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Cut-Throat - Winner: Per Rindom : Experiences here Tue, 14 August 2007 12:07 Go to next message
Ptolemy is currently offline Ptolemy


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The Cut-Throat game has now ended. The Winner by player declaration is Per Rindom - Esteemed Emperor, Military Commander and Beloved Leader of the species called Jaegers.

As host of the game, I congratulate Per on his victory.

I encourage players of the game to post their stories and experiences here in this thread for others to read.


[Updated on: Tue, 14 August 2007 12:07]

Though we often ask how and why, we must also do to get the answers to the questions.

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The Jaeger's game log Wed, 15 August 2007 16:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
perrindom is currently offline perrindom


Messages: 129
Registered: August 2005
Location: Denmark
Jaeger game log (notes taken during the game as it progressed)
The game as seen through the eyes of the Jaeger Commander In Chief - not a report/summary of the game - which means I along the way let you in on some of the dilemmas I faced during the game. Some entries are not necessary to follow the course of the game, but I left them in here as they may strike the reader as something he/she ought to consider also.


General strategy: Rapid growth -F SS (which means excessive scouting right from the start and very agressive expansion), hopefully overpowering 1-2 neighbours to provide room for expansion. To end the game before the techs become too expensive, i.e. forfeiting the Ultra Cloak (unless an ally can provide for the Energy (expensive) tech)

Spottet what appears to be con3 scrappers at Anzac HW, they appear to be allied with Vader.

Received trading proposal from the Vaders. Answered in most positive way. [Edit: This resulted in a freindly setting with a 'letter of intent' to be friendly but no signed agreement, and since he already had an ally, I felt like the third who made it a crowd.] There are 3 extremely good planets just NE of Vader HW, i.e. in range of his packets, so a Jaeger strategy begins to form: Vader's space first, either war or alliance.

[I considered executing a plan to attack Vader (PP) in eight years to remove the packet threat but then war started with Swarm. Besides it would only work as surprize and given our relationship it wouldn't feel right.]

Had to remove two Swarm settlements within range of my HW, which he did not take to kindly. War is on the horizon, but I will try to avoid it.

War with Swarm picking up. Swarm succeeded in settling False Hopes (only 68 ly from my HW) in force. Swarm has weap 8. Status on coming war with Swarm: Jaeger advantages: intelligence, stealth, and soon to come: gates which gives a shorter line of supply. Swarm advantages: numbers, and presently better weapons tech, and presumably a functioning alliance with someone in the South. Advanced to 2nd place, probably Swarm is in first place.

Still I have not traded with anyone, and it is sad that the strategically (of those without an ally already) best suited ally, the States, is proctically inactive. [Edit: he was soon set to inactive].

It is clear now that I have engaged in full scale war with the Swarm. He is moving into my space which I failed to prevent, and I am raiding his back yard and interior space. My best guess is that Swarm is -F. To keep my tactical advantages I must prevent the Visionaries to gain a foothold close to my space (gates). Another tactical turn for the worse is that the Western end of the W-NE wormhole moved right into Swarm's core space, and as soon as he discovers that and moves a lot of things through it to bypass my attempt of a picket line, he will be given the entire NE corner for free - unless of course the States checks back in to the game.

Stupid decision to deny him to bring more troops to Sagittarius. New tactic will be to deny settlement of new planets.

Battle for the space around my homeworld: the initiative slowly but surely going over to the Swarm. Only his long line of supply gives me the chance to take it back. He is moving up an awful lot of FFs and some CCs. It might a viable tactic to sacrifice 1-2 planets to raze hell to many of his planets out of reach from his main fleet.

Swarm finally attacked my planets, and that my HW. With the expected drop of the States, it is apparant that I'm playing this game solo.

Lost the HW to WP0 invasion. Had I had energy 5 one year earlier to build some sappers, it probably would have survived - sad. It made me drop to 3rd place.

The ongoing battle for Telly in the East is slowly but surely going my way as I can bring reinforments faster to the battle than Swarm can. Again, it would have been over by now, if I hadn't lost 30% of my bombers due to overgating (compared to 4% expected).

Had succes and failure with my SEAL minelayer: caught ships worth 2280kT of minerals but also lost the single SEAL built.

