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Forum: Sky Harbor Championship
 Topic: Congrats to the Platypi
Congrats to the Platypi Sat, 17 April 2004 02:33
Ashlyn is currently offline Ashlyn

Lt. Commander

Messages: 834
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pueblo CO USA

Congrats to Steve (the Platypi)

He did an excellent job of leading the field the whole game and he can be proud.

Thanks to all who played. It was fun! Yey You guys were great.

The game is over. All go in peace. Cheers

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Forum: Rabid Weasels II-A
 Topic: Final Standings
trophy.gif  Final Standings Tue, 16 March 2004 18:16
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

First of all, thanks to all the players.
Race       Score (Modified)
OKs         1843
Polanie     1574
Armagons    1570
Desquis     1292
Loronian     987
Big Furry    524
Zurg        (eliminated 2499)
Pick Pocket (eliminated 2483)
Watcher      387 (comparison purposes only)

The close finish between the Polanie and Armagon is reflected in normal Stars score as well. Polanie finishing with 1947 and Armagon with 1925.

Game review to be posted some time this evening.

- Kurt

[Updated on: Tue, 16 March 2004 18:33]

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 Topic: Welcome
Welcome Fri, 05 September 2003 22:51
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Welcome to the RWIAB IIa Forum.

Player discussion welcome here - just remember that this can be read by everyone.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like a banana.
- Groucho Marx

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Forum: Cute Lil Fluffy Kittens in a Box
 Topic: New Management
New Management Tue, 16 March 2004 11:29
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

I've volunteered to take over hosting of the game.

All active players should receive an email from me shortly. If you do not please contact me via email or PM.

- Kurt

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 Topic: Schedule (and replacement?)
Schedule (and replacement?) Mon, 01 December 2003 07:32
Raindancer is currently offline Raindancer

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 261
Registered: February 2003
Location: Finger Lakes NY, USA

I looked through all my old emails and postings about this game, and it turns out that I was wrong. I had thought that the game would switch to 3 gens per week. That is what I normally look for. I was looking at several games when this one started, and I must have seen that in the other games.

So, as I stated my my other email, due to changed RL circumstances I have little time for games right now, and I will not have time for 5 turns a week once the game gets more complicated. As it is there are messages from several players that I STILL have not returned.

The point: I will not be able to stay with this game through conclusion, especially if there are so many players in a hurry.

I will begin looking for a replacement player now. I will try to find someone who will stay with my current alliance.

I will accept any help from the host, if any of the other replacement players he found are still looking.

Too bad, because the game is very interesting despite a crummy planet distribution.


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 Topic: Turns per week
Turns per week Sat, 29 November 2003 15:59
Raindancer is currently offline Raindancer

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 261
Registered: February 2003
Location: Finger Lakes NY, USA

My impression when starting this game (no time to looking through LOTS of old emails and posts...) is that when several players requested the game would switch to 3 gens per week.

I officially request that we switch to 3 gens per week. Any others?

1) Work schedule. I am now working 3 jobs, and find it hard to get a turn done every day.
2) Diplomacy. Somewhat related to my work schedule, I am finding it difficult to send and receive messages from people during the course of a single turn.


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 Topic: Lucky the Observers are neutral :)
icon12.gif  Lucky the Observers are neutral :) Mon, 03 November 2003 21:33
Dogthinkers is currently offline Dogthinkers


Messages: 1316
Registered: August 2003
Location: Hiding from Meklar
Would you believe that the Observers have over 1600 resources available already (2412) Shocked

It's such a waste that I only get to build Scouts Rolling Eyes

It's scary how much resources you can accumalate (in the early game) when you don't have to worry about all that silly stuff, like colonising, exploring or fighting Very Happy

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Forum: Partners Back in Time
 Topic: Races in non compliance
Races in non compliance Tue, 10 June 2003 15:12
FurFuznel is currently offline FurFuznel

Lt. Junior Grade
Stars! Nova developer
Stars! Nova developer

Messages: 437
Registered: November 2002
Location: New Brunswick, Canada
Greetings to all you lesser beings, it is I Shadall, creator of the Universe, deigning to send this message to you!

