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Forum: Zared 2
 Topic: Mamba-Hirota non-agression
Mamba-Hirota non-agression Thu, 26 June 2003 05:03
JamesWD is currently offline JamesWD

Master Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 99
Registered: November 2002
Location: Northampton, UK

hirota hereby announce ceasation of non-agression pact with the Mamba dated 2460. the pact will end at 2465.

Nothing personal, but I wouldn't mind a couple of your planets myself Smile


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 Topic: OOC: Holly Cow ! Your are so funny !!
OOC: Holly Cow ! Your are so funny !! Fri, 09 May 2003 16:57
markusk is currently offline markusk

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 29
Registered: February 2003
Location: germany

never know that stars-RPG could be so funny. a shame that i don't had (have?) much time to type or read myself!

would be proud being part of that monster of a RPG-story!

ciao markus

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 Topic: Report to Cancer Center of Dispersal in Galaxy 5723
Report to Cancer Center of Dispersal in Galaxy 5723 Thu, 01 May 2003 01:23
BackBlast is currently offline BackBlast

Officer Cadet 1st Year
Duel club Champion 2004
Duel Club Champion 2006

Messages: 215
Registered: February 2003
Location: A Rock
Infestation of Zared 2 reports.

Cancer are many. Cancer are strong. Many nons have been sighted in Zared 2. Nons cling to the ways of self and cannot embrace the true purpose of planetoid life. One compatible found. Nons will be removed as needed.

End Zared 2 report.

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Forum: Lesser Choices
 Topic: Game over
Game over Mon, 08 September 2003 16:15


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
Head Knight's last message:


Goth/Fide alliance surrendered to the triumphant Bug/Knight alliance. As result the Pilgrim/Citadel also collapsed and the game ended in a flash of white light ...

Will the Holy Grail ever be found? Nobody knows, maybe in a next life ... ("but I'm not dead yet!")

Head Knight

Thanks all for the game, it was fun, and especially good to see almost everybody is still present in the year 2492!

kind regards,

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 Topic: Good bye to Rome!
Good bye to Rome! Sat, 12 July 2003 15:45
Raindancer is currently offline Raindancer

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 261
Registered: February 2003
Location: Finger Lakes NY, USA

Good Game Rome!

It seems that Rome was much more involved in the end game. Rome made some good maneuvers, set up a nice trap, and defeated one of the two big Bug fleets.

There are still some Rome colonizers out in space somwehere, and one Rome planet far to the West. So maybe Rome is not really dead?

Rumors were that the Rome leader was heavily involved in another game for a long time. But this has not been confirmed. Rome?

Maybe that was why Rome never followed the Rome/Bug agreement, long before the Bugs attacked Rome. (Like how Rome never set Bugs to friend for 20 years after agreeing to do so...).

Whatever his level of involvement at various points, it speaks highly of Rome that he never gave up, even toward the end when odds were very strongly against him.

[And everyone knows that historically Bugs were the reason for the fall of the Roman empire.]

Until we meet again...

Big Bug

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 Topic: Banter vs Flaming
Banter vs Flaming Wed, 23 April 2003 19:52
Raindancer is currently offline Raindancer

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 261
Registered: February 2003
Location: Finger Lakes NY, USA

One person sent me a response to my email which suggested posting banter here.

The comment was about the word 'banter'

'Banter' is in-game discussion or even arguing, in the spirit of fun, generally from a role-playing perspective, from race to race. Banter can be a lot of fun, and can make a game more enjoyable.

'Flaming' is attacking the player, not the race, and generally means that someone is upset. Flaming is bad. Flaming can quickly destroy a game.

With respect to the messages that I have seen so far, they are from the Goths and the Pilgrims, not the 'players' and are aimed at the races, not the other players. They are intended in the spirit of fun as far as I could tell.

So I encourage you all to keep up the playful messages!


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 Topic: 2419 - Player relations
icon1.gif  2419 - Player relations Mon, 24 February 2003 19:56


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1

Time to decide which races you like. Wink
In the current turn (2419) please set two races to neutral and one to friend (or 3 to neutral Grin) all the rest are enemies. Setting all other races to enemy is also allowed Twisted Evil

kind regards,

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 Topic: Weekend gens
Weekend gens Fri, 14 February 2003 17:08


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
Good to see didn't had to wait those 60 (or how many?) hours for a next turn! Surprised Although it now shifted to 75+ Shocked

And 9:30pm GMT seems a popular gaming hour! Grin


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 Topic: Welcome!
icon1.gif  Welcome! Mon, 03 February 2003 17:05


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1

this new AutoHost forum with the private forums for games might proof to be helpfull for discussing things about the game. More structure and less chaotic than receiving emails from 9 other players full of >>> and other characters Smile

I hope we can make good us of it,

kind regards,

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Forum: Sky Harbor III
 Topic: New Century
icon10.gif  New Century Thu, 14 August 2003 06:14
Misza is currently offline Misza

Petty Officer 2nd Class

Messages: 59
Registered: February 2003
Location: Poland / Wroclaw
Greetings to everybody!

