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Forum: Wonka's Mineral Factory
 Topic: The Watchers Return....
The Watchers Return.... Wed, 30 June 2004 22:02
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA


We're back......

Visiting the lab^H^H^H galaxy to see how things are proceeding. Since our previous pets the Soviets have become extinct due to packet indigestion it looks like we shall have to use the mind-control hypo-ray (courtesy of Loronian Heavy Industies, a CyperCorp subsidiary) on someone else.


Time to make the Suckers dance to our tune for a while.

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Forum: President
 Topic: Acceptance Speeh
Acceptance Speeh Mon, 11 October 2004 02:47
TomTries is currently offline TomTries

Crewman 2nd Class

Messages: 17
Registered: November 2002
Laughing Thanks Donjon for setting up the game and providing the graphics to keep it interesting as well as the total score.

Thanks to all of my fellow players for an enjoyable game. A special thanks must go to Ben of We the People and Frank of the Children of Gaia who were my long time allies and who allowed me to consolidate the final majority.

May we all now move to a new age of peace and prosperity in this universe and find another interesting game in another.

Take care,

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 Topic: Penetration
Penetration Wed, 16 June 2004 06:21
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

I'm presently working on a better detector for penetration (starbase is completed) and have noted that there are two planets in this universe which require 16 hops to get to PCP...
one is No Play...
No Play

Note: so far this ignores adjacency rules for house and senate.
Question: What is the other planet which requires 16 hops?

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 Topic: Faux Pas
Faux Pas Sun, 22 February 2004 09:35
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

It was just pointed out that even though we asked for you to set us as friend, we neglected to do so ourself.

I have made the adjustment, with this move. Sorry.

Chairman of Election Practices Committee,
Presidential Oversight Committee.

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Forum: ITES
 Topic: ITES - the Staznagorian Perspective
ITES - the Staznagorian Perspective Fri, 10 September 2004 08:37
Staz is currently offline Staz


Messages: 514
Registered: November 2003
Location: UK
As things went badly wrong for me in this game I thought I should post my account of what happened during the game....

Race design:

One-immune, one-narrow IT, almost everything sacrificed for best possible factories. Wide grav, temp immune, rad narrow and shifted way left so we can take almost any low rad planet, but nothing else. Perfect for intersettling.

Game strategy:

Be friends with everyone, intersettle with everyone, build a monster economy. Intention is for every other player to want me on their team, so I can chose the winning team. Avoid warfighting wherever possible, and rely on diplomacy and economic power.

Game commentary:

Things went well to start off with, with "friendship pacts" arranged with several races and good relations built with most others (8 races set to friend quite early). There was lots of pressure from all other players from early on to commit to full team membership which we avoided where possible. Intersettling with several races (particularly the Vader who otherwise were boxed in by us).

We soon discovered that the Bielorussians were HE and so could only get 50% out of each planet, which in a game like ITES is just silly, so we encouraged all their neighbours to attack them. This created a nice void that several of us were able to expand into.

Foolishly I asked the host for a clarification of the rules on team memberships, leading to a ruling that only full team members can be set to "friend". This blew apart my game strategy, so I queried with the host whether I could keep my existing "friend" statuses - this was done by private email because I was in fragile negotiations with many races at that time, and was also a difficult conversation because the host's race was one of the ones that was pressuring me to commit to team membership. The host told me that it was OK to keep other players set to "friend" as long as my team-mates said it was OK.

When scores went public in 2420 I realised that a combination of Staz, Fools and Uppis Duppis would very strong, especially with Hyperions on board as warmonger. Unfortunately the Uppis were also discussing with the Tarvey and Faerie (and me) about joining that team so I had to be very careful. Before I asked the Uppis to join me and the Fools/Hyperions (which would probably kill my relationship with the Tarvey/Faeries) I committed to a team with the Fools & Hyperions.

Unfortunately the Uppis turned us down, saying that the combination would be unbeatable and leading to a boring game. I was already committed to the Hyperions and Fools, so we had to look at alternatives. The Dyrhamanians were on a team with the Vader already, and that left the 255. The 255 economy was really weak, but at least they were an AR. However, they really had no-where else to go so we felt we could just hold the spot open for them and invite them to join fully at a later date if no better opportunity presented itself. In the meantime we maintained good relations with them without ever making any team commitments to them.