Some of my peons have brought it to my attention that not all of the races invited in to my Universe have set their diplomatic relations appropriately. This is a reminder that my peon race called the Shadallhawks (Player #2) are not to be harmed, and to that end all races are very strongly urged to set their diplomatic relations with my peon race to friendly. Strict punishment shall be dished out to those who harm my peon race!

If you feel that I am being...

Excuse me oh great exalted one.

What is it peon, you are interrupting my tirade?

I thought it might be nice of you to suggest that they also set their partner race to friendly so they do not accidently kill each other.

Bt.. udht... djuff... {spit} Did you say nice? Where in my job description was it listed that I was going to be nice, all that I care about is that my peons do not get killed, as they are required to serve me.

Uhmm.. as you wish!

Get out of my sight before I have you terminated!

I thought you were omniscient? Where can I go to be out of your sight?

{sigh} You have totally ruined my tirade at the races of the universe, go volunteer to be the captain of the next scout ship sent out from A'po.

On my way!

Rolling Eyes How did I ever let myself purchase such annoyingly friendly peons. I should have realized that there was something wrong with them when I saw that discount price.

Anyway, all you races be careful in your dealings with my peons.


Shadallark <==> FurFuznel
Mental anguish is for those who choose to think - FurFuznel
running Mac OS X 10.6.7

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Forum: Rabid Weasels II-B
 Topic: RWIAB IIB - Game Review
RWIAB IIB - Game Review Wed, 03 March 2004 20:37
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

RWIAB Series II (Galaxy B): A Game Review
"Rabid Weasels in a Box II" (RW-IIb) was a Stars! game run on
Autohost on a Monday-Friday generation schedule until a victor
was declared by virtue of "modified" high score in 2500.  The
game name was based upon the main game condition that all races
conform to the "factoryless" (-f) standard of having cost 25
factory settings, or by being the AR PRT.  A long ago newsgroup
post referred to these races having to act like rabid weasels in
their drive to expand and grow and thus I adopted the term for
the game.

The game was played in a small, packed galaxy, ACC BBS start,
random events on, and public scores off.  There were eight
active participants plus a neutral observer race run by the
host.  This game was also run in parallel with two nearly
identical games (RW-IIa and RW-IIc).  The "modified" score was
adjusting the standard Stars! Scoring so that resources
generated fewer points and planet count for each race was a
minimum number of 50 since planet count sets a ceiling on most
of the scoring parameters.

No expectations other than the close quarters possibly causing
some early race deaths.  About 2430 the game looked like an
alliance of northwest races and an alliance of southeast races
were working on terminating immediate neighbors.  As of 2450,
some of the targets are now allies as well and the game looked
to be turning into a North vs. South match.  As of 2470 the game
was a North vs. South match and the southern alliance was
starting to win.  The northern races were in full retreat by the
mid-2480s with the Tanu being eliminated and the other two races
asking for terms.  Given their clear superiority the Mortis and
Goblins then agreed on a war against each other starting in 2490
to select a clear victor.  The Mortis won the decade long battle
while some of the lesser races warred on each other for third

The races started in roughly the following positions:

..1..4..8    (corresponding to player #)

(1)  The Random         JOAT    2nd Place (1627)
(2)  The Selaeraa       SD      7th Place (651)
(3)  The Slan'td        PP      6th Place  (889)
(4)  The Watcher        WM      Host Observer
(5)  The Mortis         IT      1st Place (2163)
(6)  The Goblins        SD      3rd Place (1562)
(7)  The Tanuth         IS      8th Place - eliminated in 2483
(8)  The Hubrin         SS      4th Place (1549)
(9)  The Meanzeii       IT      5th Place (952)