I am still surprised to see how poorly Swarm defends his core planets. This really calls for some daring hit and runs.

Apparantly, Vader and Swarm are not shooting at each other. This will no doubt give the victory to the Swarm, because the Jaegers are the only ones to contest the #1 top dog in the all the Northern half the the galaxy.

Gained control of Telly.

At last Swarm changed colonisation tactics a little. Jaeger invading the just 800 from the minicolonizer has so far given 4 tech levels. Now he settles with 3-4000, which just means that I will attempt to drop 6-7000.

Once again I was successful in halting the Visionaries' settlement towards their North. Since there are no planets inside Swarm space (not saying he wouldn't empty one for the purpose), I suspect they will attempt to go through the wormhole, which hopefully will jump before he can move anything significant through it.

A mass exudus has been set in motion, moving almost 1 million pop South using a wormhole that leads to just East of Frybarec Abh's core space, all of whose planets are very high greens. If successful in settling these planets which could be done in total secrecy, I will soon have a major presence in the South.

The first phase of the East campaign is succefully completed with removing the Swarm from the Telly cluster. First planet to be taken was Telly, a good green, second Clapton, and last Capricornus because it with its lack of minerals had the poorest anti-missile defense capability.

Has gained con10 and 11 from invasion the last two years. REGEN EDIT: Didn't get con 11 from the regenned turn, which may turn out to be vital.

For the second time in this game have I missed the wormhole by just 1-2 years. I only managed to move 1/3 of the 1 mill pop through it to the SE. The rest will just have get there the old fashined way, probably settling down at some currently free greens between Swarm and Shima space.

NAP with Shima will likely be concluded shortly.

Acting CIC Altruist's log: Salamander invaded by Swarm. The fleet in the South with the task to conquer and colonize Frybarec Abh planets (Alternate Reality) is stuck with too little force to destroy Frybarec Abh's stations. A total of 8 planet have now been taken from Swarm in the East.

The visionaries has asked for a NAP which will be declined.

Minefield destroyed 242 Swarm ships headed for "Do Re Mi". Made a very poor decision sending 13 DD-jihads to Phicol where they were all killed in battle, now my line of supply in the East is threatened.

A whopping 1.9 million pop are on the move, 27% of total pop.

Strategy: With the coming loss of Bagnose, and in consequence most likely also Macintyre, and the evacuation of Dollar, it feels like the Jaegers are slowly going into a rout. No apparant firing solution can be reached for the defense of Macintyre.

The Jaeger won an important victory at Do Re Mi against the Swarm assault. Jaeger losses: CCs: 18, DDs: 10, FFs: 36. Swarm losses: BBs: 5, CCs: 18, DDs: 17. Clearly a Jaeger victory when looking at the numbers, but also when looking at the age of the designs lost.

Swarm has stopped building ships for a couple of years now, and spying reveals that they likely have finished researching juggers.

Situation: Slowly but surely the time approaches where it will be time for Vader to enter the game. They cannot sit idle forever, and they have to position to surprize packet bombard almost all Jaeger planets in the NE in a single year with an empire wide crippling effect. Shima is showing successful efforts in the South against the Swarm, who will likely soon field a new generation of warships. Put together it is time to seriously start considering removing the packet threat posed by the Vaders.

Finally after a decade of delay did the Exudus fleet settle on Abh Frybarec's HW. They found 12k minerals there, so now I can cover the MT from almost every direction.

The East side Guerilla fleet lost all its warships in an attempt at a Swarm planet (Astair). Now it is all about recovering the pop in the transports.

Swarm task force in strike range of all planets in Telly cluster. Juggers will be needed to fend them off.

The gamble to get weap 16 from conquest failed. Telly cluster is considered a loss.

Potential Vader and Jaeger dispute about who arrived first at Charlotte HW Relight and thus are entitled to the prize. Jaegers convinced their right to the planet backed by full size bomber fleet and pop in orbit.

It seems Swarm is escorting the MT with warships. Now I really regret that I forgot to enlarge the MT rendevouz fleet with a 10th large freighter so to possible sacrifice a decoy, and also that the Guerilla fleet was destroyed as it could have saved the day.