Shortly after this, the Tarveys and Faeries joined with the Uppis and Zorn, creating the team known as FUTZ from that point on. The Faeries and Tarveys also gave me notice that I had to vacate my planets in their space. FUTZ then launched surprise attacks against the Hyperions and Fools.

I resisted calls from my team-mates to join them in the war against FUTZ, arguing that it was better to build my strength and prepare for a surprise attack using my remaining stargates in Tarvey/Faerie territory. Unfortunately such a surprise attack would require diverting Hyperion or Fool warfleets from the exsting front line (as building my own warships would ruin the surprise), and this was never possible.

We tried a deception where we would feign war between us and the Hyperions to allow me to build warships without alerting FUTZ, but they saw straight through that. Eventually we ran out of time as FUTZ attacked me directly.

Shortly before I was pulled into the war I was able to co-ordinate a multi-way non-agression-pact by all five of my remaining friends, hopefully ensuring that there would be no in-fighting between the opponents of the FUTZ team which was looking increasingly powerful and agressive (specifically the Uppis were starting to look almost unstoppable).

Things were looking pretty good at this point - there were 6 of us in a loose alliance against the 4 FUTZ members, we had 2 ARs and so could get our own mineral fountains up and running, and we had just scored our first major successes, clearing the Uppis out of Zuchinni and the surrounding region. During this small campaign we got a bit of a shock when we saw Superlatanium armour on an Uppis death star and realised he was only a couple of years away from having Nubians.

Then things fell apart.

The Uppis, presumbably seeing at least 4 races using my gates, complained to the host. More rules clarifications followed, along with promises to close down any additional "loop-holes", effectively forcing me to decide on a team and tell everyone else that they weren't on it.

Because I was committed to the Hyperions and Fools, this meant I would have had to tell the Vader and Dyrhamanians that although I had allowed them to believe I was on their team, actually I wasn't. I was heavily intersettled with both of them, and I was confident that at best they would order me to vacate my
planets in their space - at worst it would be war. Since the majortity of my planets were intersettled with theirs this would be disastrous for my economy. Whatever happened, FUTZ would benefit greatly and the game would almost certainly be lost.

After a long week-end of agonising deliberations I hit upon a potential solution. The Vader, Dyrhamanians, Fools and Hyperions could form a team and I could support them as an ally rather than a team-member. It meant giving up any hope of victory for myself but I had already proved what I wanted to (I was in #1 place with the largest economy) and although I couldn't win I could help beat FUTZ and therefore not be on the losing team either. I could form a team with the 255 (they only other player) but it was probably better for both of us to stay independent and hope a slot opened in one of the main teams.

Unfortunately my motives were questioned and very quickly everyone stopped talking to me. The Hyperions began planning attacks on my planets in their space. My former friends negotiated a truce with FUTZ, leaving the full weight of the Uppis nubians (with help from their allies) bearing down on the Staznagorians.

This was also the holiday season and so the game pretty much stopped for 3 weeks. The game was restarted early before I got back from my holiday, and so 2 turns were backed out by the host. This was really bad timing for the Hyperions who had launched a surprise attack against me in the backed-out turns. Also at this time the Fools dropped from the game.

By this point I had lost all appetite for the game, and from conversations with others it seemed I wasn't alone, and the game was wound-up a turn or so later.

Other comments:

As the game finished I was in #1 position with 94k resources and 74 planets. After completion of terraforming and factory building these planets would have produced 233k resources, well above the 187k required per team-member for the target of 750k. I had also caught every MT so far, and my gate network was extensive enough that it was likely I would catch any others that came through.

[Updated on: Fri, 10 September 2004 09:36]

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 Topic: Hillel, clear your mailbox
Hillel, clear your mailbox Tue, 03 August 2004 16:19
Crusader is currently offline Crusader

Officer Cadet 2nd Year

Messages: 233
Registered: January 2003
Location: Dixie Land
The title says it all. Very Happy

Nothing for now.

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 Topic: Galactic Warning!
icon1.gif  Galactic Warning! Fri, 07 May 2004 15:08
Crusader is currently offline Crusader

Officer Cadet 2nd Year

Messages: 233
Registered: January 2003
Location: Dixie Land
From: The Office of the Secretary of State of Defense, Hyperion Imperial Council, His Honorable Ares.