Race Comments
1) Hell (Randoms)
JOAT w/19% PGR, Grav Immune, Rad wide, Temp narrow and
centered.  (1in4).  IFE, ISB, NRSE, OBRM, NAS. Weap and Con
cheap. Rest expensive.
Started in middle-left and rapidly scouted in all directions.
Leading game in score in 2410.  In 2nd in 2430 with Jihad CA
capacity and at least one active alliance.  In 4th in 2450 with
Jugg BB capacity but still mainly using cruisers.  Allied with
Rig A, Goblin, Meanzel, and Hubrin.  Seem to be opposed to the
Selaereaa, Slan, and Tanuth.  Still in 4th in 2470 with Doomsday
BB tech.  Part of the southern alliance attacking the three
northern races.  In 2nd at 2500 with a growing Nubian fleet
while still operating some older Weapons 20 tech battleships. 
Allied with the Meanzeii against the Hubrin for the end-game

2) Selaera (Selaeraa)
19% SD with three wide hab bands (1in3).  IFE, TT, NRSE, OBRM,
NAS. Weapons cheap, rest normal.
Started in  top-middle.  Expanding, but trailing in population
and resources in 2410 - perhaps due to colonists in transit
rather than growing on a planet.  Fighting the Randoms in 2430
while trailing in resources and distribution of tech (almost as
many levels - but broadly spread instead of concentrated towards
weapons and hulls.)  In 2nd in 2450.  Broad tech still - Jihad
CA level; but close to battleships.  Allied with the Slan and
Tanuth. At war with the Randoms and Meanzel.  In 3rd in 2470,
trailing in Weapons tech.  Part of the three-race northern
alliance fighting the southern races.   Race was a shell by 2490
and is in 7th in 2500 while remaining neutral in the remaining
conflicts.  Some Weapons 20 tech battleships still about however.

3) Slan (Slan'td)
PP w/19% PGR.  Grav Immune, Temp wide, Rad narrow and left
shifted (1in6).  IFE, ISB, NRSE, CE, OBRM, RS.  Energy, Weapons,
Const cheap. Rest expensive and start @3.
Started in top-left.  Expanding slowly early on, and conditions
might be too crowded for this race to succeed.  Some interesting
design choices however and a fairly unique hab range.  Looking
for intersettling perhaps?  In 3rd place in 2430; has a few
small groups of beamer CA built and researching Energy heavily. 
In 5th in 2450.  Jihad BB tech.  Allied with the Selaeraa and
Tanuth.  Enemies of the Randoms, Meanzel, Goblins, and Mortis. 
In 6th in 2470 with Juggernaut BB tech.  Part of the northern
alliance.  Finished 6th in 2500 with a number of Weapns 20 tech
battleships remaining.  Neutral in most of the end-game

4) Watcher (Watcher)
One-world-wonder 18% WM.  All narrow and fully right-shifted
(1in171)*. 15/8/23 factories.  Elec cheap, rest expensive and
start @3. [*] And found a 81% green in 2405 of course.
Observer race starting in middle-middle.  Built additional low
tech scouts in 2402 and 2403.  About 2407 starts researching Con
4 (Privateer hulls to hold orbital pop) and then to start
ramping Elec to get pen-scanners.  WM PRT used to facilitate
looking at ship designs of the other races.  Galaxy about 90%
covered by pen-scanners in 2430.   In 7th in 2450; operating two
fully topped off planets and also picked up nine tech levels
from a passing MT.  In 9th in 2470.  Final score position
roughly 7th.  Added some warships that boosted score late in the
game.  Mystery traders ended up supplying over 20 tech levels.

