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Forum: All Quiet
 Topic: Strange character in my race name.
Strange character in my race name. Sat, 14 February 2009 01:03
Eagle of Fire

Lt. Commander

Messages: 809
Registered: December 2008
Location: GMT -5
I have been contacted in game by another player who asked me how to create the special character in my race name. I used it because I was one character short out of the allowed number, not because I wanted to get an advantage or prevent people from being able to set up intel programs because they can't write it.

I have access to a lot of funky characters on my keyboard because my main language is French. However, anybody using Windows can "recreate" any character they wish with the Character Map. On my XP machine, it's in
START -> Accessories -> System Tools -> Character Table.
(Please note that I am translating this from French too. Your own experience might differ.)

All you need to do is to find and select the character to use, copy it and use paste to get it again.

For convenience, here is the character in question: õ


STARS! Wiki Français
I am on a hot streak... Literally.

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 Topic: Turn uploaded, all players in now
Turn uploaded, all players in now Fri, 06 February 2009 10:58
Raindancer is currently offline Raindancer

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 261
Registered: February 2003
Location: Finger Lakes NY, USA

Sorry for the delay. I set up a new email address for the game, but never checked the "check for email every NN minutes" button. I was wondering why it was taking so long. Embarassed

I was the last one in.


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 Topic: Up/download Password
Up/download Password Thu, 05 February 2009 03:37
AlexTheGreat is currently offline AlexTheGreat


Messages: 661
Registered: May 2006
Location: Sydney, Australia

If you want yours changed to something easier for you to remember let me know

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Forum: Ranking
 Topic: Ranking Advances
Ranking Advances Thu, 12 August 2004 07:10
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Date            Player		Game		Value	Prev.	  	New

10/09/04	Dyrham		ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	I(4.000)
10/09/04	Hillel		ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	I(4.000)
10/09/04	Crusader	ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	I(4.000)
10/09/04	sarducci	ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	I(4.000)
10/09/04	Staz		ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	I(4.000)
10/09/04	Hyena		ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	BA(2.000)
10/09/04	chaosknight	ITES		1.000	IL(3.000)	BA(2.000)
12/08/04	kaly		Landrush	1.000	B(1.000)	BA(2.000)
23/02/05	platon79	FAF2		0.667	IL(3.000)	IL(3.667)
20/06/05	aphranti	Tempest4	1.000	B(1.000)	BA(2.000)
09/07/05	Chaos		Tempest3	1.000	B(1.000)	BA(2.000)
28/06/06	crr65536	Together Again	1.000	B(1.000)	BA(2.000)
28/06/06	MikeB		Together Again	1.000	B(1.000)	BA(2.000)
28/06/06	Pote		Together Again	1.000	B(1.000)	BA(2.000)
08/10/07	Kwik		<HARDHEADS>	2.000	B(1.000)	IL(3.000)
08/10/07	Iconian		<HARDHEADS>	2.000	B(1.000)	IL(3.000)
08/10/07	Crappicus	<HARDHEADS>	-1.000	IL(3.000)	BA(2.000)
08/10/07	KnightPraetor	Fahrenheit 451	1.000	IL(3.000)	I(4.000)

[Updated on: Thu, 17 April 2008 17:41]

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 Topic: Host Instructions
Host Instructions Tue, 30 March 2004 06:32
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

If you wish to host a ranked game:
	»announce it as a ranked game 
	»pm me with the following information
		*the name of the game
		*the forum identities of the players (new players should register at forum)
		*the present rank of players 
		 (new players should start as rank 1 (beginner) or rank 3 (low intermediate))

Upon completion of a ranked game:
	»pm me with the following information
		*the name of the game
		*the players you have decided should be awarded advances (25% of players, or top team)
		*the players you have decided should receive decrements (25% of players, or bottom team)
		*the players who "dropped out" of the game

Please note: if a player notifies you that he cannot complete the game and facilitates the location of a replacement, they should not be listed as a "drop out."

Also, no replacement players may be given decrements.

And teams advance or decline together.

And 5 player team games cannot be considered as ranked games.

[Updated on: Tue, 30 March 2004 06:33]

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Forum: Bab5v2 team
 Topic: If you are not a member of the IA do NOT browse this forum please
icon4.gif  If you are not a member of the IA do NOT browse this forum please Thu, 24 May 2007 06:19


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
See title!