Re: Quarantine Planet - Baggy

Due to unfortunate circumstances, ships crews in orbit around the world Baggy have been ordered into "Berserker" mode. Any and all ships that enter orbit around this world will meet with attack from these two Fubuki-class warships, and this condition will exist until the stand-down order has been given. Please refrain from attempting to enter orbit around this world until you hear further notice from this office concerning this matter. Anyone failing to heed this warning will be attacked. No other conditions, treaties, or agreements will be binding around this world, nor will they circumvent this quarantine.

While appeals may be applied for with the Office for Foreign Affairs, until the quarantine order is lifted there should be no travel to this world for any reason.

We do apologize for any inconvenience this quarantine may place on any species.

Nothing for now.

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 Topic: Re: Dyrham
Re: Dyrham Wed, 21 April 2004 13:03
EDog is currently offline EDog

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 417
Registered: November 2002
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA
Dyrham is going to be out of contact for about 5 days. He set up his production queues to handle the missed turns. He will return and continue where he left off. I offered to slow down turn gens but he felt okay with being put on inactive for the duration. HE WILL BE BACK!!

If anyone runs across him, please don't nuke him this early on (unless he's against my team...). Twisted Evil


Born, grew up, became an adventurer

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Forum: Trans
 Topic: @ Borg Quality = Job #1
icon14.gif  @ Borg Quality = Job #1 Tue, 18 May 2004 19:13
multilis is currently offline multilis

Lt. Commander

Messages: 789
Registered: October 2003
Location: Edmonton, Canada
Borg 'Fuel Tank' = Galaxies most popular sub-compact ship
Galaxy Trend: Trophy Ship of the Year 2020

Transformer ships giving growth like CA, fuel supplies short for warp 9? Stack of 'Fuel Tank' = Answer!

Limited time deal for mineral rich red planets
Small set of live anywheres Borg slave miners
Several Fuel Tank ships, yours after slaves delivered
Future minerals, special ships even if Borg core destroyed


Hi, I'm a .spam virus. Just copy me to your .signature. And don't worry.


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Forum: Popgun Navies
 Topic: Psilons offer Wisdom and Knowledge
Psilons offer Wisdom and Knowledge Fri, 09 April 2004 18:22
jrbuller is currently offline jrbuller

Petty Officer 3rd Class

Messages: 48
Registered: February 2004
Location: Clearwater, FL
Greetings and Salutations to all the peoples of the Universe!

I am Jonathan, recently risen to power in the Psilon Ruling Matrix. As the newest Great Thinker, I wish to welcome the universe into a new age of knowledge and enlightenment. Any race wishing to avail itself of the vast amount of wisdom and knowledge that the Psilons possess may contact us, so that we can together increase in our learning and understanding.

Jonathan, Great Thinker of the Psilons

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 Topic: The new Emperor!
The new Emperor! Fri, 09 April 2004 06:56
Link is currently offline Link

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 24
Registered: January 2003
Location: Europe
RNN special edition from Robinn space.

Our beloved emperor Robinn the First has now passed away , he was a great Robinn beloved by his people , respected by his friends and allies and feared by his ennemies. The funerals will be showed live on RNN and it is expected that millions of robinns will assist it. the Great and Beloved Robinn the First also known as the builder has built an stretching empire from a lonely planet, he made many difficult decisions but allways with the good of his people in mind , he was a great strategist and a deep thinker , he believed in peacefull solutions rather than war he will be deep missed by all his people.
Ready to take over is his nephew who will soon become Robinn the Second as soon as the necessary rituals have been arranged.
More on that very soon on RNN your favourite channel...

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 Topic: @@$$%@$%#$@%#$!#%!$#%!!!!!!!!!!
icon8.gif  @@$$%@$%#$@%#$!#%!$#%!!!!!!!!!! Fri, 02 April 2004 07:32
ForceUser is currently offline ForceUser

Lt. Junior Grade
Stars! Nova developer
Stars! Nova developer

Messages: 383
Registered: January 2004
Location: South Africa
The post that was here is romoved. I am teribly sorry to everyone. I'm having the worst day of my life and I'm taking it out on you guys, witch is just not fair, I should take it out on everyone Wink.

I feel ashamed at my implied language and my attitude and again, I'm deeply sorry.