5) Rig A (Mortis)  
IT w/19% PGR. Rad Immune, Temp centered, Rad narrow and centered
(1in4).  IFE, ISB, NRSE, OBRM, NAS, RS.  Energy and Const cheap,
rest expensive.
Started in lower-middle.  Middle of the pack in 2410; no
expansion yet beyond the initial starting planets.  Expanding
heavily, and appears to be allied with the Goblins while
fighting the Meanzeii, Randoms, and Selaeraa.  In 4th in 2430,
but not trailing by too much.  2nd in 2450.  Jihad BB tech, but
has pushed Construction to get to any/800 gates.  Now allied
with the Goblins, Randoms, Hubrin and Meanzal.  All other races
but Watcher are "neutral" though there has been combat with the
Tanuth recently.  In 2nd in 2470 with Doomsday BB tech.  Nubian
hull expected by 2475.  Part of the southern alliance.  Finished
in 1st place after defeating the Goblins decisively in a decade
long war starting in 2490.  Fleet is primarily Nubian hulls.  A
few older battleships might still be about as well.
6) Goblin (Goblins)
SD w/19% PGR.  1/900 efficiency.  Three wide hab bands with some
offsets (1in4).  IFE, TT, GR, NRSE, OBRM.  Energy, Weapons,
Const, Bio cheap. Prop and Elec expensive.
Started in lower-right.  Early expansion establishing a number
of small colonies by 2410.  Will be interesting to see if these
colonies can be successfully defended or reinforced.  Leading in
2430 by a narrow margin.  Also fielding some beamer CA forces as
well.  Leading by a wider margin in 2450.  Jihad BB tech. 
Allied with the Mortis, friendly with the Randoms, Meanzel, and
Hubrin.  Neutral to the Selaeraa and Slan, enemies of the
Tanuth.  In 1st in 2470 with Doomsday BB tech.  Part of the
southern alliance that crushed the northern three races by
2490.  Finished 3rd after losing a war to the Mortis in 2490
2500.  Surviving fleet is primarily Nubian hulls with a few
older Weapons 20 tech battleships.

7) Tanuth (Tanuthandanan)
IS w/20% PGR.  Three centered hab bands (1in5).  IFE, TT, ISB,
NRSE, OBRM, RS.  Energy, Weapons, Const cheap, Bio normal, rest
Started in upper-right.  Aggressive expander, but transit times
seem to have slowed their initial resource growth by 2410.  In
the pack in 2430.  Using Croby FF, but has beamer CA
capability.  Seems to be fighting off Goblin attacks as well. 
6th in 2450.  Jihad BB tech, but still using a variety of croby
frigates for main war fleet.  Friendly with the Selaeraa and
Slan, neutral to all the others.  In 8th in 2470 with Juggernaut
BB tech.  Part of the northern alliance and appears to be
catching the brunt of the southern offensive.  Race was
eliminated in 2483 when the Hubrin killed a remaining refugee

8) Hubrin (Hubrin Fleet)
SS w/19%PGR.  Grav immune, Temp and Rad fully right-shifted
(1in5).  IFE, ISB, CE, OBRM, RS.  Energy, Weapons, Const cheap,
Elec normal, rest expensive.
Started in middle-right.  Still solely on HW in 2410.  Missed a
few turns as well already.  Only operating three scouts, so
intelligence gathering to find potential colonies might prove
too slow for this race to succeed.  Taken over by a substitute
in the mid-2420's.  Race is in last in 2430, trailing heavily in
resources and colonies.  Still comparable in tech still and has
beamer CA capability.  9th in 2450.  Keeping up in tech, has
Jihad BB capability.  Still trailing massively in resources. 
Friendly with the Randoms, Mortis, and Goblins, enemies of the
Tanuth.  Neutral to the rest.  In 5th in 2470 with Juggernaut BB
tech.  Part of the southern alliance and a second-tier power. 
4th place in 2500 with a beamer Nubian main fleet.  At war with
the Meanzel and Randoms.

