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 Topic: Looking for game
Looking for game Wed, 12 September 2007 05:20
Jdam is currently offline Jdam

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 4
Registered: September 2007
Location: Queensland, Australia
Hi everyone.

Long time lurker first time poster Smile

I am looking for a stars game.

Anyone need/want another player ?

Cold comfort for change, did you exchange, a walk on part in the war for a lead role in a cage...

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 Topic: Games you should never play
Games you should never play Wed, 25 July 2007 08:30
wizard is currently offline wizard

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 279
Registered: January 2004
Location: Aachen, Germany
I just digged up an old (1999) article by Art Lathrop on Google Groups. There are some very nice ideas - most are just silly though. Have fun reading!

Here's a quick summary of some really awful and a few silly ideas for games.

Given how serious discussions on this newsgroup are (cough, cough), I thought
I would post something frivolous. Bad ideas for PBeM Stars! games.

Title: Grounds for Divorce (or Your Life Will Only Be Stars!)
Conditions: All player levels
Universe: Huge, Dense, No Public Scores, Slow Tech
Victory Conditions: Last Player standing
Special Game Rules: Players may only use HE's with unmodified growth rates of
at least 12% or SD. Turns will be generated every 17 hours.

You could add to this
"players must submit a weekly newsletter from their empire of not less than
1000 words" "autobuild orders are banned" (individually modify planetary
production)"ship counterdesign help service available" (have to keep
redesigning ships)"prizes are available for the highest total production
(ships, not resources)""turns alternately to these addresses.... (supply 200
email addresses)""download from this web server (supply Force9 web address)"

..also..no more than 2 waypoints per fleet! and "repeat" checkbox banned!

And then add in a bunch of HE AI's with their spores going every which way!


Small, sparse, 16 players, slow tech advances.
Weapons research set to +75%. No starbases, Ultrastations or Death Stars
allowed. No bombers allowed. Winning conditions: first player to own 1000
capital ships.

(OK, I was desparate to think of something that didn't have to do with MM -
sue me).


Title: One-Percent Wonder Warriors
Universe: Huge, Packed, No Public Scores, Slow Tech
Victory conditions: 500K production and owns 65% of all planets (both
conditions required)

Special: You guessed it growth rate must equal 1%. No HE

Title: Engines from the Abyss
Universe: Huge, sparse, slow tech
Victory Conditions: Exceed second place by 300%
Special: All races must have cheap engines and no ram scoops. No race can
have IFE.


OUCH! These two hurt just to look at. I'm currently playing a race with a 10%
growth rate (That was the maximum allowed in the game) and it is slooooooow.
Also, I could not live without ramscoops.


Title: Biowarfare
Universe: Tiny, Packed
Victory Conditions: Last Man Standing
Special: All races must be CA with Bio Cheap and Weapons expensive.


Title: Hide and Go Seek
Universe: Huge, sparse
Victory Conditions: Special - must destroy all enemy ships
Special: All races must be SS.


Title: Democracy Universe: Huge, Packed. Victory: 300% of second place
Special: There are five teams each with three players. Each team only has
one race. All ship movement has to be decided by committee.

Title: Hurry up and Wait
Universe: Huge, Packed, Public Scores
Victory: Same as above
Special: Turns due every Sunday 0000 GMT. Turns mailed Saturday 1200 GMT.


Tiny, Sparse, 16 players, 1000 year force gen. *Close* starting positions.
*Everyone* is a PP.Last man standing. Should take less than 20 turns...


20 turns? Pshah, more like four. Flash Point which BANNED PP (but used
similar conditions) only lasted 23 years and only that long because there were
two SDs). Perhaps it would be better to say that all the players have to
shoot at each other every year and the last player alive loses.


The Great War:
Huge, dense, No Acc BBS, *2* players. Distant starting positions.


Pea Shooters:
Huge, Dense, 16 players.
Special Rule- No weapons besides the laser and alpha torp are allowed. All
other systems legal. No PPs.


16 Blind Mice:
Huge, Dense, 16 players.
Special Rule- You *cannot* build any scanners, ever.
No planetaries either. No Joats, SD, PP, or AR.


Name: Supernova Prevew
Settings: Not important, only can't use 'Beginner: Max Minerals'
Special Rules:
No freighters allowed.
This means, anything at all that has cargo space is
BANNED. Period.

I believe that game is called Supernova Wink


Fabulous Frigates
Settings: Doesn't matter
Special: All ships must be based on the frigate hull. Any ship that players
start with at the beginning must be destroyed. Just to make invading planets
extra fun, WM, IS, and PP are banned. Since AR can't build colony ships
without its hull, AR is banned too. How do you settle planets? Build one
frigate with a colonizer and then put it in a fleet with cargo hulls.