Alas, Telly Ultra Station lost and a lot of Jaeger, chaff and auxiliary also. Very sad and very annoying, because it should have survived if a Swarm side-force was caught in a minefield. Well, I had my luck with minefields before. Also had I only played it safe and researched weap16 myself instead of gambling to gain it from invasions, Telly would have survived without problem. Now it will be interesting to see how many invaders Swarm has available to drop next turn.

I realize that I have handled the Telly situation very poorly indeed. It is now very stupid that I didn't provide for an iron reserve at Hoth, so it could upgrade to juggers. Also a mistake that no chaff was in reserve to gate to Hoth so the sappers would survive to do their work. Hoth dock wouldn't survive, but it would make it kill a lot more of Swarm's ships now that he is out of chaff.

Not many ships will be built this turn as I prefer to wait and see what the MT might bring. Much to my surprise it appears that Swarm makes no effort in escorting the MT to deny me a meeting.

MT meeting a success: 9 tech levels, but unfortunately only 1 in weapons (up to 17), but as consolation I now have prop 10 (terraforming) and less important: con 14 (Valanium armour).

Made a huge blunder at Tull only 100 ly from a major Vision planet. I totally forgot he was PP and it will now cost me the planet and 300.000 pop that I didn't keep more freighters in orbit.

No tech gained from invasion vs. Swarm for two years now, so likely Jaegers are tech leader.

NAP formerly concluded with Shima (many turns ago it was left just hanging there uncompleted).

Moved up to 2nd place. Most likely Shima is number 1, which means he is +F.

Won a major battle at Raisin vs. Swarm that sparked the most satisfying game comment so far: "Trickster!!!!".

Back in command after two weeks vacation. While gone, Swarm has definitively given up. Somehow I feel he never understood the strategic depth of his adversary. Many of his actions suggest that I was capable of far more than he ever expected.

Shima cancelled our NAP, first combat allowed in 2477. Formed NAP with Vader and Anzac. Set Anzac to friend.

The eve of battle. Moved up to rank 1.

Lost 4 planets: -15%, 4%, 19% and 36% - as expected but less than feared.
Battles didn't amount to much, but I won the few minor ones that could be called battles, destroying a total of one BB.
Tech: I certainly didn't expect Shima to field weap 22 BB beamers.

Prospect at first glance: hard to tell, but it is certainly good that there is a wealth of tiny Shima planets in the West from which to get the tech I lack.

Major battles:
Clatsop: succes, killed 5 BBs + 200 chaff, Jaegers now have full control in the East.
Ditto: lost 2 BBs to 130 killer FFs with chaff, the hunt continues.
Hawking's Gut: succes, killed 10 BBs and all remaining Shima bombers and other aux.
Lost Beautiful, no attempt was made to hold it.
Succesfully raided a mining operation at Lever.

Shima isn't building many warships, so he must be researching, and will likely head for Armageddons at weaps 24. Therefore Jaegers will not conquer every possible Shima planet asap, but will take them about 3 every turn to maximize long term chances of tech gains from invasion, a tactic succesfully used vs. the Swarm.

Shima has also made the mistake of not having some skirmishers to protect their own space, right now my DDs and CCs are roaming and sweeping at will.

No major battles occured. Shima is loosing the initiative, he is no longer targeting my core planets, but has spread his south fleet to respond. Jaeger mop-up advances in the South East, particularly he has moved 11 BBs into, from Jaeger point of view, the middle of nowhere. Also he is consolidating his Northern fleets in a failed attempt to lure my central fleet hunting his big stack of FF-croby-colloids. This central Shima fleet will in time pose a problem, but is right now in the middle of nowhere. In the West I can now protect almost all planets of value.

Major battles/events:
Io (Shima planet): killed base + 8 aux with a single CC
Juniper: major victory, killed 14 BB, 950 ships in total against the loss of only 9 minor ships!
Sed, Leo: destroyed weak station with task forces
Gained weaps 22 from fleet battle.
Met the fourth MT: Hush-a-Bomb.

Shima is moving his central fleet towards Do Re Mi. Stopping this monster fleet of 38 beam BBs, 138 croby FFs and some 700 chaff will be a challenge, but doable.

No major battles. Lost Hawking's Gut which was the only planet I didn't defend and Shima had the cleverness to pick it for his attack. Gained weaps 23 from invasion. Shima fielded a new BB with only heavy blaster but much better sappers than his existing designs.