9) Meanzel (Meanzeii)
IT w/20% PGR.  Temp immune, Grav centered, Rad narrow and right
shifted (1in7).  TT, ISB, CE, OBRM, RS.  Weapons and Const
cheap, rest expensive and start @3.
Started in lower-left.  Middle of the pack in terms of
expansion, resources, and score.  Middle of pack in 2430, with
beamer CA capability.  Allied and exchanging tech heavily with
the Randoms.  Substitute brought in during the mid-2440's right
when the Mortis and Goblins began an offensive that took over
the Meanzel homeworld.  8th in 2450.  Jugg BB tech, fielding
Jihad and collodial BBs in current fleet.  Allied with Randoms,
Mortis, and Goblins..  Enemies of the Selaeraa, Slan, and
Tanuth.  Neutral to the Hubrin.  In 7th in 2470 with Juggernaut
BB tech.  Part of the southern alliance.  5th place in 2500 with
a battleship main fleet still.  Under attack by the Hubrin while
receiving aid from the Randoms.

Empire Statistics
The observer gathered data on the various races each decade
starting in 2410.  Thus the relative power of the various races
could be compared and analyzed.  Here's the data in tabular form.

Race      2410  2420  2430  2440  2450  2460  2470  2480  2490  2500
Random	    7     9    16    17    18    21    22    29    35    34
Selaeraa     8    15    17    29    34    32    35    26     9     9
Slan'td	    3     8    14    14    20    17    19    16    10    10 
Watcher	    1     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2     2
Mortis	    2     7    19    29    37    41    44    51    60    68
Goblins	   10    28    31    32    33    40    42    46    50    28
Tanuth	    9    15    20    20    28    23    15     0     -     -
Hubrin	    1     8    10    10    13    17    19    21    29    32
Meanzeii     5     7    13    13    13    21    20    23    26    17

RESOURCES (in 1000s)
Race      2410  2420  2430  2440  2450  2460  2470  2480  2490  2500
Random    0.60  2.38  5.46  8.83   12    14    16    18    22    27
Selaeraa  0.41  1.42  3.35  6.75   11    15    17    16   5.76  5.93
Slan'td   0.77  2.50  5.16  7.34  9.00   11    13    12   8.35  8.17
Watcher   0.97  2.32  5.44  8.67  9.79  9.79  9.79  9.79  9.79  9.79
Mortis    0.56  1.64  4.89   10    15    19    23    28    35    34
Goblins   0.62  2.18  5.46   12    19    25    30    34    41    26
Tanuth    0.54  1.87  3.09  6.15  9.26   11   8.91    0    -     -
Hubrin    0.55  0.76  2.25  3.79  4.39  8.15   13    16    20    25
Meanzeii  0.64  1.89  4.21  6.33  6.82  8.81   11    12    14    12

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 Topic: They Think its all over - well it is for me
icon9.gif  They Think its all over - well it is for me Tue, 20 January 2004 16:05
joseph is currently offline joseph

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 440
Registered: May 2003
Location: Bristol
Well my last fleet of colonists (14000,00 of them roughly) has been shot down and the Tanuth are no more.
Hubrin your revenge was despicable 2 Guns women and children!
(Damm good revenge though)

If you are playing on what I would be interested in is the play off between the Mortis and Goblins - I was kind of hoping that one of them would snap and attack the other to gain first place.
This was the hope that kept me going as my worlds were bombed back to the stone age by the more or less unstopable might of the first and second place players.
Rig I am surprised you gave away the win without a fight Confused3

Had a great game, good playing with you all.
Im off to write up my game report for Overworked.

"Can burn the land and boil the sea. You cant take the Stars from me"

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 Topic: Galaxy fear our wrath
Galaxy fear our wrath Fri, 09 January 2004 16:07
joseph is currently offline joseph

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 440
Registered: May 2003
Location: Bristol
The Tanuthandanan are pleased to announce the comming defeat of our enemies.
We have pushed them back from our space, scattering them with great slaughter. Their ships flee our comming and soon they will know the fear of having their planets destroyed.
God is with us and the moment of our victory is at hand, nothing can stop our righteous armys.
We will push them back and destroy them, they will regret their inpudence, the day of their destruction is at hand.
Comical Ali
Newly Appointed Press Spokesman and Military Advisor

The Tanuthan Council are currently overseeing the war and as such cant make a statement, they are in no way shape or form looking for a hole to hide in.