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 Topic: Talking to Earth
Talking to Earth Sun, 25 March 2007 12:17
Skaffen is currently offline Skaffen

Senior Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 90
Registered: December 2006
Location: Germany
Sent today (2455)

Dear Earthlings,
judging on how things are going this might be our final call upon you to liberate your people and be the masters of your own destiny.

As you probably heard, the shooting has started in the north. The Martians attacked two of our colonizing missions, one of them over a shadow planet triggering the battle so that the Shadows who are allied with the Martians did the dirty work for them. More than 100.000 of our people and a new queen sent to establish a colony there died.

The other ship made a navigation error and got too close to the Martian HW, again trying to settle on a place to prevent if from falling into Shadow hands. Our navigator made an error in judging the distance because it was a last-minute rush-job, and we would have fired him if the Martians hadn´t done that job for us, literally unfortunately.

We´d like to add that the 100 ly non-colonizing radius was a voluntary offer on our part a long time ago and we had offered to talk about all the other planets in the area between our HWs to settle things peacefully. The Martians never replied, reminding us of our former friends the Drakh in their stoic silence.

The planet they want us off now? We told them we were colonizing it, several years ago, and they never objected before. Also, their message to leave their space was sent *after* they had shot down our colonizer which was visible in space. They had our direct communication adress and could have warned it to turn back (which we had told them to do in the past if they didn´t like anything we were doing) instead of shooting it down and using it as an excuse to start a shooting war.

The really interesting bit: It happened right after we told them that we were intending to stay independant and masters of our own destiny and offered them full cooperation in case they wanted to do that as well. Next thing we know several of our ships get shot down and a fleet of 10 destoyers is gunning for the planet they could have objected to years earlier without any bloodshed.

We were able to repulse the destroyers, barely, using alpha torpedos which is closer to throwing rocks than it is to decent warfare but we are a peaceful people, so we had to use what was at hand.

A message sent to the Martians apologizing for the navigational error and again offering a chance to talk was never answered. We think we´ll be killed quickly though, we have two shadow colonies right next door, the martians have a JOAT economy and getting fed shadow technology and range 3 shadow cruisers have already been spotted in the area with the martians ordering a gate planet to get an attack fleet there.

So far for the situation in the north... you might have noticed that we used the words "former friends" to characterize the Drakh, after long deliberations we took away that status because of their lack of communication and fruitless pursuit of skirmishing against you (at least we assume it´s still ongoing, we never really knew what was going on there) inspite of our repeated appeals to stop it and make peace with you.

Now, let´s talk about you... It has become very probable we think that you join the Vorlons as a so-called lightbringer. But before you make the final, irreversible commitment we wish to tell you a few things about them which you might not know otherwise. We hope that this might make you re-consider that choice, but we admit it is a very slim hope indeed.

You once told us that you wanted the Elders not to meddle in our affairs and not use us as pawns in their struggle. Well, it has come to our attention through our Queen of Secrets that the Vorlons are doing exactly that, instigating others to take up arms against the Centauri, weakened from a meteor strike on their secondary world. Calling upon them to fight as their proxy, fully realizing that this might be the doom of those people and making them the enemy of the Shadows forever.

Also, they are not as trustworthy as you might think. Here´s some quotes:

Received almost 20 years ago when we asked them about their public offer of aid for younger races: "At this stage there is little we can do to prevent the hostilities of others but if you find yourself under attack from your neighbours let us know and we will contact them and let them know our displeasure - there should be order in the Universe. If you find yourself under prolonged attack we will supply you with weapons to defend yourself and send ships to enforce the peace."

This offer was repeated later on.

Well, we took them at their word and contacted them, along with our friends the Llort, to give us that promised aid when the Martians attacked us. We outlined the situation, calling for aid and hoping for weapn technology. We offered to use it to fight the Shadows and their minions, but only got the following reply:

Sadly at this point there is not a great deal I can do for you - I am already feeding tech to 5 races and cant afford to take much more away from my econ to help anyone. I didnt know that having someone set to friend meant you attacked if they did, this may have bad reprecussions for you.
May I suggest you look to others who may be part of the alliance for help? The Centauri and Martians are Shadow touched so only one other race should be under their sway (I am guessing either the Dilgar or Minbari).
You might get help from the Spoo or the Pac'ma'ra (they should at least have weap6 to give you)."