"Eggs with Hammers"
No armour, shield, or jammer parts may be used.


Med, packed, 16 players, AC BBs, 50 year jumpstart.
Host plays a CA monster that get's played during the
jumpstart. The other players have to kill him. (Yeah,


"Imperial Stormtrooper Marksmanship Acadamy"
No computers, no beams.


"Metamorph" Large or huge Packed, 16 player. Playe as normal but every 5 or
10 years the game .xy file is run through mapper with a randomly generated
gif. Should be quite confusing.


Red Shift II:
Every year, universe is streched 1%.


Bog: Host sets up a max-tech SD before the game starts,
saturated universe with all three mine types. No beams.

Beams are OK, but the minelayers are all nubians and are in a grid pattern
every 100ly.


Blue Shift II:
Start with medium packed, stretch it to huge.
Every 5 years, universe is compacted 100ly

Can you put the stars _anywhere_ you want? If X1(stinky socks) <
X1(wammalammadingdong) can you shuffle the universeso that X2 (stinky socks)
< X2(wammalammadingdong)? You could do a cool 'whirling galaxy' thing if so.
Stars all move at constant velocity (Even as low as 1ly/y) but the inner ones
would move at a faster radial velocity.


Pond Life 1:
Small/normal, players submit races as normal, but the first 100 years are
played by the maid AI.



Pond Life 2:
As above, but start the game with 'expansion player' races

Double Ow. Probably unplayable tho - random races are too unbalanced.


Pond Life 3:
As PL1, but players get to submit turns on years 1, 20, 40,
... 100, 105, 110... Ai handles the rest.

PL4: PL1, but in a huge/dense.


Comment PL 3: considering how the HK AI works, that'd probably be closer to a
jump game.

Art Lathrop
The Stars! Directory

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 Topic: Universe Creator tool source code?
Universe Creator tool source code? Mon, 20 November 2006 09:45
m.a@stars is currently offline m.a@stars


Messages: 2765
Registered: October 2004
Location: Third star to the left

I was wondering if anyone harbors the source code to this well known utility. Cool I couldn't find it anywhere. Sad

I was looking for it, mainly for historical purposes, but one does never know. Sherlock Rolling Eyes


So many Stars, so few Missiles!

In space no one can hear you scheme! Deal

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 Topic: Too busy for stars game...
Too busy for stars game... Sun, 22 October 2006 05:34
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
I have become too busy to do turns for "Not too busy for stars". I am currently in 3rd place score wise (2nd, 3rd and 4th are likely close together), it is nub era, I am not far behind in tech, I have had bio 25 terraforming for a little while.

(My real life customers worry they will lose their jobs if I don't get their programming done, I seem to have twice my normal workload with 2 different demanding customers plus bunch of small ones).

Perhaps someone wants to take over.


[Updated on: Sun, 22 October 2006 05:36]

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 Topic: Requested Stars tool
Requested Stars tool Thu, 15 June 2006 16:02
quatch is currently offline quatch

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 21
Registered: April 2003
Location: Ontario, Canada

For those of you who can get into the guts of the Mfiles, would it be possible to write a little tool to export minefield data? This is something that I've always wanted to be able to trade easily, but there just arn't any quick and easy ways to do it.

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 Topic: Temp replacements...
Temp replacements... Wed, 19 April 2006 14:28
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
My game is currently slow (lots of time between turns, still early in game), which means I can sometimes fill in for a few turns if someone else has to go out of town.

Others are probably in similar position to me and can add their names to this thread as people to ask for filling in for few turns.

Suggest anyone who has need for fill in to private message or post request here, and privately afterwards give needed info, eg:
race password, autohost password, history file, and directions of what to do and not do.

[Updated on: Wed, 19 April 2006 14:34]

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 Topic: No Impact has finished.
trophy.gif  No Impact has finished. Fri, 17 February 2006 07:28


Messages: 1343
Registered: November 2002
Location: Wellington, New Zealand

Its done. I duly declare the Rush'n the winner. Congrats to Sergey Smile

With this special mention for his two supporting minions, and the fnoolish marketing team. Very Happy

As a personal hosting note, I'd like to say how easy the players made it to host this game and I commend all of them on their gamemanship. Smile I'd welcome them all back in any game I host.