"Can burn the land and boil the sea. You cant take the Stars from me"

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 Topic: Major defeat
Major defeat Fri, 05 December 2003 18:25
joseph is currently offline joseph

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 440
Registered: May 2003
Location: Bristol
The Tanuthandanan were shocked today by the destruction of their main war fleet at Neptune by a combined force of Goblin/Mortis ships.
A Navy spokesman said
"There were considerably more than our scouts reported, all Goblins forces were sucessfully destroyed however we lost many ships as well and the Mortis appear to be bombing the civillain population. We can only hope that our second war fleet can be sent to relieve the planet before all life is wiped out"

This confims the Hostile acts previously carried out by the Mortis.
The Goblin Mortis alliance now looks to be the main threat to peace in this galaxy, the tribal leaders ot the Tanuthandanan call on all right thinking races to unite to deal with this threat -while you still can.

"Can burn the land and boil the sea. You cant take the Stars from me"

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 Topic: Menzes pressreleases go here!
Menzes pressreleases go here! Tue, 25 November 2003 09:24
Sgt. Bulldog is currently offline Sgt. Bulldog

Senior Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 88
Registered: November 2002
Location: dk
Staryear 2457, Captains' log...404 File Not Found!

From: Meanzeei High Command
To: Whom it may concern.

Message of understanding:
To the bewildered races of this galaxy.

You must understand our situation before your judge us. Having recently evicted the warmongering former president, we found ourselves with no HW, no Cash and no Hope (noone can sing or tell jokes). Furthermore, we have mental problems with the idiotic racename that history bestowed on us. Meanezie...Meanzee...Meanzi...Menzes...no one can remember, to be honest.

Therefore we had but one option: KILL, KILL, KILL!!!! ATTACK!! CRASH!! BURN!!!! LOOT!!!

Ah, wait. Wrong answer. That was an autoreactoid that was leftover from the former president. Is replaced now.

No, we seeked diplomatic ressurection and welcomed the first genuine and well considered offer. And the first offer that showed real intention of negotiations. Had others exercised a similar kind of diplomacy, our alignment might well have been different. It was all a matter of small margins.

So to those races who urge us to act in certain ways, we say: next time consider your diplomatic openings more carefully. Jumping an empire undergoing revolution 'just in case' is sure to backfire diplomatically. Even regular war is better.

Next time...

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 Topic: how far are you?
how far are you? Fri, 19 September 2003 14:45
The Taubat is currently offline The Taubat

Officer Cadet 3rd Year

Messages: 263
Registered: December 2002
:setting is a confrence room:
Greetings all, I am Dal-Yon K'ron Overseer of science and research for the Hubrin fleet, and my associate here ::points to another Hubrin:: is Pal-Yon I'rit, Overseer of the Imperial Fleet, Over the past 11 years we have gathered military data pertaining to the races PRT, I have played no part in finding out their PRTs, I'rit has studied the data I have gathered and deciphered every races PRT, and so now, I'rit has a message for the Tanuth and the galaxy, I'rit if you please
<'Irit> ::starts speaking:: Greetings all, last year we learned that the Tanuth, claimed to be a WM, are not a WM, we will not disclose their PRT, but do not be taken in by their lies, what we can tell you about other races PRTs are this, there are 2 ITs 2 SDs 1 PP 1 JOAT 1 IS and 1 SS, that will be all.

Royal Sha'a'kar of the Taubat people

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Forum: Penta
 Topic: Game over
trophy.gif  Game over Tue, 10 February 2004 04:21


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
The Things won the game, in 2494 they own 4 of the 6 target planets,

Penta host

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 Topic: Gen time schedule
Gen time schedule Tue, 03 June 2003 11:30


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
2420 : Switching to Tu-Th-Sa as mentioned in the game posting.