[Updated on: Fri, 02 April 2004 09:01]

"There are two types of people in the world. AR players and non-AR players" Nick Fraser

Working on some new stuff: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/stars-nova/index.php?t itle=Graphics
And the Mentor Database www.groep7.co.za/Mentor/ ZOMGWTFBBQ!! it still works lol!
Check out my old site with old pics at www.groep7.co.za/Stars/

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 Topic: Diplomatic crisis Solved!
Diplomatic crisis Solved! Mon, 29 March 2004 06:30
ForceUser is currently offline ForceUser

Lt. Junior Grade
Stars! Nova developer
Stars! Nova developer

Messages: 383
Registered: January 2004
Location: South Africa
And this breaking news from the BNN (Blob news network) :

After years of close contac with the four great powers in the North - The Blobs, Ancient Order, Vintili and Bolarians - we have drawn up a satisfactory acord that gives each race the nesesary safety (and escape clause) to grow and prosper.

The finer details cannot be explained here as that will cause a significant security breach and may cause the delicate peace that was achived to break and shatter appart. All that can be said is that aliances were made and NA's were signed and there will be peace for a long time yet.

We will bring you more as the diplomatic structure in the north changes!

"There are two types of people in the world. AR players and non-AR players" Nick Fraser

Working on some new stuff: http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/stars-nova/index.php?t itle=Graphics
And the Mentor Database www.groep7.co.za/Mentor/ ZOMGWTFBBQ!! it still works lol!
Check out my old site with old pics at www.groep7.co.za/Stars/

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 Topic: Rumours of Unease.
Rumours of Unease. Mon, 01 March 2004 17:01
steev is currently offline steev

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 9
Registered: January 2004
Location: Belfast
Oxen scoundrels have been destroying peaceful Blob cartographic probes systematically.

They have maintained an arrogant silence with us.

The actions, which seem co-ordinated, are NOT in Accordance with the Way.

We have decided to clease our space of the spy vessels with which they maintain an insipid double standard.

ALL Oxen vessels which are believed to be directed against Blob interests will be subject to immediate military challenge, without warning. If the crews surrender they will be spared, and given a chance to live free as MicroLordWorker units on our nutrient-stalk farms.

We regret the need to take this course of action, but have been left with little choice.


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 Topic: RNN:Robinn Scout pilot killed in Ancient mine fields
icon4.gif  RNN:Robinn Scout pilot killed in Ancient mine fields Fri, 20 February 2004 11:57
Link is currently offline Link

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 24
Registered: January 2003
Location: Europe
Shocked BREAKING NEWS! Shocked

The rumours of a Robinn scout having been destroyed in a Ancient Mine field have now been made official by the Imperial House.
a few cycles away a Robinn civilian scout ships of BlueBird model hit a mine field of Ancient origin, the ship was piloted by an experienced pilot but he seemed to have been taken completely by surprised, his ship was pulverized in the shock, no body was found but the pilot is probably deceased.
The pilot was returning to his planet of origin Delta when the incident occurred to visit friends and relatives.
The pilot was well liked in his neighbourhood and leaves behind a wife and three children. Sad
A transport ship also en route to Delta avoided the catastrophe and managed to reduced its speed just in time, it contained thousands of civilians.
The Mine field has its origin on Buttercup an Ancient planet on the Ancient /Robinn frontier which was originally claimed by the Robinn Empire but was given to the Ancient Order after some negotiations. It goes deep into Robbin territory and now engulf several Robinn planets.
On Delta the news was first met with sadness Sad then anger Mad,
-"We feel besieged" the governor of the planet Sir Robinn tells us , "with mines all around us , the communication to other systems is greatly limited, how would you like it if you waked up one day and your house was surrounded by deadly traps that's how we feel today on Delta".
"We knew they would troubles right away when they moved in Buttercup , if you ask me they should have never been there in the first place."
The Ancient government has sent official excuses and condolences to the Robinns but insist on its stance on laying mines based on security reasons.
-"We don't buy that , Sir Robinn responded when we told him, security from what? we are just farmers around here, and as far as i know their core system is far away , if we wanted Buttercup that badly we would not have let them colonize it that's it, what they're doing is not only uncivilised, it's rude, you don't lay mines in the middle of a frontier especially when half of those mines are directly in Robinn space, we shouldn't put up with that.
The official message from the Imperial House is more cooled
-Our diplomats are in touch, we are confident that a satisfactory solution will be found in the near future for both of our governments.
Confronted with the rumours that the Ancients are using the mines in a strategy of pushing their frontier further south into Robinn territories the answer is more careful:
-"Those are just rumours, we believe the Ancient more wise than using such disgraceful tactics to get more space, beside in such a eventuality the empire would defend itself and i think the Ancients know that.As it is now, i believe the Ancient will realize that a mine field in this area will cause more harms than good and remove it."
Many however refute that as concessions were already made from the Robinn side by pushing the frontier south and giving the Ancient a planet which technically belonged to the Robinns.
More news on the subject will come as soon as we get them.
Its back to the studios for us , and wish you all viewers out there a good evening