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rsitaly is currently offline rsitaly

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 24
Registered: October 2005
Location: ITALY
I'm hosting a game on AUTOHOST and one player has to leave the game due personal problems.
We are at year 2450, 16 players (14 still playing), and the race needed for the replacement player is really a good race in a very good position (3rd place on the score).
We expect to play until year 2501 with generations on MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, no generations during weekends; the generation time is at 22:00 at local time in Italy.
We are playing in a huge universe, packed, and any race has already involved in multiple contacts, alliances, technology exchanges and wars with other races.

If interested send an Email to:




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 Topic: Roving Eye - Game concept
Roving Eye - Game concept Thu, 22 December 2005 08:54
PricklyPea is currently offline PricklyPea


Messages: 534
Registered: February 2005
I'm thinking of a game where everybody has SS-like innate cloaking ability (e.g. 90% default cloak). Nobody except for the host player will be permitted to build Tachyon detectors.

Players will be able to trade for tachyon detectors of varying sizes to have an 'eye' of visibility. Players are unlikely to have more than a handful of these 'eyes'.

Host will be protected from attack for a number of years but then players will be permitted to attack the host (perhaps to prevent new 'eyes' from being secured).

Interesting or not?

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 Topic: Replacement player needed - WNSS
Replacement player needed - WNSS Tue, 08 November 2005 12:58
PricklyPea is currently offline PricklyPea


Messages: 534
Registered: February 2005
Moderate position.

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 Topic: Master of orion, revisited...
Master of orion, revisited... Wed, 14 September 2005 23:38
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
A while back I suggested a master of orion type game. Here is another simplified version I may wish to host in a few months when things slow down for me and if enough are interested.

There is one special OWW race (host race). Host likely be AR race with always only one planet. Be only race with ships over host HW and you win! (backround, host planet is really legendary Orion HW that has been taken over by their evil rivals the antarians)

Each normal race is handicapped, sort of like primative paranoia games but not as bad. Some handicaps will be your choice for example diplomat must set all others to friend including enemies (minefields useless and gates can be used by enemies), warlord must have full weapons/armour on all ships and no ships without weapons, xenophobic must set all to enemy, never intentionally trade. CA likely allowed with its own unique handicaps such as no orbital adjusters, only retro bombs. Some races such as HE and WM will be limited on which handicap they can chose, such can't be diplomats as gate access/minefield useless is less of penalty.

Maybe only public diplomacy (in game messages to everyone) allowed, only one message sendable per turn to limit time drawn by such (any other form of diplomacy would be wrong similar to pre-game alliances in other games though not easy to police).

Normal races are limited by years past for what techs they can build, perhaps only can build up to tech level 1 stuff till year 4, tech level 2 stuff till year 8, etc. So early going will see destroyers, alpha torps and xray lasers, while host has better.

Host will not expand empire but pick a bit on whoever seems to be ahead. Also will give advice to those newbies who are behind.

Handicaps in turns submitted, intermediates can only submit if they have skipped at least one turn, advanced if skipped at least 2 turns. Similar host will only submit once in a while (similar to orion game with antarians), sending out a single fleet to blow something up.

Host must be set to friend by all (but will act as non-diplomatic enemy of all), and will have access to all turn info of others, represents ancient antarian nasty race that has special powers to see and avoid minefields and use your gates... though will only attack one place at any one time.

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 Topic: stars SG again
stars SG again Fri, 05 August 2005 10:24
joxang is currently offline joxang

Crewman 2nd Class

Messages: 14
Registered: July 2005
does anyone suppose that now there's a new influx of 4x games (Space Empires, Galactic Civilizations etc) there might be a bit more interest in Stars SG?


please say yes Smile

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 Topic: New Game Idea: Substitute Wars
New Game Idea: Substitute Wars Sun, 08 May 2005 17:55
Skukkuk is currently offline Skukkuk

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 4
Registered: May 2005
Location: Europe, Germany
Had the idea for Substitute Wars
(some may find out my inspiration comes from a special novel...)

- Huge Galaxy
- 3-4 'elder' but different races with hard limited birth rate and other PRT limits
- rest are 'younger' races that are built out of StarDemo players and therefore are limited to level 10 tech but not for turns, all PRT allowed
- younger races will trade ships from their masters or teachers to conquer the universe...probably with them or later against them if they are strong enough
- most diplomacy would come from the 'elders' who are not allowed to directly fight other elders homeworld/homebase

Coming back on Stars! after a while (5 yrs) of inactivity, waiting all time long for Supernova! to take place...but...

Well, does this idea sound interesting enough to realize?

BTW, is it possible to change from StarDemo to normal Stars! and upgrade tech from this time? If yes, once a 'elder' race is killed by a younger...this younger race may 'lift' himself into the new position.