Very helpful, suggesting that we go against at least collodial armed cruisers with bear shields with yak armed destroyers. Of course this will be exactly what we´ll be doing, if we even get Yak tech till then. As we said, we had to resort to alpha torps to shoot down the Martian invasion...

The Llort replied and told them that only unarmed QJ5 scouts were needed at the already established wolf-lamb sites (our scanners have picked them up and know that the Vorlon are feeding tech to 5 races already), but no reply ever came to that...

To summarize: They call upon others to attack younger races weakened by meteor strikes, promise aid which they decline for no valid reason, tell us to basically go into battle naked all the while professing to be the do-goody-two-shoes with their Light-Bringers. Well, call us underwhelmed.

If there is no aid forthcoming we might have to consider striking some form of bargain with the Shadows to prevent being wiped out. We´d rather resist and fight for independance with the tools to do the job, but we won´t give our lives fighting for a side if they can´t even bothered to invest in 5 measily scouts for us to give us a fighting chance.

Think about it before you commit. If you decide to stay independant, we can guarantee that the Drakh will stop harassing you or we will help you out against them, that´s a promise.

We think that the true Vorlon meaning of "Lightbringer" is "Cannon-Fodder" in their private language. Decide if that is what you want to be...

Gaim Council of Hive Queens

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Forum: Cut Throat
 Topic: out of town
out of town Wed, 25 April 2007 02:26
poodle is currently offline poodle

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 9
Registered: August 2006

from the 25th of April to about the end of month

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 Topic: We all have to die sometime.
We all have to die sometime. Thu, 08 March 2007 13:33
Coyote is currently offline Coyote

Lt. Commander

Messages: 906
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pacific NW

From the look of things, there's just no possible way for me to stop the Shima. Their economy is simply too far beyind mine and I have essentially nothing to fight with. There's not enough planets for me to colonise and thus I can't get the resources needed to build sufficient ships to defend what colonies I have. What gets me is that there was absolutely no reason at all for this war.

I'm going to resign now, since continuing to play will accomplish nothing.

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 Topic: It's aliiiiiive!
It's aliiiiiive! Wed, 31 January 2007 09:59
Coyote is currently offline Coyote

Lt. Commander

Messages: 906
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pacific NW

Well, here we are, yet another game under way.

[Updated on: Wed, 31 January 2007 10:01]

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Forum: A Winter's Tale
 Topic: New Game
New Game Fri, 05 May 2006 05:02
Robert is currently offline Robert

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 393
Registered: November 2002
Location: Dortmund, Germany
So there seems to be a great interest in a new game, but not so soon. I think we should start a game when summer ends, maybe september or so.

So - if you are interested then keep a free slot for a game to start in september. If you know some players that fit in (reliable, not skipping many turns, no early dropouts, fighting to the bitter end, NONONONO newbies...) feel free to advertise the game - hopefully we will have 16 players then.

I will send updates and/or reminders every month so you dont forget about the next game Very Happy

Discussion on game setup will start some time before game start, ok?



2b v !2b -> ?

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 Topic: final ranking
final ranking Wed, 03 May 2006 02:38
Robert is currently offline Robert

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 393
Registered: November 2002
Location: Dortmund, Germany
You can send me your info and I will insert it in here!

#2 Bukane SD Henk #1 "vulg." "vulg" hjpoell(at)hotmail(dot)com

#8 P-Elastica SS Kotk #2 "8g5q" "minumail"

#6 nRavergz SS Tracey #3 "5g4q" "Almonds21" tracey(at)mediaplant(dot)net

#13 Zerg HG SD Robert #4 "zora" "zora" robertthestarsplayer(at)gmx(dot)net

#7 Plasmatics IT DrDogVet #5 "n47k" "9563" drdogvet(at)aol(dot)com

#5 The Muppet Show SD Micha #6 "Z X" "eat5"

#4 Apples WM Robert Liang(Iztok) #7 "zora" "zora" iztok_bitenc(at)yahoo(dot)com

#11 Purple Snakes IS Gianluca #8 (*A.P.) "Z X" "eat11" gsillidi(at)libero(dot)it






[Updated on: Thu, 04 May 2006 02:16]

2b v !2b -> ?

