to it. I may have to adjust my race for this game however
All other players: I've updated the list in the 1st post. I still need info about the game experience from:
* Combat
* Paul
* kaloth
* Schafer
If I've already gotten the information, have patience with me, I've got the flu and can't think straight... just resend the infos.
And for the beginners, if you get confused about all the abbreviations, here a list of them
* Abbreviations List.
And for the Germans:
* English-to-German Translation of Stars! Terminology
[Updated on: Thu, 18 September 2008 10:33] Report message to a moderator
Deadline for race files |
Fri, 19 September 2008 10:50 |
Deadline for race-files is next week Thursday, 25th September. And remember to tell me your Stars-experience therefore I can sort you in.
Since the host is not playing, I am offering the same service as in FA III: to give comments and suggestion on your race design.
It's still worthwhile to join this game on the waiting list. I'd say that 1 or 2 spots might still reopen (mainly because I might have listed some players twice).
(1st post updated accordingly)
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Fri, 19 September 2008 11:51 |
Combat wrote on Fri, 19 September 2008 17:43 | I have sent a e-mail with my info and race file to the address listed above on the 18th and the update to the names list was on the 19th so I just want to ask if you have gotten my e-mail?
Not that I am aware of. Please, resend your email and make sure
* to title it with "FA IV"
* to include the nick or name with which I've listed you here
With 16-20 players sending up to 3 race files for 2 different games, it becomes a bit chaotic sometimes.
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Mon, 22 September 2008 17:21 |
I considered joining - I'm definitely rusty in actual playing experience but I have no idea where I rate on the skill continuum anymore.
I suppose I could just play some really wierd race for the lulz if there aren't any other games starting soon.
Edit: nevermind... I'll try getting in Gible's game instead.
[Updated on: Mon, 22 September 2008 18:59] Report message to a moderator
Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 24 September 2008 06:40 |
I am extending the deadline to Saturday, 27th Sept.
Some players need more time to finetune their sent in race designs.
voodoo8476, are you still in? Haven't heard anything from you yet.
On Saturday/Sunday I'll create the game wether it will be for 7, 8 or 9 players... depending on the race files I'll have then.
Edit: Small clarification of Rule 3) allies in 1st post.
[Updated on: Wed, 24 September 2008 07:37] Report message to a moderator
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Wed, 24 September 2008 10:00 |
skoormit wrote on Wed, 24 September 2008 15:41 | Put me on the alternate list as a lower intermediate. I'll send along a race file. If there's room, throw me in there.
When sending your race file, please, give me also a short note about your Stars experience.
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Fri, 26 September 2008 05:48 |
smartaleq wrote on Fri, 26 September 2008 09:12 | edit: I see a waiting list - throw me on there
Welcome to autohost!
And if you won't get a spot in this game, there are usually new games announced every few days or weeks.
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Fri, 26 September 2008 10:06 |
skoormit wrote on Fri, 26 September 2008 14:55 | Bump him up ahead of me. Let's get this guy into his first game if we can.
Nice move.
No single game vs humans but having read most of the articles... looks like the ideal player for Fledging Admirals. I'll surely feel sorry if you won't get a spot but 9 players is really the max, I can't raise it to 10 players.
I wouldn't had thought that the demand for a straight small game is so big: 20 players now within only some weeks.
[Updated on: Fri, 26 September 2008 10:08] Report message to a moderator
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Re: Fledging Admirals IV: beginners - lower intermediate - rusty oldtimers |
Fri, 26 September 2008 12:53 |
Redski | | Petty Officer 3rd Class | Messages: 43
Registered: September 2008 | |
Quote: |
I wouldn't had thought that the demand for a straight small game is so big: 20 players now within only some weeks.
Maybe there's a message there... when I reloaded Stars and went looking for games, I found virtually none out there which weren't intimidatingly complex in terms of restrictions on race setup. If I hadn't seen the FA III thread I'd probably have disappeared back into the woodwork and archived my Stars disk permanently.
[Updated on: Fri, 26 September 2008 12:53] Report message to a moderator
game files sent in |
Sat, 27 September 2008 16:44 |
Game files are sent in, waiting for Ron to set up the game at autohost.
This thread can be closed. During the game we'll be using the private forum for Fledging Admirals.
smartaleq and skoormit: I am sorry that I wasn't able to offer you a spot in the game but all 9 players, who previously registered for the game, seem to be quite eager and managed to send in a race file before the dead line.
[Updated on: Mon, 29 September 2008 06:22] by Moderator Report message to a moderator
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