[Updated on: Sun, 08 May 2005 17:57]

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 Topic: Beta testers needed for AHClient!
icon12.gif  Beta testers needed for AHClient! Mon, 11 April 2005 12:04
jchoyt is currently offline jchoyt

Crewman 1st Class
AutoHost Client author

Messages: 39
Registered: March 2003
Location: Herndon, Virginia


I need a few folks to help test the the recent (ok, not so recent) changes Ron made. Please email me at jchoyt at gmail.com to beta test for me.


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 Topic: Topic number 2000!
Topic number 2000! Tue, 22 March 2005 04:09
PricklyPea is currently offline PricklyPea


Messages: 534
Registered: February 2005
Happy birthday HWF Smile

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 Topic: Temporary Replacment needed
Temporary Replacment needed Fri, 11 March 2005 15:44
icebird is currently offline icebird

Chief Warrant Officer 3

Messages: 178
Registered: September 2003
Location: In LaLa land...
I have just found out (a few minutes ago) that I'm going to be out of town for a week, starting in a few hours. As such, I need atemporary replacment for one of the games I'm in.

Empires, Part 1:
This is a beginners game, curently at turn 2411. Minimal micromanagment, no contact with other players yet.

Please PM me as soon as possible if you are interested, and I'll send more information and password/upload password.

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 Topic: AARP 2004 Present Results
AARP 2004 Present Results Tue, 01 March 2005 08:17
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Almost a year ago eight players embarked on the Autohost's All-Round Player Competition. Just recently the third round completed. However, the results are inconclusive:

Player		Round 1 Spars!	Round 2 GLD	Round 3 Core!		Total

Chagarra	8 (Outies)	4 (Angels)	2 (Fires)		14
Hyena		6 (Bob)		7 (Piemakers)	6 (ghhhihghihg)		19
Steve		2 (Party)	2 (Quisp)	3 (Komodo)		7
Friso		1 (Insectoids)	1 (Stampede)	5 (Deadly)		7
Ashlyn		3 (Tourists)	3 (Scoundrels)	1 (Snipes)		7
EDog		7 (Arilou)	5 (Piprels)	4 (Von Neumanites)	16

Resulting in a 3-way tie for first place.

So presently, the Competition is unresolved and needs to go to a sudden death 3-way duel for winner.

BTW: My thanks are extended to all players who participated in this competition, for their patience and persistence.

And, I will soon be announcing the next competition which will take a slightly more liberal face.


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 Topic: View from altnernate universe how Stars! is different...
View from altnernate universe how Stars! is different... Wed, 19 January 2005 12:49
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
I am currently in my first full game at standard.1000ad.net (massive multiplayer, more ecconomics, poor war engine compared to stars!). I btw am empire 'Noobs', and not doing too badly at moment (despite guys on the top having a NAP among themselves).

Thought it might be interesting to copy my post from the lounge there to here so yo see how we do things better here. (forgive my spelling). Their equivilent of Ron Miller does not spend any time in his game/hosting anymore and sometimes if feels like "the inmates have taken over the assylum". (Forgive my poor spelling)

*** copied post follows ***

If I told an Admin to shut up and/or die, would that be abusing an admin? Is there such a difference between how another human being should be treated?

To give an example of how things are handled in alternate universes:

My first game of Stars! hosted by autohost (http://starsautohost.org/sahforum/) was CFLKIAB (appears too old for the forum threads to be on web site now). Our host/admin Dogthinker turned out to be a cheater, he was also secretly a player in the game. (Admin there has similar powers to see everything).

I was allied with Ptolomy, a more experianced player and we managed to dominate the game. Ptol was always suspicious of the host, he changed his game password so host could no longer get into his empire (host knew everyones passwords to do his job).

When Ron Miller the equivilent of Andrew but always there discovered the cheating, Ptolomey was furious and gave an angry post, though nothing near what is common in the lounge. Ron told Ptolomey to "cool it", even cheater Dogthinker was shown respect.

Dogthinker was given a 1 year ban from hosting and a 3 month ban from playing, but if you look at site today, he is reformed and contributes and plays in games again, we all treat him with respect.

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 Topic: New Game Idea: Point of no return
New Game Idea: Point of no return Fri, 03 December 2004 12:12
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Only one special rule:

If any of your warships go from not orbitting one of your planets to orbitting (counting positions ONLY at beginning of turn), your entire empire goes into a state of anarchy for 3 turns (not allowed to upload turns for 3 turns).