On the occasion of the coming of the new century,
the Miszans would like to wish every other race in the universe
that the 26th century be as fruitful as the previous one,
that your mines yield a bounty of germanium,
that your scientists make wondrous discoveries
and that the hyperspace be kind to your ships. Teleport
And now it's time for an almost two-week celebration! Cheers

Best Regards,
General Misza, President of the Miszan Republic

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 Topic: speach at the fireplace
icon10.gif  speach at the fireplace Tue, 03 June 2003 23:57
dimych is currently offline dimych

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 26
Registered: March 2003
Location: Russia
Brothers and sisters!
My People!
Collegues emperors, presidents or whatever else you prefer to be named.
read my lips!
Nana nana bubu seems like my nation is heading to extinction at full throttle. and many along the way are eager to give us a hand in speeding the process. It has been a nightmare to come back to governing after a short break spent apart from my people. Eek
Unfortunately, our Great Fleet was not able to destroy those Evil Forces. My people would be glad to know that all my admirals are duly tortured and confessed voluntarily in numerous cases of treachery, theft and misconduct. And we look forward to even more shocking facts revealed by our glorious patriots at Special Police Dept. (tune in for LIVE broadcast of former Admiral Huno interrogation today on First 2 minutes are absolutely free than only 9.99 Sht$ per hour!)
Right now i'm doing my best to pack up my personal yacht with what i have earned while serving self-denyingly my people. Donations from patriots are accepted at 1-800-SAVE-THE-EMPEROR. You are free not to call this number Twisted Evil , i promise, that SPD will not touch those who chose not to help Our Beloved Emperor (which is me). But we may not guarantee them from wrath of our patriots! Lists of those who already called will be published weekly in The New Rise newspaper.
You can trust me on one thing - we will fight untill the last supercargo vessels and my yacht filled with my personal belongings will depart from my castle.
Stay united! protect your best friend - your emperor!
Sincerely yours,
Shtirlyugi's emperor

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 Topic: Trading & Alliances
icon7.gif  Trading & Alliances Sun, 25 May 2003 09:37
pquinton is currently offline pquinton

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 23
Registered: March 2003
Location: Lancashire, England
Does anyone out there wish to set up a trading agreement?

Can anyone reveal any info regarding any alliances, NAP out there?


Nosey Phil <Wretch High Command>

"...man, that was potent!"

[Updated on: Sun, 25 May 2003 09:37]

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 Topic: Paging all CA's
Paging all CA's Fri, 09 May 2003 06:23


Messages: 1343
Registered: November 2002
Location: Wellington, New Zealand

I have a proposition to make which you will be interested in. Reply in private.

[Updated on: Fri, 09 May 2003 06:24]

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 Topic: Energy 7 tech trade offer
Energy 7 tech trade offer Tue, 29 April 2003 15:43
ViperLSS is currently offline ViperLSS

Crewman 2nd Class

Messages: 11
Registered: March 2003
Location: Michigan

It seems that we were not fast enough for one race in building our tech trade ships. Because of this we have put these ships up for auction to any race in our galaxy.
We have 10 level 7 energy. These ship will give the receiving race 2 tech levels.
All offers are to be sent via personal message on this forum.

[Updated on: Tue, 29 April 2003 15:44]

I build the fastest sports car built in the U.S.

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 Topic: Early Generation
Early Generation Mon, 03 March 2003 18:30
Ashlyn is currently offline Ashlyn

Lt. Commander

Messages: 834
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pueblo CO USA

Well, thats one way to get your 5 turns in - in a week. Embarassed

I don't know what happened. Autohost should have skipped the generation, me thinks. Bounce

Anyone give me an guess of how much time between the two generations??? I'll ask Ron Very Happy

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Forum: Friends in Low Places
 Topic: Treacherous attack of the Imperiums and the Monarchs - agricultural efforts are not duly protected
icon8.gif  Treacherous attack of the Imperiums and the Monarchs - agricultural efforts are not duly protected Tue, 05 August 2003 06:40
dimych is currently offline dimych