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 Topic: The Foodfight Story
The Foodfight Story Tue, 02 May 2006 21:40

Crewman 3rd Class

Messages: 7
Registered: November 2005
Location: Neverland
The Foodfight Story: (Posted here as well as send in email so it can be found by other curious readers.)

Lesson learned: Do not play PP in an expert game, especially when you have never played it before!

Why PP? I had looked at PP just before the game started. I had built a race that I was planning to use in a duel, and then this game showed up. It was close enough distance between races that I thought a PP might do well.

The Game:

I started out fairly early talking with Q (Quartez). I was VERY surprised to find that he also was PP! And we had Habs that did not overlap very much. We were set to friend early.

One of my best skills is population management, so I grew and expanded fairly quickly. Since I did not need to build factories, I was able to get large freighters and decent speed packets soon also.

The alliance looked great because Q was HP, and I was –f. So in theory I could grow quickly and expand borders, while Q grew factories supplied with my Germanium. In the end game Q would be the major force, with me helping. I did well initially, and was in rank 3-6 for the first half of the game. Then I had no more room to expand.

That HP/-f alliance was a great theory, except that as an HP, Q was fairly vulnerable to attack. Before long nRav and Bukane were both attacking him. I was in a position where I could not help much, as I was fighting off both Atari and Rzec by myself. I think I managed fairly well against those two, but I started to take losses on the Bukane/nRav border, and Q was getting pummeled. By the time I had pushed back Atari and nRav, Q was in a terrible state.

Then the down side of the –f began to hurt. Bukane was building big fleets and my resources could just not keep up. Bukane and nRav started taking more and more of my planets. Rzec and Q dropped out, and Atari and I started to work together, but it was much too late.

Most annoying (and effective) tactic: Bukane or nRav stealing all the Ironium off a planet before attacking, so not much could be built in last minute defense.

Bukane and nRav played very well. They cut through me very quickly, and were very effective and efficient.

I was a bit surprised that I did well against Atari and Rzec, as they were both IS, and I expected them to pull up all their pop whenever I sent a packet. Since at many stages I did not have enough missile ships to take out the freighters, this would have worked very well against me.

I really liked the packet scanning, and would suggest it be used by any PP, rather than waiting until later in the game to reveal the PRT. Overall fun, but too expensive to keep up with other races.

Overall an excellent game with a good finish.

The questions:

1) I thought the game settings were good. I would not change any, but would be open to changing of many settings in a new game, but NOT the size getting larger,.

2) Quality of players: I learned some things from Bukane and nRav, so in my judgement that makes them very good. I did not walk over any other players, so none were poor.

3) Overall I like the “One Ally” rule, though I might lighten up the ability to switch allies

4) I would play again, though not yet, maybe in a few months.

And for those that are interested, my name is Eric Derby, most often seen in team games with Micha and Gianluca, and known as Raindancer on the forum. If anyone wants to see the remains of my crumbled empire, my password is “Finland” and my upload password is “food”

Food is for eating? Since when?
- Rocket Roy

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Forum: Armistice Too
 Topic: Fleet Movement Bug needs Re-Gen
Fleet Movement Bug needs Re-Gen Tue, 21 March 2006 18:05
m.a@stars is currently offline m.a@stars


Messages: 2765
Registered: October 2004
Location: Third star to the left

Sorry to disturb you, but a very serious bug has hampered People fleet movements this turn, preventing a major battle from happening. Shocked I hope a simple regen can solve it, but if not, a simple change in the People's x file before the regen should cure the problem. Deal

So many Stars, so few Missiles!

In space no one can hear you scheme! Deal

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 Topic: The Empty Leadership Elections
The Empty Leadership Elections Mon, 14 November 2005 22:20
Dogthinkers is currently offline Dogthinkers


Messages: 1316
Registered: August 2003
Location: Hiding from Meklar
The Empty News:

In elections following the recent conclusion of the lengthy impeachment of President Dogthinker (RE: The Knob Incident) rulership of The Empty has passed over to President Marco75 in a lengthy process spanning the 2440s. Dogthinker denies any plans to try to influence the new incumbent, although he has been spotted wispering in the ear of Marco75 at numerous state occaisions...