[Updated on: Sat, 21 February 2004 07:53]

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 Topic: The North
The North Fri, 06 February 2004 07:18
steev is currently offline steev

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 9
Registered: January 2004
Location: Belfast
Blob-greet. After meeting with silence from a nearby species we wish to enter into negotiations with, we have chosen to use this communications method to attempt to regain contact. Perhaps their equivalent of UnderLordCorpuscle Linguist is in hibernation or undergoing meiosis. This we can understand.

We note also the cheerful verbosity of many of the species we have not yet encountered directly.

It is important to all blobforms with interests in the galactic north that misunderstandings are not allowed to mar the peaceful development of <untranslatable concept>. This would be in tragic and unfortunate violation of the spirit of the ways of Blob, which are the ways of our species. We make no threats, only requests. We make these requests in the manner of one who is humble in the eyes of Blob, and with respectful-noises.

May your information processors function without error!

of the Large and Glowing


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 Topic: RNN, diplomatic crisis avoided!
RNN, diplomatic crisis avoided! Fri, 30 January 2004 15:20
Link is currently offline Link

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 24
Registered: January 2003
Location: Europe
Greetings viewers from all corners of the galaxy for the news on Robinn News Network the best News broadcast there is in the universe.
Diplomatic crisis was avoided
After intensive negotiations between the Robinn and Blob governments, the charges against our channel because of a sad misunderstanding have been lifted,the wise and kind representants of the Blobs seemed happy about the latest transmition from our Beloved Emperor, we of RNN station thank our most Benevolent and Diplomatic Emperor Robinn the First for this wise and intelligent action Razz
We promised on our last transmission an insight into Robinn religious and political life for all of our viewers out there , I'll therefor give the word to professor Robinnus from the Imperial Robinn University , religious sciences for a brief explanation about our most distinguish and holy religion life in the Robinn empire.

Professor Robinnus- The Robinn religion is very complex yet i will try to explain it to you in very simple words so to give the viewers a very crude understanding of the cult.
Robinns religion is peopled with a great many numbers of Gods and divinities, there are Gods for almost any part of everyday life , there are gods for technology, gods for food, god who represent the forces of nature, etc etc... New Gods take their place in the Robinnian pantheon when new devices or notions appear in the day to day life of the Robinns, this might seem chaotic as actually nobody has the precise number of divinities in use in the Robinn religion those day, for every new planets colonized as an example, new Gods are created, while others are forgotten if for example a technology is made obsolete. However there is a very strong hierarchy in the pantheon, some gods are more important than others, I will not explain the system in details as it would take too much time and possibly bore many viewer, but i will mention the gods at the top of the hierarchy, the 3 "über" Gods, These Gods rule over the other gods and Robinns in general, they are most revered to and the most popular gods of the pantheon in the temples.
First there is the Goddess of Plenty (which name is too holy to pronounce to unbelievers) , she is the provider of life and created the universe and the Robinns. She is a symbol of rebirth and of course very popular among the female Robinns.
Then there is The God of War (and thus of dead), by bringing death into the progeny of the Goddess of plenty, he makes it possible to renew the generations of Robinns and nature in general, thus playing an important role in evolution. The God of War is a favourite among warriors and young male Robinns in general.Then there is the third God, his name is also to holy to announce here but he is generally seen as the link between the Gods and the Robinns and their ultimate ruler, his mortal self is represented by the Holy and Wise Emperor who rule in his name, thus the Emperor is revered as a demigod himself.Since this God understand mortal affairs most than anyone, he is also possibly the most popular divinity among the Robinns. Since his representer on the Robinn Home World is the Emperor, many call his cult, the cult of the Emperor. Not all however agree in this state of order even if it is a very slim minority.An early dissident heretic group declared that the God behind the Emperor wasn't at all a divinity, but an entity in another dimension with Godlike powers which saw the Robinns and the entire universe in general as a "game", their view wasn't popular among the Robinns in general, and the few who made up the group were soon taken care of by the Holy Imperial Inquisition. Other religions are also accepted as well but must acknowledge the supremacy of the Cult of the Emperor. Not all do and the Imperial Inquisition deal without mercy with those. Other groups dispute the Imperial rule on political grounds, some like the Republicans wish the people to "vote" for their rulers while others reject the notion of rulers or leaders completely. These heretical groups which would sew chaos and dissension in our well oldened empire are also in the scope of the Imperial Inquisition.
The great majority of Robinns however are completely devoted to their Dear and Wise Emperor and respect his God given authority.