(AKA The Lazy Thing)

[Updated on: Tue, 03 June 2003 17:55]

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 Topic: A few reminders
icon4.gif  A few reminders Fri, 09 May 2003 17:49


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
- ALL players except your teammates will be set to enemy (neutral party will check from time to time), battle orders will be set to attack enemies (unless in special cases when you want to infiltrate enemy minefiels without sweeping).
- No bug/feature listed in the NG FAQ is allowed, except for chaff and fleet dodge (if you can get it to work). You can find a good (but not complete!) bug list at http://www.starsfaq.com/bugs.htm or here at the forum in The Academy (which is a bit more complete).
- Passwords will not change unless you send the new one(s) to the third party, this to find replacements should a team suddenly disappear.

Addition: race#1 must be set to friend, in return Ken will set you to enemy. Wink His HW is Stinky Socks, you may visit it but there is nothing there that would interest you. Wink

Victory conditions:
There will be five Target planets, one at each outer corner of the pentagon, and one Target planet in the center (six in total). The winner of the game is the team that owns the most target planets at the year 2500. If there is a tie, then the game will be extended in 10 year sections until the tie is broken. If at any time one team owns 4 or more of the target planets, then that team is declared the winner immediately.
To own a Target planet, it must be colonized and have population there.

These are the target planets:
No Respect, Quarter, Dachshund, Pyxidis, Grim Reaper and Dipstick.


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 Topic: Welcome!
icon1.gif  Welcome! Fri, 09 May 2003 17:40


Messages: 2342
Registered: November 2002
Location: Belgium GMT +1
Greetings all,

this place will welcome any comments, questions, ... about the Penta game.


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Forum: Rabid Weasels II-C
 Topic: RWIAB II-C Game Review
RWIAB II-C Game Review Tue, 13 January 2004 06:33
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

The game review is elsewhere in the forum - under "The Bar".
(I put it there since that would allow anyone to reply to it - whereas here only those with the forum password can reply.)

I'll also see about getting the review and the game JPEG maps put on-line in a manner similar to how the RWIAB review was made available.

- Kurt

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 Topic: RWIAB II Scoring
RWIAB II Scoring Thu, 08 January 2004 14:18
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Posting this here first - will repeat on the other two game forums in a while. Also want the scoring understood so that when I put scores in the game review that fact that they differ from what your turn file says makes sense.

I am calculating the modified "RWIAB" score in this way. Note that it works completely from information available from the Score (F10) report.

1. Take starting Stars! score. Also uses the Planet count, Unarmed ship count, Escort ship count, Cap ship count, and the total Resources value.

2. Calculate Unarmed Ship Score Modifier
a. Calculate "normal" unarmed ship score. [This is # of unarmed ships x 0.5 with a ceiling value for # = number of planets the race has.]
b. Calculate "RWIAB" unarmed ship score. Same calculation as above *except* that if the race has fewer than 50 planets they are assumed to have 50 planets.
c. Unarmed Ship Modifier is calculated as (b) - (a)

3. Calculate Escort Ship Score Modifier
(Same as [2] except that escort ships are worth 2 points each up to the ceiling value.)

4. Calculate Cap Ship Score Modifier
Cap Ship formula is as follows:
(#planets x #cap_ships x 8 ) / (#planets + #cap_ships)
Modifier is similar to [2] since a race with <50 planets is granted a default value of 50 planets.

Note: A race with 50 or more planets will have modifers for (2), (3) and (4) of zero since a default floor of 50 is of no benefit to them.

5. Calculate Resource Score Modifier
a. Normal resource score is Resources/30
b. "RWIAB" resource score is Resources/50 (40% discount)
c. Modifier is (b) - (a). Comes out as a negative adjustment.