Races wishing to convey their congratulations to President Marco75 may do so using the Stars Annual Galatic Messaging system and are encouraged to provide Hypermessaging addresses to facilitate future diplomacy.

Former President Dogthinker will be touring soon to support the launch of his new book, The Dogthinker Diaries - an acerbic commentary on politics during the Armistice Age. He may be contacted by Hypermessaging on his private starship at dogthinker AT gmail DOT com.

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PEACE SHALL REIGN Fri, 30 September 2005 11:57
Ptolemy is currently offline Ptolemy


Messages: 1008
Registered: September 2003
Location: Finland

"Ahh" Minister Abrovi sighs;

"The sad horrors in the galaxy seem to have passed. It is a good thing that there is again peace. Only through peace will commerce grow, inter-species relations flourish and knowledge be shared by many".

"Yes, yes, I know the rhetoric on peace", muses Admiral Strom. "However, I am not so sure that the Armistice will hold forever. Obviously,peace is the way forward for prosperity in the galaxy. I fear though that there are species we have not yet had contact with that have a different agenda. I seriously doubt that the Armistice will hold and we better be ready with defences if that happens."

"Hmmm... well now, we really should wait and see, don't you think?", profers Minister Abrovi. "It simply would not do to have neighboring species within scanning distance see us building up a fleet of warships! That would send the wrong message and they would fear and distrust us!"

"Oh yeah - sure, let's just sit on our collective asses and do nothing - you politicians are all the same. Wait until it's too late and an enemy is knocking on the door, then say 'Oh we should have listened to the Admiral when he said build defences.' Then of course, you'll all blame me that they weren't built when you decide you really do need and want them", retorts Admiral Strom.

"Now, now Admiral, aren't you being just a touch too melodramatic?"

"Hrrrmph - Supposedly I'm paid to make sure we are safe. But, with administrative handcuffs and blindfold on, it's a little difficult to get things done. No matter, my family will be safely in another galaxy should the worst happen and you politicians can bicker amongst yourselves. If you decide you need me send a tachyon stream direct beam message. You'll find me examining systems around Valhalla for the archaeological team"; Admiral Strom says as he storms out of the room without looking back at the slimy little minister.

[Updated on: Fri, 30 September 2005 12:01]

Though we often ask how and why, we must also do to get the answers to the questions.

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 Topic: Get in the early turns :)
Get in the early turns :) Sat, 03 September 2005 22:36
Dogthinkers is currently offline Dogthinkers


Messages: 1316
Registered: August 2003
Location: Hiding from Meklar
I daresay there will be a few people that will have planned out their order for the first few years already. Don't forget to upload a turn file even if you haven't made any changes, so the game doesn't need to wait for you! Cool

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Forum: Realty Sucks
 Topic: How fast can you do your move?
How fast can you do your move? Wed, 27 April 2005 17:53
imkeshav is currently offline imkeshav

Master Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 111
Registered: November 2004
Location: Land of many ppl

Time spent on each move[ 11 votes ]
1. Half Hour 1 / 9%
2. less than a Hour 3 / 27%
3. > 1 hour and <3 hours 4 / 36%
4. 5 hours!!! 1 / 9%
5. most of the day 2 / 18%
6. other - ? 0 / 0%

Well since there is some time to kill before then gen. I thought to ask around. But i believe we are very lucky in terms of the hab fixing. Smile

Else it would have been very difficult Asleep at cptr

Thanks Ptolemy wOOt 2


[Updated on: Wed, 27 April 2005 17:53]

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 Topic: Aliens!!!
Aliens!!! Mon, 18 April 2005 08:07
imkeshav is currently offline imkeshav

Master Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 111
Registered: November 2004
Location: Land of many ppl

We have information that Aliens are now in our dimension.

Particularly we have reports saying that they are foul smelling and bad tempered Scared . We advise you against any contact for goodies. UFO

You may get infected with a "Mysterious" virus or something Puke, hurl, vomit, gag Sick

Beware! Lurking

The Watcher Council Silly hair
Home Star

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 Topic: Scores and actual standings
Scores and actual standings Fri, 08 April 2005 19:46
Ptolemy is currently offline Ptolemy


Messages: 1008
Registered: September 2003
Location: Finland

I just want you all to know that the differences in placement in the standings you see are not very great. Currently, places 3-10 at least have scores with only around 150 points difference ( I know this from discussions with the other players around me). Some races with higher resources have lower scores than races with less resources.