Lost Hawking's Gut. Hit on Albemuth with only LBU bombers succesful, as with Io the year before, both planets lost all structures and had looted a lot of minerals, and the good thing is that Shima reacts by sending a fleet to Io where he will hit only air. My "Scroungers" (galleon robber baron speed 2.75) are obiting 3 planets ready to snatch minerals. In their three years of operation they have stolen app. 18.000kT of minerals without a loss.

Lost Adams, a real disaster. Shima now has no more major planets West of Tull (the East 1/3 of the map). Succesfully destroyed two Shima mining fleets. Gained weap 24 from invasion.

No battles, not even minor ones. Jaegers bombed 8 of Shima's planets, either to less than 2000 pop or destroying all buildings. Two invasions paid off with energy 15. This all indicates that Shima has completely lost the initiative, and that for every year that goes by the Jaegers become relatively stronger and an inch closer to victory.

No major battles, but some medium/minor ones, where the Jaegers lost 9 obsolete BB-juggers and Shima 1 BB. Seven of those lost BBs were sent on a high risk mission to take out the station at Chennault in an attempt to cause havoc and loot the minerals. The other two was lost taking a gamble to LBU bomb a medium planet within range of a major Shima fleet. In total the Jaegers lost on their gamble.

Shima's big fleet in the center has after some indecisive moves over the last few years finally turned homebound in disarrey.

Across 6 planets, a total of about 1.200.000 Shima pop killed. For the third year now, the Jaeger population outnumbers that of the remaining (active) players put together. Most likely Shima is now down to rank three.

Change in strategy? looking at the number of ships threatening Jaeger planets in 2484 and 2485 there is markedly difference. In 2484 Jaegers had to be able to fence off 231 capital ships and some 2000 chaff. In 2485 this has dropped to 169 caps and some 1100 chaff. Roughly one third of Jaeger fleets can be detached from garrison duty to offensive operations. Furthermore, Jaeger build-up is much larger than Shima's. 2484 looks like the year for the Jaegers to change from the only hitting Shima ecomony and avoiding battle to actively seeking out battle.

No battles. Shima finally has some succes in the counter sweeper warfare.

Two major battles:
Gangtok: Shima ships lost 577 incl. 32 CCs and 1 BB, Jaegers lost 13 warships most of which were expendable plus chaff.
Hawking's Gut: Shima lost 10 BBs and 3 CC, Jaegers lost 2 BBs and 5 CC - all expendable.

Jaeger base raiders succesfully downed a weak station at Schwiiing and Snake's Belly, with the bonus of clearing the orbit of 9 aux at Snake's belly. Very satisfying when such a guarillas missions succeeds using only one high initiative CC with some chaff for protection.

Shima is now in a horrible position to respond to anything as only 11 out of his ~130 warhips are orbiting a planet with a gate.

One major battle at Lizard's Beak: Jaeger victory (3 expendable BBs lost), Shima lost 20 BBs. Succesfully raided two more stations in suicide runs. A total of 1.5 mill. Shima pop killed. Although Shima still has about 100 warships, they have been crippled beyond recovery. Vader now has the second largest population at 12.3 mill.

The marker "Exceeds second place score by 100%" reached.

Indeed a grim year for the Shimas. They lost every ship they brought to battle, and the Jaegers lost a bunch of their expendable warships as well as a bunch of old obsolete BB-juggers. A quick count reveals Shima only has 18 warships (plus a stack of 131 FF-croby-colloids) left vs. the Jaegers nearly 300. A little short of half a million Shima pop was bombed but more importantly so was 4277 structures across four major planets.

The Shimas are no longer in a fighting condition, and the Jaegers now virtually control almost all of Shima's space.

Jaeger victory.