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 26
Registered: March 2003
Location: Russia
Shtirlyugi and Makers (S&M) fleets has sustained a major blow from joined forces of Monarches and Imperiums(M&I).
Military officials of S&M were not available for the comments today, but depressed faces sited at the Allied Navy HQ spoke for themselves.
The information that leaked from the battlefields indicates, that Allied Navy seemed to underestimate joined power of M&I Axis of Evil.
A peaceful biologist at Navy Hospital agreed to speak to our reporter under terms of complete secrecy.
- It was a routine peaceful biological expedition, set to adjust some major agricultural and biological wrongdoing at one of the Imperiums worlds. The rumors were that local extremists used killer bees to guard corn plantations and corn itself did not meet rather loose Shtirlyugi nutrition standards. More to that, we had reports saying, that killer bees frightened kids in a nearby kindergarten and a high school. Although we had no proven facts, but based on our experience we strongly believed, that there we cases of painful bites to the kids. We may have sacrifices our insatiable drive to preserve high biological standards and humanitarian ways of treating agricultural vegetables, but tears of bitten kid is something we may not forgive to anyone.
- The peaceful fleet consisted of a few second-line warships (serving only as fuel carriers), bombers equipped with low-impact high-precision munitions to take out extremists sites and some freighters with Shtirlyugi Ol&#8217; Good soy been seeds (TM), duly certified by Allied Surgeon General. We were planning to sell them at ground cheep prices for local dwellers just for the sake of better nutrition.
- We have duly informed civilians of the planets of the location of our low impact strikes and warned them to stay at least 100 kilometer away from them and wear radiation-proof suits or at least sunglassesfor a short time of 30 years after the bombing. We took into consideration, that low income of people, who live under Imperium dictatorship, may prevent common people from buying such suits. So we dispersed sufficient quantity of such suites from a stealth stratosphere bomber. Imperium propaganda argued, that none of them reached the surface, but read my lips &#8211; &#8220;IT&#8217;S A LIE!&#8221;.
- Our lab tests showed that 95.5% of suites survived a drop 3 meters down and needed only minor repair afterwards to retain functionality. We see no reason why the same drop from 100 kilometers would damage them.
- After a wave of precise bombing our marines&#8230; hahhmm&#8230; biologists visited the planet. Unfortunately, the sadist ruler of the Imperiums did not let people to use our suits for protection &#8211; we saw multiple suits crushed obviously by Imperium extremists and secret police -, and sun glasses of local manufacturers failed to protect people accordingly. So we claim, that all civilian casualties are caused by deeds of Imperium authorities!
- We were just going to start growing new plants and searched for survivors, but all of a sudden our expedition found itself by massive attack of brand new missile battleships of M&I. We believe, that Monarches offered their stealth technology to Imperiums and that was the reason why our fleet was caught off guard.
- Only few ships survived. I mourn for the innocent souls, people of duty, who were slaughtered there&#8230;
The biologist has said grimly but still proudly, that most of the kids from the kindergarten and the high school, terrorized by killer bees were saved and brought to S&M territory. They were, just as S&M supposed, badly bitten by bees. Unfortunately, two of them were slightly burned in process of precise bombing. Surgeons assured us, that it&#8217;s just a matter of days to heal the kids. Shocking pictures of bees bitten kids will be made available to public later this day.
More bad news to that &#8211; we have lost contact with some major S&I planets. The last information our reporters trasgluked to us were pictures taken from orbital forts &#8211; tens of M&I battleships and cruisers ready for attack.
Pray for S&M, all people of freedom and good will!

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 Topic: interstellar cooperation for better nutrition
icon7.gif  interstellar cooperation for better nutrition Mon, 21 July 2003 22:15
dimych is currently offline dimych

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 26
Registered: March 2003
Location: Russia
Who me? I'm a saint Shtirlyugi and Spectres opened a new era in interstellar relationships. People of Spectres, located at a planet in the proximity of friendly Shtirluygi territory(exact name and location undiscovered), voted for voluntary transfer of the planet under Shtirlyugi rule.
Such action was dictated by inability of Spectres to supply the colonists with sufficient quantity of fresh vegetables, which encouraged some radicals, supported by the minority of population, to grow genetically modified flora Shame . Vigorous attempts of Spectres Navy to break through the blockade of Gremlins failed.
Thank god, population of the planet repelled deeds of agricultural heresy. Since Spectres government could not sacrifice health of its people to political goals, it passed the resolution of transferring the planet under peaceloving and generous rule of Shtirlyugi.
Shtirlyugi People gladly welcome Spectres in their family and embrace newcomers. Cheers

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 Topic: GNN special Report
GNN special Report Fri, 04 July 2003 06:53
Zapan is currently offline Zapan

Crewman 2nd Class

Messages: 16
Registered: June 2003
Location: Burlington, Ont.


This is GNN Reporter Cliver Andeson bringing you news of an unprovoked and shockingly successful Surprise Attack!! Early numbers place casualties in the Hundreds of Thousands! Madness reigns as Imperium colonists and ships perish in the fiery death being unleashed over Mobius and Cherry.

Rumors indicate several Maker fleets are responsible for the carnage. The disgraced general Ribolo's name has been whispered, shouted and cursed in the short time since word arrived. No Imperium official has made a statement but there were strong denials of involvement from the Makers' Communications Department.