In a game with 1 in 25 hab, scores can have very little meaning. Stars! creates the player score using a number of variables of which resources is only one. Points are awarded for the number of starbases (or space docks), the number of ships (differentieted in classes), the number of planets and, the amount of tech levels.

I started this game in last place - no.13. I stayed there for at least the first 5 years before I started to climb up. My gains in position have not been created solely by my resource count, but, in what I have done to create my empire. Only now am I approaching the score leaders (though I still have some way to go). I do not recommend anybody dropping this game at this time. It is so easy to kill a planet of your neighbor and move him down on the score sheet. Lose one decent green planet and you currently lose around 10-15% of your resources.

I can pretty much guarantee that nobody has much over 10k resources at this point. Use diplomacy, trade, make freinds and pick your enemies. Everyone has around the same amount of habitable planets AND, due to the fine work done by Iztok to set up this game for us, Germanium seems to be in abundance in the universe.

Those of you that have missed a number of turns now, please contact me. I do not want to see the AH files growing to large sizes from missed turns and need to know if you should be set to inactive. If you are still playing, let me know and, if you need a short term replacement I can help find one.


[Updated on: Fri, 08 April 2005 19:49]

Though we often ask how and why, we must also do to get the answers to the questions.

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Forum: Babylon Five
 Topic: Fleet Movements
Fleet Movements Tue, 11 January 2005 10:02
Shadow Whist is currently offline Shadow Whist

Chief Warrant Officer 2

Messages: 167
Registered: August 2003
Location: Vancouver, WA

This is an official report from
The Vorlons

regarding a common enemy...

Yr 2534

Fleet Name______________X_______Y______Planet__Destination
Drakh Privateer #4 _____1041____1061 Gordon
Drakh BloodSucker #5____1393____1937
Drakh Privateer #14_____1256____1145 Draco
Drakh BloodSucker #23___1433____2017
Drakh BloodSucker #27___2234____2404
Drakh BloodSucker+ #28__1566____1954
Drakh BloodSucker #33___1256____1145 Draco
Drakh Privateer #34_____1220____1134 Pervo
Drakh BloodSucker+ #35__2096____2478
Drakh BloodSucker+ #36__1642____1914
Drakh Frigate+ #37______1694____1976
Drakh BloodSucker #38___1578____1911 Carter
Drakh Frigate #40_______1079____1096
Drakh Frigate #41_______1775____1840
Drakh BloodSucker #44___1631____2046
Drakh BloodSucker #45___1472____2020
Drakh Privateer #46_____1220____1134 Pervo
Drakh BloodSucker #48___1256____1145 Draco
Drakh Privateer #49_____1308____1089 Mirror
Drakh Privateer #50_____1256____1145 Draco

Perhaps this will be of some use. The Drakh still possess some remnants of a fleet, after all.

[Updated on: Tue, 11 January 2005 10:05]

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 Topic: Babylon Five Christmas
Babylon Five Christmas Thu, 23 December 2004 05:47
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Greetings All,

As we prepare to retire and celebrate the Christmas cheer,
As we huddle down and rest uneasy, with Shadow fear;
I give you a gift -- to peruse, and hope it will be
spirit-lifting -- from the WWW library:
Kevin G. J. Freels wrote in 1996:

A Babylon Five Christmas
(with apologies to Clement Clarke Moore)

'Twas the night before Christmas
And all through B-Five,
We were all struggling
To keep our best hope alive.

The fighters were hung
In the hangers with care,
In case any Shadows
Appeared from thin air.

The Aliens were hiding
All scared in their quarters,
While visions of holocaust
Raced 'cross their borders.

With Susan and Michael,
And I in C-N-C,
We had to keep lookout
For trouble, you see.

When right out of space dock,
There arose a commotion,
I sprang from my console
To set Security in motion.

Away to the docks
I ran quite abrupt,
My PPG loaded
And fully charged up.

When what do my wondering
Eyes look upon?
One of the Vorlons,
Encounter suit on.