[Updated on: Wed, 15 August 2007 17:02]

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Player actions, non-actions and events leading to Jaeger victory Wed, 15 August 2007 17:06 Go to previous messageGo to next message
perrindom is currently offline perrindom


Messages: 129
Registered: August 2005
Location: Denmark
It is said that when an airplane crashes it is typically a long chain of events going wrong that leads to the disaster, any of which having a different outcome the disaster would have been avoided. In this game I can point to several such events that would have made the Jaeger not win (or at the very least making it take a lot more time). Most of these are on a strategic level, but a few of them are small isolated single events that would have game tilting long term effect. They are:

# Scouting on a tactical level: I had pen-scanners and throughout the game it seemed to me that I had a far greater tactical advantage than I should have had in determining the size of my enemies' forces than they of mine. This probably led to Swarm loosing virtually his entire Northen fleets first to minefields and later in battle.
# Scouting on a strategic level: never did my enemies attempt to scout my rear area to size me up and see what ships I might be building. Probably this led to Swarm over-confidently attacking blindly and loosing his fleet as a result.
# Strategic scouting continued: I have an strong feeling that neither of you ever fully understood my strategic depth and strength. Had Vader known all my core planets was in his back yard in the thirties at the hight of Swarm's attack on me, he may have acted differently. Had Shima known in the sixties, he may have chosen to support the Visionaries instead of sitting idle by watching me eliminate them and get a solid hold on the entire SE corner. Had Shima known in the sixties, he may have allied/NAPed with Anzac instead of attacking them. Throughout the game I could freely act diplomatically as if I was the underdog trying to survive, which was true according to the scoreboard, tactical situation and the amount of warships available at the outbreak of war.
# Counter-scouting: only after it was too late did Swarm make attempts to keep my only 76% cloaked pen-scan scouts out of his space.

# Swarm and Shima colonizing in pieces, i.e. the opposite of in strength. A quick estimate says I invaded 50 tiny (less than 5k pop) Swarm worlds and 20 smaller (red to him) Shima worlds, each time giving me a chance to learn a tech level. In total I probably learned 25 tech level from these invasions. Without these free lunches I doubt I would even have beaten the Swarm. ALL, I repeat ALL, my weapons tech levels 9 to 24 I got from my enemies, only 3-4 of them from battle scrap defending my bases.
# Swarm not escorting the first MT all the way to the East border where I just lost almost all my ships in the area a few turns before, which gave me 9 tech levels. He had some warships meeting it inside his own space, possible just escorting his own meeting.
# Enemies not meeting the MTs with a full 9800kT load of minerals, or not at all (I can't tell what they did for sure). Out of my 96 tech levels I got 15 from the MTs, 25 from my enemies, and above level 10 I only research 1-2 levels myself.
# Shima not attacking my red planets in turn. Besides giving you some techs (prop 12 and electronics I guess), it would reduce my flow of minerals and chaff and other auxiliary.

# Swarm not pushing harder to colonize the NE corner (inactive Apo States's space). It likely would have tilted me economically and tactically.
# Swarm never using wormholes to colonize the entire North.
# 2427: Swarm attacks my only planet in the West: the planet had an iron concentration of 4, so if you had attacked with just a very few torpedoes instead of beams, I would have lost the planet and my foothold in the area, and also the starting point for my later devastating raid all the way down the East edge.
# Visionaries not pushing hard to gain control some empty planets up the East edge after I removed Swarm from then and then lost all fleets in the area.

# Swarm not adequately protecting his bases, it would have worn down my offensive and prolonged it with probably a decade. Note the connction to the next point.
# Shima not pushing hard to gain control of Swarm's core space after their demice. It would have been an entirely different strategic setting had Shima done so, where Shima would have complete control of the center and from there could have made sorties to threaten half my empire instead of just 10 large planets in the South.

# Shima not protecting his bases at all in the early years where I was taking two to three of his outer planets every year. Had Shima done that it would have tied up more of my resources for a longer time.
# Shima never using gates to move some fleets to some of his perimeter worlds (those I took too easily in the early years of our war). I would not have had the defensive capability to cover all my important worlds, and you would probably have kept the strategic/tactical initiative.
# Shima never using his backyard wormholes to send surprises and colonization fleets to Swarm's space (this after Swarm was virtually defeated).
# Shima not cancelling our NAP two years earlier. When Shima cancelled it in 2472 I had all forces tied up finishing both Swarm and Visionaries. Had Shima cancelled our NAP two years earlier, then it is doubtful that I would have been ready for his onslaugt in 2477, where I could only defend less than half of my planets threatened by Shima.

I may have seen things wrong, so feel free to comment.