Maker Councilwoman Icina Frogeater had this to say:
"We are a peaceful and tactful people. Read our manifesto! We do NOT make unprovoked attacks. Such are the ways of madmen. You can be sure of one thing. Justice will be served. Even now we are building a fleet of cruisers solely for the neutralization of this threat to peaceful relations. Ribolo, the N.M.W. or whomever is responsible will be captured and socially adjusted. Thankyou."

On behalf on GNN this is Cliver Andeson saying Good night: "Good night."

If you can't beat them, arrange to have them beaten.

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 Topic: Alliances formed
Alliances formed Thu, 26 June 2003 09:49

Lt. Commander

BlueTurbit died Oct. 20, 2011

Messages: 835
Registered: October 2002
Location: Heart of Texas
All races should have suddenly discovered their partners by email. Now would be a good time to communicate and make plans for action.

Alliances are private information and will remain so, unless enough leaders vote to make the knowledge public.
Post your opinions here or use email.

Turns are now set to generate 1 year every 48 hours.

[Updated on: Thu, 26 June 2003 10:03]

BlueTurbit Country/Rock

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 Topic: Gas shortage
Gas shortage Thu, 19 June 2003 11:23

Lt. Commander

BlueTurbit died Oct. 20, 2011

Messages: 835
Registered: October 2002
Location: Heart of Texas
Attention all members of the friendly galaxy. We are on hold due to a fuel shortage at the Admiral's post. Please hang in space there until we can resolve this mystery.

Cpt. Blue

ooops! fuel just arrived. All ship movements can now restart. Five year ship movement this time. Cool

[Updated on: Thu, 19 June 2003 11:52]

BlueTurbit Country/Rock

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Forum: CTF Team 1
 Topic: Enemy Gates
Enemy Gates Mon, 07 July 2003 01:18
Ozone is currently offline Ozone

Warrant Officer

Messages: 115
Registered: April 2003
Location: Twilight Zone
Enemy gates up at:


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 Topic: Lambda
Lambda Sat, 24 May 2003 13:03
Paladin is currently offline Paladin

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 270
Registered: May 2003
Location: Kentucky

Good News. Lambda happens to be a 73% world for me and it's 196 LYs from my HW. It is the perfect stepping stone that I desperately need so that I can colonize the cluster that is the gaping hole between me and the rest of our team.

There is another &3% world right next to me which I will colonize first. I'll dump a good amount of pop on there to keep from over crowding and when I have enough resources to research const-4, I do that and use Privateers to colonize Lambda. I'll be able to feed pop from both worlds then.

This could change scout Crabby. If his hab is shifted to the right like mine, then I will need to grab it sooner since it's only 179 LYs away from this HW. I can not afford to let him have it so if it's a good world for him, I will have to sacrifice a little pop growth, and send a good colonizing force out sooner.


"There is no substitute for Integrity"

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Forum: CTF Team 2
 Topic: Gates
Gates Sat, 19 July 2003 15:20
joseph is currently offline joseph

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 440
Registered: May 2003
Location: Bristol
The Following worlds have Gates

Revelation, Cirrus, Hyperbole, Desolate.

These will have gates in 2434

Geronimo, 3M TA3, McCellan.

More to follow

"Can burn the land and boil the sea. You cant take the Stars from me"

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 Topic: 2423
2423 Sat, 28 June 2003 05:14
joseph is currently offline joseph

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 440
Registered: May 2003
Location: Bristol
Building first invasion fleet - should be ready in 3 turns. I am attacking Shadalove world Buttercup in 2 turns (with a small invasion force)
Andrew if you look on Dans turn the world (Basket Case)next to yours (Denon) is a small pop that you could pop drop with the fleet you have at Denon (and it only has 1 ship guarding it which you should beat) it you think you can hang onto it that would be great but even if you cant it would be worth taking it and then evacuating as you would remove a threat (its IT so they would be able to gate stuff) and may pick up a tech level.

Atredies I really would like those OAs

Aden thanks for the G

Thats it really

"Can burn the land and boil the sea. You cant take the Stars from me"

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 Topic: Status
Status Mon, 02 June 2003 07:44
Chee is currently offline Chee

Senior Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 91
Registered: November 2002
Location: Cincinnati, OH
Hey All,
I'm now back from my vacation and settling into my old routines - for better or worse.

Anyhow, I was wondering how things were progressing in our CTF game. Anything new to report? Lots of those Shadallolf scout cruising around. Any other sightings?

We really should try and knock as many of those out as we can.

I'm going to start a wolf/lamb trading thing like suggested in our forum. I'll transfer some beta destroyers to everyone and then attack them with some Yak scouts. This should bring everyone up to level six weapons.

It doesn't appear that everyone is using the "blu6" password.

Have we heard much from Pepin???

Everyone should be using the forum - how is that going? I wanted to send this via email, but I'm also going to post it in the forum - so please reply there.



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