I suddenly thought of
My father, by Gosh!
I knew in a minute
It had to be Kosh.

He was dressed in his helmet,
With flowing dark robes,
And looked like he filled up
With several small strobes.

His "eye" -- how it twinkled!
His shoulders -- so strong!
And how does he hover
For so very long?

More distant than galaxies,
His simple voice came.
We heard all the wind chimes
As he called us by name:

"On Sheridan! On Susan!
On Delenn and Lennier!
On Michael! On Marcus!
You've always been here!".

"To the edge of the stars
The Shadows will call.
Now run away! Run Away!
Run away all!"

And then, in a twinkling,
In my mind did appear,
All of my friends
Looking quite queer!

All of them asking,
"Do you know who you are?"
They seemed to talking
From near and from far.

And there was my father,
"Dad, why are you here?",
I asked. But he answered,
"Listen and hear!".

The room was then filled
With such music and lights!
It really unnerved me,
And gave me the frights!

I stood there and listened,
As was my duty.
And then said the Vorlon,
"A moment of Beauty."

Then a wink of his "eye",
And a twist of his head.
Soon gave me to realize
I don't know just what he said!

He spoke no more words,
Just whistles and chimes.
I hate when he does that!
(It bugs me at times!).

Into his ship
He disappeared fast,
And out through the space doors
He left in a blast!

The others said, "What
Did he say to you?".
To which I replied,
"I haven't a clue!"

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 Topic: Gate Costs
Gate Costs Thu, 16 December 2004 05:32
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Price List
Bare Hulls with any/300 Gate:
Name                    Hull            Iron.   Bor.    Germ.   Armour  Years
Basic Gate*             Platform        140     40      120     100     4(6**)
Basic Gate Dock         Dock            50      20      30      250     5
Basic Gate Starbase     Starbase        115     70      190     500     6***
Basic Gate Ultra        Ultra           150     100     300     1000    8***
*       This is the Starter Hull, all planets must start with this hull.
**      Years to build on red Planet(afterwards terraform kicks in)
***     Assuming 200K on planet.

Armoured Hulls with any/300 Gate:
Note: Armour used is neutronium, and Shield is bear,
No weapons will be placed on orbital, it will be the responsibility of the
"owning" player(s) to ensure the Gate does not get destroyed.
Name                    Hull            Iron.   Bor.    Germ.   Armour  Shield  Years
Armoured Gate           Gate            220     40      90      3400    1200    6***
Armoured Gate Dock      Dock            410     70      150     6850    2400    11***
Armoured Gate Starbase  Starbase        600     140     350     9300    3200    9****
Armoured Gate Ultra     Ultra           750     150     500     12000   4000    11****

****    Assuming 400K on planet.

Thanks Goober, and Dennis Wink

[Updated on: Thu, 16 December 2004 11:31]

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 Topic: The Rules
The Rules Sat, 13 November 2004 06:41
donjon is currently offline donjon

Lt. Commander

Messages: 808
Registered: November 2002
Location: Benque Viejo del Carmen, ...

Play Restrictions:
  • Chaff and Split-Fleet Dodge are allowed, any other published or non-published cheats are disallowed.
  • The Orbital device named "Stargate" in any guise does not exist.
    - ie. do not build it, the ISN will know as soon as it goes into orbit and the race which builds it will become immediately inactive until a suitable penalty can be determined.
  • However, the "Jumpgate" IS an acceptable device if you can figure out how to get it Wink

INACTIVITY- During the Second Phase, the Ancient races will follow inactive rules for submission of moves.
1) By default they are "inactive" meaning they may submit one move every three turns.
2) If they are "attacked" they may become "active" meaning they may submit turns for five moves.
3) All turn submissions during this time must be done via the hosts... ie. they DO NOT KNOW THEIR UPLOAD PASSWORDS.

DEFEATED- All victory conditions are based on the defeat of the Ancient Homeworlds. This means eradication of population on the planets.

Victory Conditions:
  • The Shadows win the game if the Vorlon HW is defeated by the Shadow or members of "The Shadow Servants."
  • The Vorlon win the game if the Shadow HW is defeated by the Vorlon or members of "The Bringers of Light."
  • The Interstellar Alliance wins if the Vorlon and Shadow HWs are defeated by the members of "The Interstellar Alliance."