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Re: Player actions, non-actions and events leading to Jaeger victory Wed, 15 August 2007 21:59 Go to previous messageGo to next message
crr65536 is currently offline crr65536

Chief Warrant Officer 3

Messages: 180
Registered: June 2005
As you can tell, I am not very experienced in the tactics of this game. My experience in stars consists of five games:

  1. Stars Newbie Challenge - only two players entered with at all competitive races, and everyone resigned when we (who were allied) declared war on them. Game rules permitted a two-player alliance win, so we never fought each other (he would have won anyways - I started very close to a corner with a 1/10 hab race.
  2. Together Again - team game, allies basically did tactics for me.
  3. Worlds at War - huge amount of space per player, I didn't MM enough and was economically crushed
  4. Hostile Universe - only one player wanted to negotiate with me, and he had bad tech. One other player offered to help but he was really just setting up a backstab.
  5. Cut-throat (this game)

With regards to this game in particular, it was basically my first try at actually rushing the early game. I certainly was under the impression that I had an early lead (at one point I had planets on both the east and west borders, and on both the north and south). I got cruisers quickly, but didn't know how to beat your early torpedo ships with them.

After a while I gathered momentum and was able to take your HW, and I remember winning a big battle at Telly, but other than that I pretty much lost every major battle we had. I think it was three times that I tried attacking No Play - and I tested each battle beforehand - but each time a couple extra forces on your side, coupled with braindead battle orders from me, led to me massively losing. Evil or Very Mad

The other place I would say I failed is in diplomacy. I'm not sure how to do this one better - Vader and Anzac completely ignored me (I'm talking every message I sent them was not responded to) for the first 50+ turns, Coyote was friendly but then dropped, the Visionaries were friendly but had little to offer, and the Shima traded 3-4 tech levels with me, but were clearly gearing up to attack me. 2 Guns

That said, you played well. I personally don't intend to play HE for a while - no gates is a pain in the ass! Laughing

Whoops - almost forgot to post my race! Here it is:

2pts surface minerals
ISB, NRSE, OBRM, NAS, LSP (why the hell didn't I take RS!!) Wall Bash
Gravity: 0.33g-2.96g
Temperature: -116C-116C
Radiation: immune
15% (30%), 1/2 habitable (colonized every single planet I could anyways) Razz
5/25/5/no g box
Weapons and Construction cheap, rest expensive and start @ 3.

[Updated on: Wed, 15 August 2007 22:22]

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Re: Player actions, non-actions and events leading to Jaeger victory Thu, 16 August 2007 12:55 Go to previous message
perrindom is currently offline perrindom


Messages: 129
Registered: August 2005
Location: Denmark

My experience in stars consists of five games

This is my 4th game (Infight, War of the Worlds, Anti-ballistics, all small with 8-9 players) + 2 duels (Altruist, Wizard), and I had the fortune to start the first with an ally from who I learned quickly what is so hard to master (at least i think so ;-): seing/forecasting the game's progress and when to focus on economy, a big leap in tech research or warfare (thanks Altruist). I hope my notes give an impression of this.


I certainly was under the impression that I had an early lead

Certainly. Only my strategic depth and shorter line of supply, i.e. gates, saved me. I think you should have moved more pop to the frontier. When there was a spot for me to settle down somewhere, I consequently topped off some of my best worlds to 25-30% and sent the pop on sometimes up to a 8 year journey, focussing solely on pop growth.


I think it was three times that I tried attacking No Play - and I tested each battle beforehand - but each time a couple extra forces on your side

I have come to love pen-scanners. That said, I think you should have made an effort to at least keep one or two planets close by not scanned by me, so you also could throw in some surprizes - even if you have flood an area with scanners and hunters.


The other place I would say I failed is in diplomacy. I'm not sure how to do this one better

I can't think of anything you could have done better.


Visionaries were friendly but had little to offer

Quite the contrary! They could build a gate network for you, and I made the prevention of this top priority above anything else. You really needed this when I raided your entire East border.

My Jaegers:
grav: 0.15 - 1.20, temp: -48 - +184, rad: 2 - 86, 1 in 4 (1 click away from 1 in 3)
1/1000, -F, mines: 10/3/14
weap, con, elec all cheap, rest expensive start at 3

[Updated on: Thu, 16 August 2007 13:04]

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