Warships are any ships with one or more weapons or bombs. If during anarchy automatic orders result in more warships doing the same, that results in an extension of the anarchy to 3 years from the time of the event.

That includes chasing an enemy fleet to end up in orbit when not in orbit. (Triggers anarchy)

That does not include gating or moving from another planet where fleet was in orbit at beginnings of each turn. (Not trigger anarchy)

That does not including moving to a planet which was not colonised at beginning of turn but was colonised after.

That does include planets that were colonised but became uncolonised waypoint 0.

Background: Your citizens are afraid of 'big brother' taking over. Any warships orbitting a planet are considered part of the defensive fleet, in contact with the citizens. But any warships that are not in orbit have limited contact and are considered part of a conspiracy. Panic and riots result if one of your 'conspiracy' fleet shows up in orbit on one of your own planets.

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 Topic: OMG - I'm out of school -again-
OMG - I'm out of school -again- Wed, 01 December 2004 23:40
Ptolemy is currently offline Ptolemy


Messages: 1008
Registered: September 2003
Location: Finland

Well - I just noticed - I'm an Ensign!!! Laughing


Though we often ask how and why, we must also do to get the answers to the questions.

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 Topic: Could do with a little more help!
icon7.gif  Could do with a little more help! Fri, 19 November 2004 10:55
Alter Ego

Officer Cadet 4th Year

Messages: 283
Registered: November 2002
Location: Germany
Hi all!

Staz was kind enough to take on the superhosting for "Plain Vanilla".

Thanks, Staz!

Now "Plain Vanilla Too" is ready to go. Anybody else out there with a little spare time on their hands?




War does not determine who is right. Just who is left.
Bertrand Russell

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 Topic: Sample battles
Sample battles Fri, 05 November 2004 14:00
Staz is currently offline Staz


Messages: 514
Registered: November 2003
Location: UK
I'm currently working on a battle simulator and need some test cases to run against it.

Currently it only handles one-on-one battles (two fleets, each with only 1 stack, fighting each other), and it won't take into account any fancy battle orders.

Can anyone supply me with details of recent battles that fit this pattern ?

What I need is...

* Details of ship design for fleet A
* Number of ships in fleet A
* Details of ship design for fleet B
* Number of ships in fleet B
* Which fleet wins
* How many ships are left for the winner, and how much damage they have taken

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 Topic: Where have all the tools gone?
Where have all the tools gone? Fri, 20 August 2004 08:01
Thul is currently offline Thul

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 7
Registered: July 2004
Hiho folks,

I have been looking around the few Stars!-Webpages that are still online nowadays, but cannot find a couple of tools I have been reading about.
Can anyone point me to a location where to download them?

Specifically, I'd like to see:

- Sender 2.x by Paul Owen
- Warp Central
- Any other tool that does an automatted turn processing and sending of result files.

Can anyone help me?

Kind regards

Emails are welcome to magic.jones@gmx.net

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 Topic: New Game Idea: Backyard Bullies
icon3.gif  New Game Idea: Backyard Bullies Thu, 12 August 2004 18:06
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Just reminiscing (not fondly) about the "good old days"...

Universe Size: Small
Universe Density: Packed
ACCBBS, Slow Tech

#of players 8+

Game Play:
Phase#1 2400-2419

Normal play.

Phase#2 2420-(2419+2*(#players)*5)

Phase #2 is broken into five year segments where a randomly selected player is denoted scapegoat.

Any player successfully attacking the scapegoat's fleets will be rewarded victory points based on the total of the ratings of all ships lost by the scapegoat; the converse also applies (ie. if the scapegoat wins the battle he is rewarded with the total ratings lost by all ships which attacked him)

Note: random determination... each player is eligible to become scapegoat until he has been scapegoat twice at which time he drops from the possibility of becoming scapegoat for the rest of this phase.

Phase#3 also broken into five year segments, here each player may become scapegoat with no possible exclusion.

Phase#3 is the phase where determination of the winner will occur, when the total victory points of the top player is at least double the victory points of the runner-up the winner is declared as the top player.


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 Topic: Re: Joat Olympics... challenging games
Re: Joat Olympics... challenging games Thu, 12 August 2004 13:58
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
As my comment does not fit in the new game annoucement threat, figured move it here.


Please contact me if you find one, with actual decent players. I've been disappointed with the last 3 "advanced/expert" games I've played in. I can honestly say that out of around 40 players, only about 5 lived up to the player rating.


g.e. is likely part of team IRC against EA.

There are some here and elsewhere that aren't part of team IRC or EA who are likely good.

The winner of that match might be open for a challenge... Rolling Eyes

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