"RWIAB Score" is the original score plus the modifiers calculated in (2), (3), (4), and (5).

I've written up the calculations into a small exe utility. I'll make it available if a player wants to see/use it. I'll also probably post score updates at the tail-end of a RWIAB II game after the scores go public in 2490. [RWIAB IIC did not make it that far.] And the fact that everyone can check each other's scores for the last ten turns of the game *is* intentional. Very Happy

- Kurt aka "The Watcher"

[Updated on: Thu, 08 January 2004 14:21]

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 Topic: Watcher HW neutrality
Watcher HW neutrality Mon, 13 October 2003 10:48
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA


Geez... I miss a gen and someone starts fighting in my HW orbit...

I've been a little lax about enforcing the 'unarmed scouts only in Watcher orbit' rule. But firefights scorching the space station, dropping debris on the little eyeballs, and cluttering the orbit with litter are stretching our patience. [Do you know how expensive it *is* to treat corneal ulcers and such?]

Galactic races are reminded to show a little more care before entering orbit or taking advantage of Watcher hospitality.

- The Big Eye

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 Topic: 2409 rw-iic.m4
2409 rw-iic.m4 Sat, 20 September 2003 12:05

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 38
Registered: September 2003
Hi all,

If any of you are keeping backups of everyone's .m files, I'd be grateful if I could get a copy of my .m file for the year 2409.

I forgot to backup mine and overwrote it with the new turn.



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 Topic: submitting turns
submitting turns Fri, 19 September 2003 01:17
Zathras is currently offline Zathras

Crewman 1st Class

Messages: 32
Registered: September 2003

Everyone is doing a great job of keeping the game moving by getting your turns in on time.

It seems many folks are doing turns over the weekend, so don't be shy if you can get them in and we can have a few extra rounds and more quickly get through the startup turns


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Forum: Rabid Weasels in a Box
 Topic: Explanation of Recent Events
Explanation of Recent Events Wed, 28 May 2003 07:16
overworked is currently offline overworked

Lt. Junior Grade

Messages: 403
Registered: November 2002
Location: Pittsburgh, PA

Quick run-through of the hosting issue of the last few days:

1. Put game on hold on Sunday night for the Memorial Day Holiday. Plan was to take it off hold at the regular gen time on Tuesday, or when everyone had submitted.

2. Everyone had submitted by about 6:30 pm (US EST) on Tuesday - which is 3 1/2 hours ahead of the deadline. I even had an email from the last person submitting notifying me of such.

3. I took the game off hold. It immediately genned the 2441 turn (which is good). It also set the next gen deadline for 10:00 pm EST that night; i.e. 3 1/2 hours aways (which is bad.)

4. I immediately put the game on hold. Plan was to take it off hold after 10 pm EST so that the new deadline would be correct.

5. Took the game off hold at 10:05 pm EST. It immediately genned the 2442 turn (which is bad). It also set the next gen deadline for 10:00 pm the next night (which is bad).

6. I immediately restored the 2441 turn. Which also put the game on hold.

7. I took the game off hold. I also sent an email to all players telling them to play the 2441 turn and discard the 2442 turn that had been inadvertantly made.

8. I made a note that the next time I needed to play games like this I should mess with the schedule instead of using the hold option...

- Kurt

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Forum: Random Plagues
 Topic: Thanks Blue
Thanks Blue Sat, 15 November 2003 15:40
Wayne is currently offline Wayne

Chief Petty Officer

Messages: 74
Registered: November 2002
Location: New Zealand
Thanks Blue, and everyone that played.

I enjoyed the game and learnt alot.

i.e don't let an AR get his fountain going Embarassed

I got to damn fixated on 2 other races even when I had knocked them practically out of the game, with help.

Ah well onwards and upwards.

As an aside well done the Aussies, there were a few of us over here backing you.

[Updated on: Sat, 15 November 2003 15:41]


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