For the lesser races:
  • If they are allied with Vorlons and the Vorlon win, they win with Vorlons;
  • If they are allied with Shadow and the Shadow win, they win with Shadows;
  • If they are allied with the Interstellar Alliance and the Alliance wins, they win with the Alliance.
  • If a lesser race defeats both the Vorlon and Shadow HWs alone, they claim a decisive victory.

Ranking:The winning team will win an advance, and the most losing team will receive a decrement.

The Host Races:
  • The Gate Network{aka donjon}
    - builds gates for all races requesting gates
    - this will be done on a first come first served basis
    - the requesting race will have to supply minerals totalling the cost of the gate constructed in terms of minerals and resources.
    * At present view the cost of a gate will be: 140kt Ironium, 40kt boranium, 120 kt germanium and will require 4 years to construct.
    - gates will be any/300 and any race will be given information of connecting gates within range of a gate where they are present.
  • The Interstellar News Network{aka Shadow Whist}
    - will supply "information" and "misinformation" to all races
    - this will be done via whim and blackmail by the ISN.
    - what is true and what is false will eventually come out in the wash as well
    - will maintain this present forum, if you wish to post on the forum please PM Shadow Whist the item and he will post it if he sees fit Smile

First Phase: (2400-2500):
"Signs and Portents"
  • Shadow and Vorlons build their economy and increase their research.
  • Neither race can move population into orbit in this phase.
  • They can build scouts to know the universe or Remote Miners to get more minerals.
  • No colonization or mine fields at this time.
  • No combat allowed in this phase to any race, including Ancient ones. Vorlon and Shadows can build fleets if they want but these must stay in HW until 2500.

During this phase turns will advance at 5/gen... basically the host races and ancient races will submit 5 turns worth of orders and then get to view situation before submitting again.
BALANCE IDEA: At the end of this phase Vorlon OR Shadow Economic/Research alone should be superior to the sum of economics/research of all minor races, but equal to each other. Vorlon and Shadows should also have knowledge about the universe and some combat fleets they can use next phase... They have only 1 world (HW).

Second Phase (2500-2565):
"The Coming of the Shadows"
  • Lesser Races may now submit turns.
  • Ancients move using inactive rules (defined above.)
  • Ancients may colonize.
  • Ancients can attack any races fleets and each others colonies.
  • No homeworlds may be attacked.
  • Ancients may "gift" races with ships consisting of "one ply" only of advanced technology.
  • Diplomacy
    - at the end of this phase alliances will be revealed.
    - There will be three sets of alliances, The Shadow Servants (max 3 lesser races+Shadows), The Bringers of Light (max 3 lesser races+Vorlon), The Interstellar Alliance (the remainder of the lesser races)

BALANCE IDEA: At the end of this phase, the "Vorlon + Shadow" economics should be equal to the sum of each lesser race, and equal to each other. Shadow and Vorlon plays a really "tricky and diplomatic game" choosing which minor race will be "recruited". They can attack each other, or minor races fleets only. Minor races can attack each others fleets and colonies. All races survive this phase as no HW can be attacked.

Third Phase (2565+):
"Point of No Return"
  • No move restrictions, ancient races are fully mobilized.
  • Alliances are now published, any hidden alliances are now displayed.

By this time, vorlon and shadows are running against the clock. Their economies should drop below others as time passes, their permanent allies will help them a bit, but the Interstellar Alliance is now a true rival... Open war begins....

[Updated on: Sat, 04 December 2004 10:57]

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Forum: Wonka's Mineral Factory
 Topic: Game Over
icon3.gif  Game Over Thu, 28 October 2004 04:13
wizard is currently offline wizard

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 279
Registered: January 2004
Location: Aachen, Germany
(If you don't know - I am the player of the v)
So now the game is over, gratulations to Jorge and the Temple of Light! He just had the most powerful race (by far) in the end game.

Thanks to LEit for hosting this game - he must have spent quite some time on it. And it all worked well, not a single problem.

And sorry again to Heinz, because one big mistake of mine screwed nearly all future possibilities for fighting the Temple of Light.

Now, I am interested in the game passwords and the player stories, as fare as they have been written. My password is 'saturn'.

Thanks to all for a great game (though I lost... Wink)

Andreas / wizard

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