Well thank you for this explanation Doctor Robinnus, that's all the time we had for this edition on RNN , your favourite channel in the universe!!

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 Topic: Welcome :)
Welcome :) Fri, 23 January 2004 01:45


Messages: 1343
Registered: November 2002
Location: Wellington, New Zealand

hey guys Smile Welcome to our forum Smile

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Forum: Tic Tac Toe
 Topic: almost over
almost over Wed, 28 July 2004 10:37
Ashlyn is currently offline Ashlyn

Lt. Commander

Messages: 834
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pueblo CO USA

Thanks everyone... its been an enjoyable game. Nod

Many thanks to Les for hosting this game and taking care of us Grin as the Watchers.

Lurking To Hilton & Sinla Yey

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 Topic: It's been a month
It's been a month Thu, 15 July 2004 10:31
Steve is currently offline Steve

Officer Cadet 1st Year

Messages: 217
Registered: November 2002
Location: 40 deg N, 90 deg W
Its ben ovr a monkh sense any1 potsd hear. Asleep at cptr

Eye gess cents tree lft Evil or Very Mad his desided two pik on the pour Dislexics Who me? I'm a saint, uve bean 2 shamed 2 commnct. Embarassed

Wll it wn't B log be4 u ave ure whis! Dead

No trees were harmed in the making of this sig. However, many electrons were terribly inconvenienced

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 Topic: (:-O
(:-O Thu, 22 April 2004 18:00
EDog is currently offline EDog

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 417
Registered: November 2002
Location: Denver, Colorado, USA

The Zolphans have kindly launched something like 60 or 70,000 kT of mineral packets toward Grappo at a leisurely Warp 7! If I wasn't a PP race I'd be worried (at least, I'd be worried that someone else would snap them all up before they'd hit my own drivers!) - after all, I've only got about 15 years to prepare for impact!

Of course, it's really academic for me at this point anyway. Note to self: Better habs, and never, ever, EVER take CE. And don't get stuck in the middle next time. Oogh.


Born, grew up, became an adventurer

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 Topic: Farewell to the Triads
Farewell to the Triads Fri, 13 February 2004 05:13
Ashlyn is currently offline Ashlyn

Lt. Commander

Messages: 834
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pueblo CO USA

The O's feel really bad... Embarassed
We attacked the Triads in year 2413.. they really never had a chance. Raining

Lupi.. you were a great sport to continue as long as you did... Yes

Make the Triad rest in peace Nod

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 Topic: Browsing Problems
Browsing Problems Tue, 03 February 2004 16:16
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Hi Guys,

All external references have been removed from the web page now.
So you aren't going to be stopped by a malfunctioning http server at heart.

Of course, if autohost is down, you can't browse it Rolling Eyes but that only makes sense ... right?

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 Topic: Merry Christmas!
icon7.gif  Merry Christmas! Thu, 25 December 2003 15:21
HiltonL is currently offline HiltonL

Petty Officer 1st Class
Stars! V.I.P

Past Weekly Puzzle Master

Messages: 67
Registered: December 2003
Location: South Africa

I just wanted to wish you all in your various timezones a very Merry and peaceful Christmas in your various timezones all around the world.

My Christmas is over, but for those of you with a few hours left in the day, enjoy it.

Remember, the best Christmas gift you can give yourself is a few minutes to do your Tic-Tac-Toe move! Very Happy


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 Topic: Victory Conditions
Victory Conditions Fri, 05 December 2003 11:05
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...


It has been pointed out to me that there may be some debate concerning the victory conditions in this game.

To clarify:
The starbase hull which must be erected on the target planets is the "Space Station" hull, that is the default hull which you start with on your homeworld; or, Ultra Station, or, Death Star.

Of course, what you place on your hull is entirely at your own discretion.

But, no advantage, is being given LRT Improved Starbases, except for the slight cheapness of manufacture.

LesdonjondonjonL.W.Johnstone (donjon master)

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